God, the Meaning of Life

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Thought Becomes Idea and Leads to Manifestation

Post by Shulem »


“Thought turns into idea and idea turns into both things and circumstances that form and come into our lives. In other words our thoughts become ideas of what we expect and what we want or desire to experience in life. Thought is a beginning of the process and manifestation is the ending or fulfillment. Let’s consider an analogy that helps us understand the concept. Our thoughts form and collect into what is IDEA and this can be likened to a dry seed of grass. A seed of grass is like thought that has not yet spouted into idea but when it is fed and nourished it sprouts and takes form. When the seed is dampened it becomes activated and the codes within the seed’s genetic program begin to process and manage the evolution within itself as it grows in the soil. Continuous thought and IDEA will allow the seed to sprout and feed from the soil and receive the water and minerals it needs to grow and in addition will be fed by the light of the sun. Sunlight may be likened to the universal energy of the One Mind and all the minds of the universe combined which are God. The water and minerals are the world at large and everything that makes the world work and tick. The sunlight is like a universal sea of energy in which we live. These feed the germinated seed which is the IDEA that is connected to the world and everything in it. We are all one in God. The world is connected to the universe and will direct its resources to the IDEA which is the sprout that is fed by water and energized by light. The water brings life or reality to the IDEA and the sunlight is the universal energy that is everywhere. We live in a sea of energy. Thus, the seed sprouts and it grows into a blade of grass, effortlessly, as if by magic, it grows and is manifested for what it is destined to become. Therefore, our thoughts become our ideas and when we apply those in a consistent manner they become our reality because what we think is what we become.”
Emy Jackson

Re: God, the Meaning of Life

Post by Emy Jackson »

oh your post is very interesting and most needed for those who confused about superstion with god.
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Black Hole

Post by Shulem »

Come in. There is nothing to fear, not even fear itself. Welcome, enter in and see for yourself.

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Re: God, the Meaning of Life

Post by bill4long »

The meaning of life, obviously, is to try to figure out the meaning of life.

Or just be a nihilistic slob.

Happy New Year!

The views and opinions expressed by Bill4Long could be wrong and are subject to change at any time. Viewer discretion is advised.
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Re: God, the Meaning of Life

Post by Philo Sofee »

bill4long wrote:
Fri Dec 31, 2021 9:23 am
The meaning of life, obviously, is to try to figure out the meaning of life.

Or just be a nihilistic slob.

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year all! There is no meaning to life. There is experience. That is what matters...
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Re: God, the Meaning of Life

Post by Shulem »

Philo Sofee wrote:
Fri Dec 31, 2021 8:41 pm
bill4long wrote:
Fri Dec 31, 2021 9:23 am
The meaning of life, obviously, is to try to figure out the meaning of life.

Or just be a nihilistic slob.

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year all! There is no meaning to life. There is experience. That is what matters...

My life means something to me. My life means everything to me. Knowing what it means to me means something to me.



Happy New Year to you too!!
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Re: God, the Meaning of Life

Post by Shulem »

The veil is thin and in just a moment any of us may step into the other side and begin where we left off. We live our lives and then like in the Pink Floyd song -- Shine On You Crazy Diamond!

Wow. The universe and multi-universes are our playground. This is what we do. We have been at this since time began. And off for another round somewhere else. Let the Good Times Roll and move in stereo.

Far away across the field
The tolling of the iron bell
Calls the faithful to their knees
To hear the softly spoken magic spells

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Re: God, the Meaning of Life

Post by Moksha »

At the MD&D board, there was a post on whether we should follow the prophets or follow FAIR, which follows science. The statement was made that we should follow science since it has a much better track record for accuracy. The TBM rebuttal is to follow those with the keys. So why not simply follow the keys?

'We will follow the quest arrow to find the keys"
Cry Heaven and let loose the Penguins of Peace
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Re: God, the Meaning of Life

Post by Shulem »

Visions of BERGY THE ICEMAN, Stephen Berg wrote:My Awakening
(Revised & Edited by Paul Osborne)


I simply woke back, another level, to a reality, beyond this place, a place where I always know what we really are, You don’t have to learn anything, there’s no trick to it, no work required, you simply wake up and remember. Explaining why and how enlightenment can be instantaneous!

There was something scary about the dream, ominous, but then nothing tangible. The next thing I knew was that the sky opened up and I could hear really great music. The act of looking up sucked me into the crack in the sky, a kind of doorway out of reality into the realm of dreams, and then everything got bent out of shape.

Time was going on and on and I couldn’t get out, and more than that I was most definitely not in control, the dream seemed to have an agenda of its own, it felt like a trap, like a ‘silent scream’. Like being buried in a coffin and no one outside could hear me.

I was shown many things relating to my life and was tested many times, with the whole thing simply scaring the crap out of me. Yeah standard religious experience stuff, I suppose at first, being shown the consequences of your actions, feeling them!

