Louis Midgley Issues Another Threat to Gina Colvin: "She deserves a good trashing."

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Re: Louis Midgley Issues Another Threat to Gina Colvin: "She deserves a good trashing."

Post by Marcus »

midgley's in the habit of gossip, which unfortunately he uses to fuel what the Interpreter erroneously allows as "scholarly"...
Louis Midgley axelbeingcivil • a month ago

I have a good habit of knowing just enough about some who pop in on sic et non to opine a bit. Hence the following from the past from abc...

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Re: Louis Midgley Issues Another Threat to Gina Colvin: "She deserves a good trashing."

Post by Dr Moore »

Doctor Scratch wrote:
Tue Jun 28, 2022 5:34 pm
Daniel Peterson wrote:Do you think that she should be exempt from criticism or challenge?

If so, why?

Are the others who should never be criticized or challenged?
This is almost too funny. For those who remember, I joined this board after calling out Louis for personally attacking Palmer in his book. Louis said he had never attacked anyone and I called his bluff with a citation. Louis called me a liar, and so did Dr. P, and so I pointed out page and paragraph where Louis, in his own book, in his own words, rationalizes himself in assaulting Palmer’s character.

Midgley likes to hurt people. He likes how it feels to cause pain. The best offense is a good offense, eh? But for appearances, in Midgley’s logic, he justifies his offenses by pretending to defend Joseph Smith. Any excuse to hit someone. Annny excuse’ll do.

I’ve come to appreciate something about Louis Midgley, thanks to my friend’s (and her mother’s) memories of him wielding a sick kind of loud, physically threatening dominion in his home chapel all those years. The man is a prototype small man loser who would be wholly irrelevant as an old man, probably mopping floors and harassing school kids as a janitor somewhere, except for one thing. He discovered “intellectual history.” What a farcical career he’s made, criticizing and bullying others from the safety of his “ivory tower,” egged on by peers who either match his sadism or are too afraid to stand up to him. He’s been pretending at history or religious studies or whatever you want to call it, while living out a callous wet dream making other people look bad. Alive or dead, he doesn’t care. I think he rather enjoys bullying the dead. Rather necro the way he speaks of Palmer to this day, if you ask me. But has he contributed anything of value to the world once you strip away the polemic bullying? Nope. It’s a total waste. The man found a way to get paid and even be celebrated for assaulting others. Louis Midgley tells you everything there is to know about the root value system of Mopologetics. It’s bankrupt in every way.

All of which I am certain Doctor Scratch has said more eloquently a thousand times for the past decade plus.

Oh, and lest Louis or his band of buddies cry foul — this isn’t attacking, it’s intellectual history. Doesn’t feel good, does it? Such an a$$hole.
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Re: Louis Midgley Issues Another Threat to Gina Colvin: "She deserves a good trashing."

Post by dastardly stem »

I am writing an essay in which I may, for very good reasons, trash her. She deserves a good trashing.
He's currently writing an essay and in it he may move on to trash her?

How long has been working on this?

DCP thinks it's not written yet and that it won't be a trashing at all, but will be an intellectual professional critique?

Of what exactly? Send me news about her being involved in a critique of CHurch finances written in New Zealand, so I can use it to trash her? I mean I don't know what the hell it is but I'm already currently writing something in which I may trash her, so it can only contribute to that.

I'm happy to see they are so adamantly committed to intellectual honesty. :roll:
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Re: Louis Midgley Issues Another Threat to Gina Colvin: "She deserves a good trashing."

Post by Dr Moore »

dastardly stem wrote:
Tue Jun 28, 2022 7:43 pm
I am writing an essay in which I may, for very good reasons, trash her. She deserves a good trashing.
He's currently writing an essay and in it he may move on to trash her?

How long has been working on this?

DCP thinks it's not written yet and that it won't be a trashing at all, but will be an intellectual professional critique?

Of what exactly? Send me news about her being involved in a critique of CHurch finances written in New Zealand, so I can use it to trash her? I mean I don't know what the hell it is but I'm already currently writing something in which I may trash her, so it can only contribute to that.

I'm happy to see they are so adamantly committed to intellectual honesty. :roll:
Notice how it’s “she deserves” instead of “her arguments deserve.” Midgley doesn’t care a damn about well reasoned arguments or ideas. He cares only about trashing another person. And, bonus for his twisted ego, a woman.
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Everybody Wang Chung
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Re: Louis Midgley Issues Another Threat to Gina Colvin: "She deserves a good trashing."

Post by Everybody Wang Chung »

That’s quite the legacy DCP and the Midge are leaving for themselves. Homophobia, misogyny, assault, lies, plagiarizing, antisemitism, stalking and personal attacks.

Being raised in the Mormon faith sure produces stellar individuals.

"I'm on paid sabbatical from BYU in exchange for my promise to use this time to finish two books."

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Philo Sofee
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Re: Louis Midgley Issues Another Threat to Gina Colvin: "She deserves a good trashing."

