Religious Right - Origins based in Racism

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Re: Religious Right - Origins based in Racism

Post by Gadianton »

Except when it comes to masks, vaccines, eating red meat, or keeping your business open.
You are as pro mask and pro vaccine as anyone. You're too self-preserving not to be. It's just the low chances of being personally affected are worth taking for you. If somebody walked into your office with Ebola, you'd be pro-mask, pro-vaccine, pro-get-the-person out of your office. If you believe that you personally are at risk if other people aren't wearing a mask or getting vaccinated, then you're pro-take away the rights of those others. Trust me on this, I know you better than you know yourself in this case. Only if the probability of you personally being affected, in your understanding, is substantially lower than the chances of getting hurt financially from the loss of business, are you suddenly against restrictions.
Social distancing has likely already begun to flatten the curve...Continue to research good antivirals and vaccine candidates. Make everyone wear masks. -- J.D. Vance
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Some Schmo
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Re: Religious Right - Origins based in Racism

Post by Some Schmo »


I saw ajax disparaging my view of morality. That's damned funny.

He is by far the most dishonest individual I've ever encountered. I'd stack my morality against his any time... except I wouldn't, because that would only dignify his sense of morality in a way it doesn't deserve; they aren't in the same league. He is by any definition a pathological liar. I don't consider the inability to tell the damned truth "moral."
Religion is for people whose existential fear is greater than their common sense.

The god idea is popular with desperate people.
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Some Schmo
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Re: Religious Right - Origins based in Racism

Post by Some Schmo »

I've realized this past week that my anger toward religious people and their idiotic ideas is directly proportional to how much they try to exert their idiotic ideas on everyone else.

I've said it many times before: the best religions are the ones we don't know about. I wouldn't give a damn what you believed about magical universe creators if you just shut the “F” up about them and everything you imagine they want. Nobody else cares unless they share your delusion. We really don't care what your imagination makes you think your imaginary god wants, or what you say your god's opinion of anything is. When we're honest with ourselves, we all know you're just telling us your own desires and trying to give them relevance by pretending they're some supreme being's wishes. You're simply lying to everyone, including yourself.

My message to all religious people: shut the “F” up about your personal religion (if you're already doing so, you're my favorite). Nobody gives nearly the “F” about your personal philosophy as you do, especially when it involves limiting the rights of others. Your personal desires you're trying to prop up with a divine being we're all supposed to automatically accept have as much importance as any child's imaginary friend.
Religion is for people whose existential fear is greater than their common sense.

The god idea is popular with desperate people.
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