4 in 10 Americans cut back on groceries due to Bidenflation

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Re: 4 in 10 Americans cut back on groceries due to Bidenflation

Post by Vēritās »

Hawkeye wrote:
Sun Jul 31, 2022 1:07 am
MeDotOrg wrote:
Sat Jul 30, 2022 9:10 pm
The world is going through major reorganization with respect to energy and trade. Virtually every country is experiencing inflation. What should the United States be doing differently?
You wouldn't even have to raise taxes if you would just cut the regulations. The western world in general has dug a hole for itself with the pandemic response and self imposed ineffective environmental regulations.
Based on no evidence whatsoever. Just throwing out the usual idiotic Right Wing talking points conjured up by economic know-nothings who think Republican policies, which have caused 10 of the last 11 recessions, are somehow better for the country.
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Re: 4 in 10 Americans cut back on groceries due to Bidenflation

Post by canpakes »

Hawkeye wrote:
Sun Jul 31, 2022 1:07 am
You wouldn't even have to raise taxes if you would just cut the regulations. The western world in general has dug a hole for itself with the pandemic response and self imposed ineffective environmental regulations.

Seriously, now- which regulations should we get rid of, and what will be the effect of doing so be on inflation?

You must have something in mind.
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Re: 4 in 10 Americans cut back on groceries due to Bidenflation

Post by High Spy »

MeDotOrg wrote:
Sat Jul 30, 2022 9:10 pm
The world is going through major reorganization with respect to energy and trade. Virtually every country is experiencing inflation. What should the United States be doing differently?
Redirect energy policy and investment into OTEC as Carter’s answer to OPEC.
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Re: 4 in 10 Americans cut back on groceries due to Bidenflation

Post by Gunnar »

Hawkeye wrote:
Sat Jul 30, 2022 7:45 pm
Poll: 4 in 10 Americans Forced to Cut Back on Groceries Due to Bidenflation


More than four in ten Americans have been forced to cut back on everyday habits and items, including the amount of groceries they purchase, as a result of Bidenflation, a recent Suffolk University/USA TODAY survey found.

They survey asked respondents about the habits they have had to change due to the reality of rising prices in President Biden’s America. Bidenflation was much worse than experts predicted for the month of June, rising to an annual rate of 9.1 percent, according to the Department of Labor.

Perhaps what is more, the cost of basic items, such as food, rose by more than 9.1 percent. Food, for instance, rose 10.4 percent in the last year, and food at home rose 12.2 percent.

Energy costs have risen 41.6 percent in the last year, and gasoline, specifically, has risen 59.9 percent, according to the report.

A customer pumps gasoline into his car at a Sam’s Club fuel island in Gulfport, Mississippi., Feb. 19, 2022. (Rogelio V. Solis, File/AP)

As a result, Americans have been forced to change their habits. According to the survey, 45.3 percent of Americans have had to cut back their spending on groceries, and 59.4 percent said they are now going out to eat less often as the result of inflation.

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Another 48 percent said they are driving less, and 45.4 percent said they are postponing or canceling vacations/travel plans due to rising costs.

All the while, all indicators point to the U.S. economy in the state of recession after two consecutive quarters of negative economic growth:

The economy contracted by 1.6 percent in the first quarter. Many Americans consider two straight quarters of recession to be the marker of a recession. Economists, however, rely on the determination of the National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER) to say when a recession starts. The NBER has a more complex and subjective definition of recessions and typically does not declare a recession until several months after it has begun.

Gross Domestic Product (GDP) shrank 0.9 percent in the second quarter. This state of economic affairs spells trouble for Democrats, who have complete control of Washington, DC, as the midterm elections approach, and survey after survey shows Americans pointing to the economy as the top issue as they head to the polls in November.
https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2022 ... enflation/

Inflation does work out nice for the federal government in that they don't have to pay back as much of their debt. Yet what inflation essentially is, is a regressive tax on working class people that benefits the globalist oligarchs who pull the strings behind the scenes.

