4 in 10 Americans cut back on groceries due to Bidenflation

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4 in 10 Americans cut back on groceries due to Bidenflation

Post by Hawkeye »

Poll: 4 in 10 Americans Forced to Cut Back on Groceries Due to Bidenflation


More than four in ten Americans have been forced to cut back on everyday habits and items, including the amount of groceries they purchase, as a result of Bidenflation, a recent Suffolk University/USA TODAY survey found.

They survey asked respondents about the habits they have had to change due to the reality of rising prices in President Biden’s America. Bidenflation was much worse than experts predicted for the month of June, rising to an annual rate of 9.1 percent, according to the Department of Labor.

Perhaps what is more, the cost of basic items, such as food, rose by more than 9.1 percent. Food, for instance, rose 10.4 percent in the last year, and food at home rose 12.2 percent.

Energy costs have risen 41.6 percent in the last year, and gasoline, specifically, has risen 59.9 percent, according to the report.

A customer pumps gasoline into his car at a Sam’s Club fuel island in Gulfport, Mississippi., Feb. 19, 2022. (Rogelio V. Solis, File/AP)

As a result, Americans have been forced to change their habits. According to the survey, 45.3 percent of Americans have had to cut back their spending on groceries, and 59.4 percent said they are now going out to eat less often as the result of inflation.

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Another 48 percent said they are driving less, and 45.4 percent said they are postponing or canceling vacations/travel plans due to rising costs.

All the while, all indicators point to the U.S. economy in the state of recession after two consecutive quarters of negative economic growth:

The economy contracted by 1.6 percent in the first quarter. Many Americans consider two straight quarters of recession to be the marker of a recession. Economists, however, rely on the determination of the National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER) to say when a recession starts. The NBER has a more complex and subjective definition of recessions and typically does not declare a recession until several months after it has begun.

Gross Domestic Product (GDP) shrank 0.9 percent in the second quarter. This state of economic affairs spells trouble for Democrats, who have complete control of Washington, DC, as the midterm elections approach, and survey after survey shows Americans pointing to the economy as the top issue as they head to the polls in November.
https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2022 ... enflation/

Inflation does work out nice for the federal government in that they don't have to pay back as much of their debt. Yet what inflation essentially is, is a regressive tax on working class people that benefits the globalist oligarchs who pull the strings behind the scenes.

Added quote tags. Hawkeye, when you are quoting from a source, please either use the quote feature or use quotation marks so that the reader can easily tell which are your words and which are someone else's. Thanks -- RI
The best part about this is waiting four years to see how all the crazy apocalyptic predictions made by the fear mongering idiots in Right Wing media turned out to be painfully wrong...Gasoline would hit $10/gallon. Hyperinflation would ensue.
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Re: 4 in 10 Americans cut back on groceries due to Bidenflation

Post by Doctor CamNC4Me »

Every time Xanax doesn’t use the quote feature on his OP I’m going to post lizard cloacas. I’ll give him a day to fix this annoying habit of passing off breitbart articles as his thoughts, but gets around plagiarism by burying the link between the article and a supremely stupid comment.

- Doc
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Re: 4 in 10 Americans cut back on groceries due to Bidenflation

Post by Jersey Girl »

Doctor CamNC4Me wrote:
Sat Jul 30, 2022 7:56 pm
Every time Xanax doesn’t use the quote feature on his OP I’m going to post lizard cloacas. I’ll give him a day to fix this annoying habit of passing off breitbart articles as his thoughts, but gets around plagiarism by burying the link between the article and a supremely stupid comment.

- Doc
Well okay but would you please respond to just this one statement? I'd like to know what your position is on this.
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Re: 4 in 10 Americans cut back on groceries due to Bidenflation

Post by Vēritās »

Hawkeye/Ajax proving he's incapable of learning again. Back to Brietbart the fake news source for his "information." The article starts out with a lie, as the survey, of only 1000 people (hardly an impressive sample size) doesn't ask people about "Bidenflation" nor does it ask if inflation has "forced" them to change their spending habits. Those are just two words Brietbart throws in there to dupe the stupid.

