4 in 10 Americans cut back on groceries due to Bidenflation

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Re: 4 in 10 Americans cut back on groceries due to Bidenflation

Post by Gunnar »

Res Ipsa wrote:
Sun Jul 31, 2022 6:34 pm
The official predictions that Trump relied on were something like 4,000,000 dead. That doesn't take into account tens of millions of Americans being seriously ill at the same time. Ajax is Ex. A of what it looks like to live in a world filled with "post truthers"
As I keep saying: a textbook example of backfire effect.
No precept or claim is more suspect or more likely to be false than one that can only be supported by invoking the claim of Divine authority for it--no matter who or what claims such authority.
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Re: 4 in 10 Americans cut back on groceries due to Bidenflation

Post by Res Ipsa »

Gunnar wrote:
Sun Jul 31, 2022 7:08 pm
Res Ipsa wrote:
Sun Jul 31, 2022 6:34 pm
The official predictions that Trump relied on were something like 4,000,000 dead. That doesn't take into account tens of millions of Americans being seriously ill at the same time. Ajax is Ex. A of what it looks like to live in a world filled with "post truthers"
As I keep saying: a textbook example of backfire effect.
It would be, except that, last time I looked, subsequent research had not confirmed the paper that introduced us to the backfire effect, at least not to the extent presented in the paper. I'm guessing it was a simplistic explanation for a phenomenon that is more complicated.
When a Religion is good, I conceive that it will support itself; and when it cannot support itself, and God does not take care to support, so that its Professors are oblig’d to call for the help of the Civil Power, ’tis a Sign, I apprehend, of its being a bad one.

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Re: 4 in 10 Americans cut back on groceries due to Bidenflation

Post by Gunnar »

Res Ipsa wrote:
Sun Jul 31, 2022 7:17 pm
Gunnar wrote:
Sun Jul 31, 2022 7:08 pm

As I keep saying: a textbook example of backfire effect.
It would be, except that, last time I looked, subsequent research had not confirmed the paper that introduced us to the backfire effect, at least not to the extent presented in the paper. I'm guessing it was a simplistic explanation for a phenomenon that is more complicated.
Perhaps so, but I still maintain that ajax is a prime example of that phenomenon.
No precept or claim is more suspect or more likely to be false than one that can only be supported by invoking the claim of Divine authority for it--no matter who or what claims such authority.
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Re: 4 in 10 Americans cut back on groceries due to Bidenflation

Post by Hawkeye »

The initial "lockdowns" stopped the exponential spread of the disease that likely would have caused an uncontrolled crash as the healthcare system collapsed and businesses could not operate because so many employees were too sick to work at the same time.
If that were true then the BLM nationwide protests would have collapsed the healthcare system. Why were we not allowed to go to work and our kids not allowed to go to school at the same time the left was promoting mass marches and protests over the death of George Floyd? It's just a question of priorities and what you consider important. I've been pretty consistent on my view that sick or healthy, the job has to get done. As it turns out I was right that COVID in fact had a 99.97% survival rate for people under 70, hardly worthy of the economic prohibitions that extended through 2021 in many blue states.

It's just like folks in public health predicted at the beginning: before the peak of the disease, people will criticize us for doing too little; after the peak, they'll criticize us for doing too much. The success of the initial lockdowns is what gives you the luxury of claiming "overreaction."
Really? Do you think without the lockdowns you wouldn't be talking to me right now? Humanity has survived plagues far worse than COVID. COVID was nothing compared to the plague. The WHO made things worse, not better. Now they want to brew fear with the spread of monkey pox similar to how they did with AIDS in the 80s. But don't think the government would ever dare close down the bath houses or ask gay men to socially distance. No, that would be a civil rights violation. But going to school or work? Screw your rights, says the Governator.
The best part about this is waiting four years to see how all the crazy apocalyptic predictions made by the fear mongering idiots in Right Wing media turned out to be painfully wrong...Gasoline would hit $10/gallon. Hyperinflation would ensue.
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Re: 4 in 10 Americans cut back on groceries due to Bidenflation

Post by honorentheos »

Hawkeye wrote:
Sun Jul 31, 2022 8:45 pm
Humanity has survived plagues far worse than COVID.
Interesting standard. I have no doubt life will survive the worst predictions of climate change models. Humanity? Um. Current quality of life? Uh, yeah.

You seem to believe that the entire world invented an attack on Trump out of the pandemic, and that it is reducible to politics. In other words it's all about Trump. That's some serious Trump Derangement Syndrome, brother.

You realize how mentally broken a person has to be to imagine this level of persecution is taking place? And that's the guy you lionize while poo-pooing tens of thousands of deaths as well as unknown amounts of suffering and long-term impactful consequences of having had COVID.

The ego of some people.
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Re: 4 in 10 Americans cut back on groceries due to Bidenflation

Post by Doctor CamNC4Me »

honorentheos wrote:
Sun Jul 31, 2022 9:03 pm
Hawkeye wrote:
Sun Jul 31, 2022 8:45 pm
Humanity has survived plagues far worse than COVID.
Interesting standard. I have no doubt life will survive the worst predictions of climate change models. Humanity? Um. Current quality of life? Uh, yeah.

