School Shooting in Uvalde Texas

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Re: School Shooting in Uvalde Texas

Post by Marcus »

We’re already there, as far as claims of ‘crisis actors’ (among other conspiracies or inaccuracies) are concerned:
After the May 24 shooting massacre of 19 elementary school children and two adults in Uvalde, Texas, some social media posts began perpetuating a conspiracy theory about one of the victim's families.

A video clip shared in a May 29 Facebook post shows CNN host Anderson Cooper interviewing Angel Garza, identified in the chyron as the father of Amerie Jo Garza, a 10-year-old girl who died during the shooting. The post also includes portions of NBC News host Savannah Guthrie's interview with another man identifying himself as Amerie's father.

"Two men claim to be the father of the same child who allegedly died in the school. Maybe they're gay and are both her parents but did separate interviews," reads the caption of the post. "Doubtful. More likely crisis actors. And the dude in the cap is a poor actor at that." ... 487793001/
agreed. this one was a no-brainer:

Fact Check-Social media posts misrepresent news reports referring to Uvalde victim’s stepfather and biological father

Claims that CNN and the Today show interviewed “different fathers” of Amerie Jo Garza, a 10-year-old victim of the Uvalde school shooting, are missing context. Garza is survived by her stepfather and her biological father.
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Re: School Shooting in Uvalde Texas

Post by canpakes »

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Re: School Shooting in Uvalde Texas

Post by Gunnar »

Abbott Is 'The Greatest Public Safety Threat' In Texas Says State Rep.
A report regarding the Uvalde school shooting released by a Texas House committee investigating the atrocity cites “systemic failures” and “egregious poor decision making” in the law enforcement response. Joy Reid and her panel discuss.
In total, 376 law enforcement officers responded to the tragedy at Robb Elementary School -- a force larger than the garrison that defended the Alamo.
And all those "good guys with guns" failed to take out one lone gunman before he killed 21 people!
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Re: School Shooting in Uvalde Texas

Post by Gunnar »

Jamie Raskin utterly HUMILIATES Republican at hearing, gets OVATION

Brian Tyler Cohen summed it up brilliantly starting here
Brian Tyler Cohen wrote:Republicans don't view their supporters as constituents to serve, they view them as marks to exploit.
Does anyone here have difficulty seeing the absurdity of the fact that despite the undeniably strong correlation between the still increasing prevalence of guns and the increasing number of mass shootings, virtually the only solution that Republicans propose to solve the problem is yet more guns and further relaxing or eliminating existing restrictions on acquiring and possessing them?

I wish, partially in view of his age, that Joe Biden would step aside for someone like Jamie Raskin, or Sheldon Whitehouse to take his place as the Democrat nominee in the 2024 Presidential election. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez becomes barely eligible age-wise in September of 2024, and I think she would be a better choice than any current Republican politician, and better than most of the Democrat prospects, though she may not yet be quite as well qualified experience-wise as a few others, like Raskin and Whitehouse.
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Re: School Shooting in Uvalde Texas

Post by Gunnar »

Does anyone here have difficulty seeing the absurdity of the fact that despite the undeniably strong correlation between the still increasing prevalence of guns and the increasing number of mass shootings, virtually the only solution that Republicans propose to solve the problem is yet more guns and further relaxing or eliminating existing restrictions on acquiring and possessing them?
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Re: School Shooting in Uvalde Texas

Post by Gunnar »

The Truth about Guns. Navy Veteran EXPOSES American Gun Extremists.
Meidas contributor and Navy veteran Ken Harbaugh grew up around guns. He is a supporter of the Second Amendment and respects responsible gun ownership. Yet, Harbaugh is sickened by the Second Amendment extremists who have perverted our Constitution and turned our country into an active war zone. In this video, he passionate rebukes the right wing lies that are making our nation less safe.
Yet another military veteran points out the extreme absurdity of the right-wing extremists' attitude towards guns and the 2nd Amendment. All of the things that the right wingnuts blame for the prevalence of gun violence in our country are just as prevalent in other countries with a tiny, tiny fraction of the gun violence we have. The one and only difference that really stands out between us and other countries is the huge availability of guns and lack of restrictions on their sale and the type of guns permitted. Yet many of the right wingnut idiots still stupidly insist that the best solution to the problem is still more guns, and even looser restrictions on their sale, the types of weapons allowed, and whom may be permitted to possess them! This is insane and driven not by real concern about the lives and safety of their fellow Americans, but only about the bribes and money offered to them by the NRA, gun manufacturers and their lobbyists!
No precept or claim is more suspect or more likely to be false than one that can only be supported by invoking the claim of Divine authority for it--no matter who or what claims such authority.
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