A more rationale take is that inflation has Americans choosing to spend more wisely as opposed to the crazy spending that they were doing over the past year. But even this flies in the face that consumer spending was up in June 2022. Brietbart wants you to believe 40% of Americans are starving because they can't afford food. :roll:

Xanax and the cult over there on the Right is having a difficult time grappling with the fact that things are getting better so now they want to frame American's modifying their reckless spending habits as a bad thing.

As far as driving habits, the survey results doesn't mesh with the actual data. More Americans were driving in May 2022 than they were in May 2021. https://www.advisorperspectives.com/dsh ... f-may-2022

Brietbart says fewer Americans are eating out and taking trips, but that's another lie.

This published just two days ago by Bloomberg:

"The rising cost of groceries has some Americans cutting back on spending, but restaurants and hotels are not seeing declines." - https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles ... #xj4y7vzkg
Last edited by Vēritās on Sat Jul 30, 2022 11:38 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: 4 in 10 Americans cut back on groceries due to Bidenflation

Post by MeDotOrg »

The world is going through major reorganization with respect to energy and trade. Virtually every country is experiencing inflation. What should the United States be doing differently?
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Re: 4 in 10 Americans cut back on groceries due to Bidenflation

Post by Res Ipsa »

Vēritās wrote:
Sat Jul 30, 2022 9:06 pm
Hawkeye/Ajax proving he's incapable of learning again. Back to Brietbart the fake news source for his "information." The article starts out with a lie, as the survey, of only 900 people (hardly an impressive sample size) doesn't ask people about "Bidenflation" nor does it ask if inflation has "forced" them to change their spending habits. Those are just two words Brietbart throws in there to dupe the stupid.

A more rationale take is that inflation has Americans choosing to spend more wisely as opposed to the crazy spending than they were doing over the past year. But even this flies in the face that consumer spending was up in June 2022. Brietbart wants you to believe 40% of Americans are starving because they can't afford food. :roll:

Xanax and the cult over there on the Right is having a difficult time grappling with the fact that things are getting better so now they want to frame American's modifying their reckless spending habits as some kind of bad thing.

As far as driving habits, the survey results doesn't mesh with the actual data. More Americans were driving in May 2022 than they were in May 2021. https://www.advisorperspectives.com/dsh ... f-may-2022

Brietbart says fewer Americans are eating out and taking trips, but that's another lie.

This published just two days ago by Bloomberg:

"The rising cost of groceries has some Americans cutting back on spending, but restaurants and hotels are not seeing declines." - https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles ... #xj4y7vzkg
Here's the survey question and responses:


The sampling error on the survey was +/- 3.1%, which is pretty typical for this type of survey. Sample sizes between 900 and 1100 are pretty common in national surveys. [ETA -- the sample size is 1000, not 900.]

I don't know how food prices have changed in your area, but we've had substantial increases over the last year or so. There is nothing inconsistent with saying "I buy fewer groceries" and "I'm spending more on groceries," so simply saying consumer spending has gone up is not inconsistent at all with the results of the survey. All other things being equal, when the price of something goes up, consumers buy less of it. So, the results of the poll shouldn't be a surprise.

Just for fun, I'll look at the the breakdown of answers to that question by political party identification, as there may also be a significant political influence on the answers.
ETA: So, as I suspected, political affiliation appears to have a significant influence on the responses. Here is the breakdown on the question before the "cutting back on" question:


Take a look at the difference in percentages by party affiliation in those who described the current economy as recession or depression. It's pretty stunning. This difference in perception carries over to all the "cut back on spending" questions. For each, the percentage of yes responses was lower for Democrats, higher than Republicans, and Independents somewhere in between. I think that's pretty good evidence that the responses are skewed by the respondents general perception of the economy, which is highly skewed by party affiliation.

None of that is to repeal the law of supply and demand. But it shows how political identification translates into influence on questions that aren't about politics.