Post by Philo Sofee »

Dr. Moore
I’ve come to appreciate something about Louis Midgley, thanks to my friend’s (and her mother’s) memories of him wielding a sick kind of loud, physically threatening dominion in his home chapel all those years. The man is a prototype small man loser who would be wholly irrelevant as an old man, probably mopping floors and harassing school kids as a janitor somewhere, except for one thing. He discovered “intellectual history.” What a farcical career he’s made, criticizing and bullying others from the safety of his “ivory tower,” egged on by peers who either match his sadism or are too afraid to stand up to him. He’s been pretending at history or religious studies or whatever you want to call it, while living out a callous wet dream making other people look bad. Alive or dead, he doesn’t care.
He really is a stupid little derp isn't he. It's much more interesting taking this twerp on than his egotistic Sponsor who intellectually isn't even close to as small as Midgley is. It's all male ego, the perfect fruit of a Melchizedek Priesthood Mormon. If polygamy in the eternities is also the sealing of men to men as I have read, then Peterson and Midgley will make the perfect pair of gods, desirably in a universe far, far away... I have no doubt his wife will consent to him belonging to Peterson on the wish that she gets out of the contract with the twaddle producing idiot.
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Re: Louis Midgley Issues Another Threat to Gina Colvin: "She deserves a good trashing."

Post by Marcus »

Louis Midgley > FJ 3 hours ago

FJ: In New Zealand, Gina Colvin has managed to become the Kiwi version of the late Grant Palmer by trying to become both a disciple of John Dehlin, or at least the Kiwi version of my former student. If you are at all familiar with those hostile to the faith of Latter-day Saints, you will have some idea of the kind of thing that Gina Colvin has engaged in long before she became an Anglican lay preacher, and prior to her resigning from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

When I was able to meet and instantly become a solid friend of Dr. Nathan McCluskey, who just happens to be Gina Colvin's husband. He is very much aware of my essays, and especially the ones I have published setting out and defending the 19th century Maori Latter-day Saint historical narrative. Nathan's PhD in Political Science, and, unlike his wife, he is a faithful Latter-day Saint.

FJ may not realize that radically different norms govern what gets published in an academic venue, and the sort of thing that gets blurted in blogs and on boards. Of course, FJ may not be aware of what has been and still does get posted often about Professor Peterson and sometimes about me on a certain very odd board.

FJ could have very easily had a look at the kinds of things I actually publish, just as anyone could actually do this for Professor Peterson, including even gemli, if he cared to do so.
the part I highlighted is utter BS. as was documented here and in her Facebook, Colvin said her husband had no idea who he was at the time, and he had not read anything by Midgley. Colvin knew him only as the guy who was currently stalking her and as the guy who had previously written very horrible things about her, and recommended her husband stay away from him.

as usual, the midgey is exaggerating his lies with every telling.

his statements about Colvin are inflammatory gossip and defamation, which of course is nothing new for him.
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Re: Louis Midgley Issues Another Threat to Gina Colvin: "She deserves a good trashing."

Post by Moksha »

huckelberry wrote:
Tue Jun 28, 2022 4:31 pm
The opening post here has a link to Patheos if I follow it I find I cannot read because there is this screen saying sign up and enter email address. I am unsure I want to do such a thing. I have rather limited interest in content there.If I sign up what sort of thing have I gotten myself into?
They keep your name on the Patheos membership records till you are 110 and then seal you to one or more residents of the Dark Side.

Marcus wrote:
Tue Jun 28, 2022 5:43 pm
combined with "intellectually serious professional criticism"
Sounds like a Freshman BYU student's revisionist look at Cerberus (Midgley) for the Interpreter.

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Re: Louis Midgley Issues Another Threat to Gina Colvin: "She deserves a good trashing."

Post by Marcus »

Louis Midgley > Philip Leaning

Yes, should on respond to some crackpottery and thereby draw attention to it, or ignore it, and not thereby enjoy the innocent pleasure of exposing a crackpot, whether they be innocent or malicious. When gemli opines, it is not actually necessary to respond, but it is actually a bit fun to do so. In addition, gemli must realize that he is spouting rubbish.
hmm... the midge's lack of grammar notwithstanding, the innocence in his definition of an "innocent pleasure" seems a little undone by his calling it "actually a bit fun." :roll:

And it probably doesn't need to be stated that midgley uses the term crackpot to define anyone who disagrees with his opinion, his religion, or his personal crackpottery.
Philo Sofee
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Re: Louis Midgley Issues Another Threat to Gina Colvin: "She deserves a good trashing."

Post by Philo Sofee »

Marcus wrote:
Wed Jun 29, 2022 6:20 pm
Louis Midgley > Philip Leaning

Yes, should on respond to some crackpottery and thereby draw attention to it, or ignore it, and not thereby enjoy the innocent pleasure of exposing a crackpot, whether they be innocent or malicious. When gemli opines, it is not actually necessary to respond, but it is actually a bit fun to do so. In addition, gemli must realize that he is spouting rubbish.
hmm... the midge's lack of grammar notwithstanding, the innocence in his definition of an "innocent pleasure" seems a little undone by his calling it "actually a bit fun." :roll:

And it probably doesn't need to be stated that midgley uses the term crackpot to define anyone who disagrees with his opinion, his religion, or his personal crackpottery.
Funny, when I have my innocent little pleasures at both Midgley and Peterson's expense, they get their panties all up in a wad and cry foul and lament at how mean my comments are. Perhaps they need to both combine their 4 brain cells and do a write up for Interpreter on the Nephite/Hebrew linguistic parallels with the Far East word known as KARMA. If they have no idea of the concept, perhaps they can read Alan Watts and find out what it means and is. I have my serious doubts they could actually fathom a clear thinker like Watts, but perhaps they could ask Kiwi 57 and other apologists for help in their muddle so they could present scholarly parallels in the ancient languages to confirm the Book of Mormon.
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