Added quote tags. Hawkeye, when you are quoting from a source, please either use the quote feature or use quotation marks so that the reader can easily tell which are your words and which are someone else's. Thanks -- RI
Bidenflation? There is no compelling evidence that Biden had anything to do with the current inflation. However, there are very sound reasons to blame the still lingering effects of the Covid-19 pandemic, the Russian Ukraine war, and simple greed on the part of corporations, especially fossil fuel companies (who are making record profits) for most of the inflation. It may well be true that some are cutting back on grocery bills by changing to cheaper brands and choices and driving less than previously, but even I, who have a very modest income, am not in danger of starving nor having to cut into my savings reserves to make ends meet. I have cut back a lot on going to restaurants, but that was more to do with the pandemic than anything else. I drive so much less than the average person, that I can hardly cut further back on driving, but that has long been true for me. I am blessed to live in a fairly small city where most anywhere I need to go is close enough to my home to minimize my need to drive. I more often than not either walk or use my senior bus pass, which costs me only $5.00 per month for unlimited rides.

The quantity of disinformation you spout on this forum makes it impossible to avoid concluding that you are either prone to dishonesty or willfully and stubbornly misinformed about many, if not most, of the things you post, especially when your main go-to source seems to be Breitbart. I don't deny that Breitbart occasionally gets some things right, but they are wrong often enough to justify distrusting their commitment to truth and fairness, and taking whatever they say with large grain of salt! I still think you are one of the most outstanding examples of backfire effect I have ever encountered.

ETA: As I pointed out in previous post, a prime example of conservatives' duplicity is how they mercilessly lambasted Biden for high gasoline prices and then, when those prices started coming down, they immediately turned around and tried to spin that as a criticism of Biden because the falling prices supposedly hurt the profits of independent "mom and pop" owned gas stations. They seem determined to spin even good and positive developments that occur under his administration as somehow something bad for which they can blame Biden! They just can't give him a break no matter what happens, whether bad or good!
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Re: 4 in 10 Americans cut back on groceries due to Bidenflation

Post by Gunnar »

For the record, I am not a huge Biden fan. I only voted for him because I regard him as a much lesser evil than Donald J. Trump. I really would like to see him step aside and allow someone more progressive, younger and more in tune with what the vast majority of American voters want -- someone like Sheldon Whitehouse, Jamie Raskin, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez or, perhaps, Amy Klobuchar -- to run in his place for 2024.
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Re: 4 in 10 Americans cut back on groceries due to Bidenflation

Post by Kishkumen »

Better Bidenflation than Trumpflatulence.
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Re: 4 in 10 Americans cut back on groceries due to Bidenflation

Post by Kishkumen »

Gunnar wrote:
Sun Jul 31, 2022 9:11 am
For the record, I am not a huge Biden fan. I only voted for him because I regard him as a much lesser evil than Donald J. Trump. I really would like to see him step aside and allow someone more progressive, younger and more in tune with what the vast majority of American voters want -- someone like Sheldon Whitehouse, Jamie Raskin, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez or, perhaps, Amy Klobuchar -- to run in his place for 2024.
Amy Klobuchar is most definitely not more progressive. She would be a fine choice, but not a more progressive one.
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Re: 4 in 10 Americans cut back on groceries due to Bidenflation

Post by Moksha »

Food costs have skyrocketed in Russia. Some items cost twice the rubles since the end of February (start of "Special Operation").
Gunnar wrote:... someone like Sheldon Whitehouse, Jamie Raskin, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez...
Those three are definitely brighter than any Republican candidate. However, Trump supporters will be looking for someone shifty, dishonest, and bombastic.
Last edited by Moksha on Sun Jul 31, 2022 12:41 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: 4 in 10 Americans cut back on groceries due to Bidenflation

Post by Some Schmo »

Gunnar wrote:
Sun Jul 31, 2022 8:16 am
ETA: As I pointed out in previous post, a prime example of conservatives' duplicity is how they mercilessly lambasted Biden for high gasoline prices and then, when those prices started coming down, they immediately turned around and tried to spin that as a criticism of Biden because the falling prices supposedly hurt the profits of independent "mom and pop" owned gas stations. They seem determined to spin even good and positive developments that occur under his administration as somehow something bad for which they can blame Biden! They just can't give him a break no matter what happens, whether bad or good!
Trump fans keeps proving what I've been saying over and over again. All they can do is lie. Facts are simple annoyances they believe they can prevaricate away. They don't know or care about reality because they're too busy warping reality to fit their own warped view.

This is what happens when a complete “F” up becomes your hero. Lying is your only option.
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Re: 4 in 10 Americans cut back on groceries due to Bidenflation

Post by Dr. Shades »

Doctor CamNC4Me wrote:
Sat Jul 30, 2022 7:56 pm
Every time Xanax doesn’t use the quote feature on his opening post I’m going to post lizard cloacas.
So, you’re going to force the rest of us to pay for his sins?
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