Anubis in Facsimile No. 3 and Mormon Deception

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Re: Anubis in Facsimile No. 3 and Mormon Deception

Post by Moksha »

Shulem wrote:
Tue Jul 12, 2022 4:05 pm
I lift my hands up and say, “Amen”.
If Anubis were to communicate, what would he say or bark?
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Translated/Produced/Published by Joseph Smith

Post by Shulem »

In 1880 the First Presidency and Quorum of the Twelve along with the entire body of the Church lifted their right hands to accept the Pearl of Great Price as additional scripture being added to the canon. This included translations of the Book of Abraham which consisted of Chapters & Facsimiles.

The Book of Abraham “A Translation of some ancient Records” was originally given by Joseph Smith who published them to the world as a testimony which was later canonized as scripture produced by the prophet Joseph Smith.

Pearl of Great Price Introduction wrote:The Pearl of Great Price is a selection of choice materials touching many significant aspects of the faith and doctrine of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. These items were translated and produced by the Prophet Joseph Smith, and most were published in the Church periodicals of his day.
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Re: Translated/Produced/Published by Joseph Smith

Post by Moksha »

Shulem wrote:
Tue Jul 12, 2022 7:45 pm
In 1880 the First Presidency and Quorum of the Twelve along with the entire body of the Church lifted their right hands to accept the Pearl of Great Price as additional scripture being added to the canon. This included translations of the Book of Abraham which consisted of Chapters & Facsimiles.
Even many years after the discovery of the Rosetta Stone, they lacked the discernment to realize the jig was up on the translation business. Heck, BYU scholars are still trying to push it in 2022.
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Re: Translated/Produced/Published by Joseph Smith

Post by Shulem »

Moksha wrote:
Tue Jul 12, 2022 11:00 pm
Even many years after the discovery of the Rosetta Stone, they lacked the discernment to realize the jig was up on the translation business. Heck, BYU scholars are still trying to push it in 2022.

What’s ironic is the next generation of BYU apologists will testify how past apologists were wrong and didn’t have a proper understanding on how the Lord was simply testing the saints to see if they would obey the Lord and his prophets in all things. Folks, it was a test of faith and the bell will finally ring!

Ding, ding, ding, ding!

The Lord in his loving mercy will finally correct the saints and set the record right by showing that it was just a test like when God told Abraham to cut his son’s throat and murder him.

Today’s apologists will be thrown under the bus and run over by tomorrow’s apologists.

Mark my words, I, Shulem, prophesy this will happen and do so in the name of Anubis!
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The lowdown

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I offer a lowdown of John Gee and Kerry Muhlestein (silent yet deadly) perspectives -- thus, my opinion and will speak for them as I see it. I can and most certainly will do just that and challenge them to dispute it if they so care to. I dare them to deny it! Gee and Muhlestein know the character of figure 6 is Anubis. They know this for all the reasons that come to that obvious conclusion. They know it but don’t want to talk about it because it challenges the faith and opens up discussion in showing that Smith really did alter the actual iconographic image of Anubis and thus proves fraudulent intent on behalf of Smith’s insidious transformation of one of Egypt’s most important gods.

Gee & Mulhestein understand the following:
  • They know the person is Anubis
  • They know the ear atop the head is the original surviving jackal ear
  • They know a human ear is not etched into the side of the head
  • They know the eye is not human but is that of a jackal -- an animal eye
  • They know the jackal snout was hacked out of the lead plate
  • They know the face was brutally transformed from an animal to a human
  • They know the headcloth is chiseled out and replaced with a deformed skull
  • They know the person is black because he’s covered with black fur and skin
  • They know the vignette features: Isis, Osiris, Maat, Hôr, and Anubis

I challenge Gee & Muhlestein to deny any of the above points. I defy them to deny what they know is true and apply their apologetic tricks and lies to sway others to believe a lie. Just try it and see how foolish YOU appear before the whole world.
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Re: Anubis in Facsimile No. 3 and Mormon Deception

Post by Shulem »

Translations, interpretations, and decipherment of hieroglyphic characters presented in the publication of the Book of Abraham and within the Kirtland Egyptian Papers which were under Joseph Smith’s personal management and care are absolute proof that he could not translate Egyptian into English. It is an open and shut case wherein the prophet’s revelations are proven false and he is shown to be a Charlatan.