ETAA: Here is the link for the study. https://www.suffolk.edu/academics/resea ... s/national
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Re: 4 in 10 Americans cut back on groceries due to Bidenflation

Post by Doctor CamNC4Me »

Jersey Girl wrote:
Sat Jul 30, 2022 9:00 pm
Doctor CamNC4Me wrote:
Sat Jul 30, 2022 7:56 pm
Every time Xanax doesn’t use the quote feature on his OP I’m going to post lizard cloacas. I’ll give him a day to fix this annoying habit of passing off breitbart articles as his thoughts, but gets around plagiarism by burying the link between the article and a supremely stupid comment.

- Doc
Well okay but would you please respond to just this one statement? I'd like to know what your position is on this.
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I believe Xanax signed up for right-wing crap to fill up his inbox, gets upset after reading his propaganda, and posts here after copying and pasting his outrage bait into a message to trigger the Libs and achieve psychological release. Since Xanax will never get a chance to kill Liberals, first and foremost because he’s a larping coward who thinks an American civil war would be akin to nerds hitting each other with foam weapons (but Blacks most definitely get genocided with the survivors relocated), he chooses to subscribe to right-wing propaganda because he’s addicted to hateful escapism and the absolutely shitshow of a life he himself has said he detests.

Other white males who choose escapism because they hate their lives:

- White teen boys who know every word to every song on Metallica’s black album.

- White teen boys who know every word to every song on any Machine Gun Kelly album.

- 50-year-old white man who golfs two or more times a week, drives a variation of the Chrysler Sebring (convertible, naturally), and owns a variation of a member’s only jacket.

- White man 26 - 59 married to a woman he despises because they were too young and he was duped into the arrangement who does ‘computer stuff’

- Gun range guy who is a prepper and drives a diesel truck to WalMart while complaining about gas prices.
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Re: 4 in 10 Americans cut back on groceries due to Bidenflation

Post by Gadianton »

Only in the world of Ajax can inflation happen simultaneously with 6 / 10 people spending way less money, when, also per Ajax, the very definition of inflation is an increase in the monetary base.

How does this work, Ajax? We're mystified.
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Re: 4 in 10 Americans cut back on groceries due to Bidenflation

Post by Vēritās »

Res Ipsa wrote:
Sat Jul 30, 2022 9:43 pm
I don't know how food prices have changed in your area, but we've had substantial increases over the last year or so. There is nothing inconsistent with saying "I buy fewer groceries" and "I'm spending more on groceries," so simply saying consumer spending has gone up is not inconsistent at all with the results of the survey. All other things being equal, when the price of something goes up, consumers buy less of it. So, the results of the poll shouldn't be a surprise.
That's a fair point on the groceries, though it is still is wrong to say Americans are "forced" to do anything. They're making better choices obviously, which is a good thing. And for what it's worth, I bought two gallons of milk today because they were just $1.42. No kidding. I took a photo of it and posted it on Facebook. Maybe Georgia has an over surplus of cows?

Xanax is still trying to make the point we're in a full blown recession but he doesn't want to acknowledge let alone address the fact that this is the first "recession" in history during a strong job market. In fact, it is the strongest job market in over fifty years.

I question the survey's accuracy on traveling because the actual data suggests gasoline sales have been average for this time of year and hotels and restaurants are not reporting any declines.
"I am not an American ... In my view premarital sex should be illegal ...(there are) mentally challenged people with special needs like myself- Ajax18
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Re: 4 in 10 Americans cut back on groceries due to Bidenflation

Post by Hawkeye »

MeDotOrg wrote:
Sat Jul 30, 2022 9:10 pm
The world is going through major reorganization with respect to energy and trade. Virtually every country is experiencing inflation. What should the United States be doing differently?
You wouldn't even have to raise taxes if you would just cut the regulations. The western world in general has dug a hole for itself with the pandemic response and self imposed ineffective environmental regulations.
The best part about this is waiting four years to see how all the crazy apocalyptic predictions made by the fear mongering idiots in Right Wing media turned out to be painfully wrong...Gasoline would hit $10/gallon. Hyperinflation would ensue.
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