Meanwhile, this dream was steadily deconstructing my reality, pointing out to me how and why the image we are presented with as to what reality is, is built on quicksand. I tried to block it out but the words relayed to me via a strangely familiar female entity permeated my understanding, something was unfolding and I really didn’t want to look. I didn’t want to see what it was; I was fighting not to wake. Not to wake back to a truer level of reality, something I had actually been hiding from!

This thing was scaring the crap out of me to a degree I had never even imagined was possible, I felt like I was dying! I was losing myself! I instinctively knew that there was something chilling hiding in the darkness of my chosen unknown! I just wanted it to end I didn’t want to see any more, I did not want to ‘wake’!
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Re: God, the Meaning of Life

Post by Shulem »

Visions of BERGY THE ICEMAN, Stephen Berg wrote:My Awakening
(Revised & Edited by Paul Osborne)


As I let go and faced the obvious truth, it was as if God smiled at me, I felt it all through me, it was like a kind of, ‘Hello, good morning Sparky, yes God is real by the way, you have been sleeping!’

I was somehow communicating with a female entity, and I still don’t know 100% who or what she is? I have my suspicions but then that’s all they are at this point, is she God, is she Eve, is Eve God? It’s a very complex subject, in truth we are all One, was I simply perspective shifting.

The next part was hellish, I began to further remember, the first part was bad enough, but then it kind of panned out, I understood, so I was feeling a little bit chuffed with myself, like I had been upgraded, yes a little bit cocky in fact. But then a sinking feeling as I was being dragged back to something deeper that I’d wanted to forget and almost did. I began to remember who ‘we’ really are, the terrible truth of Oneness!

I was being taken out of time-space, closer to the infinite where time does not pass. Waking level by level until I reached the core truth. It’s not linear and this is indeed Hell for linear beings, the term fish out of water comes to mind but with a vengeance, along with the image of a beached fish struggling for breath. Time-space condensed on me, I was only mind, I had no form and no external reflective defining reality, not even a dream reflection. Before this point I was seeing incredible visuals further illustrating what I was being shown, it really was mind blowing! But now, I was simply mind and the only time passing was the element of time and ensuing pseudo space of my mind that was allowing for the feed-back loop of recognized thought that is self-awareness.

I was stuck on an endless now and with no external time, and so hope was GONE!

This is ‘the finite touches infinite scenario’, the symbolic biting of the apple, which is why I now have the symbolic memories of Adam. I did indeed touch the infinite, and yes I experienced the FALL!

Why is this Hell for a linear being? Well, I’m not sure it can be explained. We linear beings are sane via a relative time-space stream, but now I existed outside of time where all is one, external time does not exist let alone pass! Time exists via fragmentation, and I was now all but remembered.

The worst part sitting in God’s chair was that I had become my own creator, a figment of my own imagination. In that reality, Oneness, and not the pseudo sense of connectivity they choose to call oneness. In the core truth of reality you see that there is only ONE of us here, all-one, alone. Like a sick joke where the truth is that there is just one lonely freak that exists! No one ever sees its face, and so it has no face. It never knows the gaze of anyone let alone love? It’s just a desperate timeless scream of solitary pain! The worst cut is that hope leaves you in that place of damnation! Why?

Well you see ‘hope’ relies on a possible change in the future, that time can change and end this scenario. But then with no external time there was no next moment so how could anything change? And so that kills hope dead, and when hope goes, you are dammed! You become the primal dam, the A-dam! This is the Adam experience, the Add them experience…

In this place now again I feel that time is real and flowing. Okay don’t see it as fluid as I used to, I see it as micro frames now. In fact if I look at a light source sometimes, and move my head, I can see the gaps in the light beams, the spaces between nows, I see the gaps! Like - - - - - - instead of -------------. But the thing is that you DO NOT take the time perspective with you when you experience the timeless core truth. All of this time-space reality fades off like a dream as if it never happened, it’s merely your delusion, so it CAN’T help you in that state! Anything you have learned here, was nothing more than your very own dream, delusion.

I had woken layer upon layer until I reached the core truth of who we are, I’d joined with the remote creator. This is why I say that She seemed to change from my teacher and to God, and then the other half of my ‘self’ and into Eve. As if She were nothing more than the other voice of dissection in my very own mind. Yes we are Indeed ONE!

Yes! That’s what it feels like! I was dual in life, but then when I woke I condensed back to ONE.

‘She’ as my God, my love, my teacher my remembrance, symbolically then became Eve, a forgotten part of me. In seeing through her as a veiled version of myself, (Isis unveiled), she had firmly passed me the apple of total remembrance. Total remembrance of our sad sick incestual solitary truth! There is only one of us here!

We are not ‘one’ as in one big happy family, there is only one ‘person’ here! Look at it, see how we all do the same crap, can’t you see it? Our differences are merely cosmetic, sure you can see it….deep down you know it too! We didn’t want to see this, the ultimate spoiler did we? But then the ignorance was creating worse problems so it’s simply time to wake up a notch.

To be continued...
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