Translating the Book of Abraham is a dual process in which both writing and pictorial images of persons and things are identified and interpreted. In other words, it’s not just about the writing! Persons and things are also involved and are just important. The very person and image of ANUBIS in Facsimile No. 3 is in fact a hieroglyph and has definite meaning in Egyptian thought. The character in and of itself is a hieroglyph and is an expression in which it signifies the Egyptian god Anubis. There are no exceptions or alternative translations available to apologists. The hieroglyphic image can only be interpreted in one way as a representation of the god whose name is Anubis.

Why is it important to stress this point? Well, it demonstrates with absolute certainty that apologists for the Church have not a leg to stand on when defending Joseph Smith’s false translation of the character of Anubis. The apologists cannot turn Anubis into a slave! Nor can they turn Isis into a king or Osiris into a vile Asiatic who sits upon the heavenly throne of Egypt’s god. Nothing could be further from the truth. The Mormons have lost the argument. They cannot turn it into a win. It’s game over for Church apologists who continue to put up a struggle and use every manner of deceit in order to fool their followers and justify their false testimonies of the Book of Abraham.

I challenge and defy Mormon Egyptologists to try and refute my argument.
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Mormonism THEN & NOW

Post by Shulem »

THEN: We will hack out the canine snout of the Egyptian deity in order to transform him into what Mormonism says he represents.

NOW: We will remain silent and support a translation conspiracy by pretending it never happened and allow Anubis to remain a slave.

[] Mormon lies

John Gee, you have a responsibility as an Egyptologist to set the record straight and reconstruct a proper image of Anubis in Facsimile No. 3. You can’t maintain integrity or any degree of decency by pointing at that hideous deformed figure portrayed in the Facsimile without speaking up for who he really is. Although the Church pays you to hide the truth and maintain a coverup, you have the responsibility to represent Egyptology in a manner your professional colleagues can respect. So far, due to your undying loyalty to the Church and your ties to employment with BYU, you continue to ignore the elephant in the room.

All this leads me to the natural conclusion that you are waiting for retirement and a secured pension before you begin to speak out on this issue. Is that correct?
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Re: Anubis in Facsimile No. 3 and Mormon Deception

Post by Moksha »

Here is an interesting video on the Book of Abraham facsimiles by a noted reviewer.
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Shout out to the Backyard Professor

Post by Shulem »

Moksha wrote:
Wed Aug 17, 2022 4:33 pm
Here is an interesting video on the Book of Abraham facsimiles by a noted reviewer.

Hugh Nibley's Book, "One Eternal Round" On Book of Abraham Facsimiles is HERE!!!

The Backyard Professor has since redeemed himself for the apologetic nonsense he previously produced as an apologist. Here is a collection of YouTube podcasts which refute the apologists including his old self and proves the Book of Abraham is a fraud. Very well done! I strongly recommend that readers of this forum check these out and watch them at their own leisure. You will definitely learn something! Numbers 048 & 051 are a tribute to my own critical work and Kerry presents them in a fun yet serious manner.

015: BOAFacsimile#3 Joseph Smith Papyri - What Mormonism is STILL not Saying

017: Joseph Smith Papyri - Mormon Egyptologist Kerry Muhlestein's Defense Fails Again

038: Getting Clear on the Joseph Smith Papyri

040: Getting Clear on the Joseph Smith Papyri: Kevin Barney's Semitic Argument

041: Getting Clear on J.S. Papyri & Book of Abraham: On John Gee & Other Folks

043: Getting Clear on the Joseph Smith Papyri

044: Getting Clear on Book of Abraham Facsimiles: Michael D. Rhodes Scholarship

045: Getting Clear on the Joseph Smith Papyri, Steve Smoot Review of Dan Vogel

046: Getting Clear on the J.S. Papyri: Astronomy & Facsimile 2 in Book of Abraham

048: The Incredible Book of Abraham Scholarship of Paul Osborne

050: Another Surprise Live! A New Voice in Book of Abraham Evidences!

051: BofAbr Facsimiles Explained by Paul Osborne: Refuting LDS Apologists

Mormon Stories Podcast 1591: The Book of Abraham Translation Evidence w/ The Backyard Professor

Yeah baby!!
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Re: Anubis in Facsimile No. 3 and Mormon Deception

Post by Moksha »

Shulem, I thought you might find this video on the Book of Abraham translation interesting:
Cry Heaven and let loose the Penguins of Peace
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