You seem to believe that the entire world invented an attack on Trump out of the pandemic, and that it is reducible to politics. In other words it's all about Trump. That's some serious Trump Derangement Syndrome, brother.

You realize how mentally broken a person has to be to imagine this level of persecution is taking place? And that's the guy you lionize while poo-pooing tens of thousands of deaths as well as unknown amounts of suffering and long-term impactful consequences of having had COVID.

The ego of some people.
The level of sociopath is something I haven’t seen in quite a while.

Black Plague is back! “F” your masks, whackcines, and Deep State Communist Gay Pedophile agenda! Get your asses to work, mama is hungry and she needs her beetus hot n’ ready! Also, “F” old people, a.k.a., PARASITES.

- Doc
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Re: 4 in 10 Americans cut back on groceries due to Bidenflation

Post by honorentheos »

Doctor CamNC4Me wrote:
Sun Jul 31, 2022 9:09 pm
The level of sociopath is something I haven’t seen in quite a while.

Black Plague is back! “F” your masks, whackcines, and Deep State Communist Gay Pedophile agenda! Get your asses to work, mama is hungry and she needs her beetus hot n’ ready! Also, “F” old people, a.k.a., PARASITES.

- Doc
Is there a name for this, like Munchausen's syndrome? This proxy persecution complex that is in a reciprocal loop between Trump's own narcissistism and the victimization expressed by his base needs one if it doesn't already exist.
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Re: 4 in 10 Americans cut back on groceries due to Bidenflation

Post by honorentheos »

Or is it just how populism works, as the relationship that inevitably forms between opportunists and malcontents?

ETA: to be clear I don't mean that as tongue in cheek provocation of Cultellus, though I think that is a fringe benefit of the thought. It is sincere, though.
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Re: 4 in 10 Americans cut back on groceries due to Bidenflation

Post by Vēritās »

Hawkeye wrote:
Sun Jul 31, 2022 8:45 pm
The initial "lockdowns" stopped the exponential spread of the disease that likely would have caused an uncontrolled crash as the healthcare system collapsed and businesses could not operate because so many employees were too sick to work at the same time.
If that were true then the BLM nationwide protests would have collapsed the healthcare system.
Your hatred of black people and the justice they seek is already noted, but only the willfully ignorant keep beating this drum. We know the BLM protests were not like super-spreader events like Trump rallies that killed Herman Caine, because they were outside and most people were taking precautions with masks.

Why the Black Lives Matter Protests Didn’t Contribute to the COVID-19 Surge
-There isn’t evidence that Black Lives Matter protests have led to a noticeable increase in COVID-19 cases, despite early concerns from health officials.
-The reasons for the lack of transmission likely have to do with the protesters being outside in the wind and sun and most of them wearing masks.
-People who attend other outdoor events, such as going to the beach or a ball game, tend to share indoor facilities like bathrooms, shops, and restaurants.
Meanwhile, we know people were sacrificed at the altar of Trump's vanity: Many counties that hosted Trump rallies had a significant increase in Covid-19 cases

Study links Trump rallies to more than 700 Covid deaths

Trump Rallies Are Often Followed by Increases in Local COVID-19 Cases
Why were we not allowed to go to work and our kids not allowed to go to school at the same time the left was promoting mass marches and protests over the death of George Floyd?
States made their own decisions regarding school closures, and all Red States made the same decisions. So stop making this a "Leftist" thing just because it is based on education and science.
It's just a question of priorities and what you consider important. I've been pretty consistent on my view that sick or healthy, the job has to get done.
Yes, you've made it perfectly clear your position is that you don't value American lives if it means them having a pulse stands in the way of your political agenda. Stop pretending like you have some tremendous work ethic just because you take the idiotic view that Americans should be forced to work until they die.
As it turns out I was right that COVID in fact had a 99.97% survival rate for people under 70
Stop pretending you made some prediction that turned out correct. The survival rate was much, much worse during Trump's administration and it is only improved thanks to 70% vaccination rate coupled with the fact that COVID cases have exploded. You were already debunked on this point recently but like it is with everything else, you just stick your head in the sand and wash, rinse, repeat the stupid for a later post.
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Re: 4 in 10 Americans cut back on groceries due to Bidenflation

Post by Doctor CamNC4Me »

honorentheos wrote:
Sun Jul 31, 2022 9:18 pm
Or is it just how populism works, as the relationship that inevitably forms between opportunists and malcontents?

ETA: to be clear I don't mean that as tongue in cheek provocation of Cultellus, though I think that is a fringe benefit of the thought. It is sincere, though.
Bang on, and why I suggested Binger look at populism in the Roman era. I don’t think he understood that Roman populism, despite the feeling it gave the underclasses, ended up furthering their political exclusion. It was a top-down phenomenon.

So, problem with populism today as it was back then isn’t the political expression of a final, radical, democratic push by those who for too long have been excluded and are not going to take it any longer. Instead, populism is the brainchild of the elite. That’s how it was in Ancient Rome, and the same is true today. What is this “brainchild”?

The elites of society vying for power have created a sort of gladiatorial spectacle between “incumbents” (the elites) and “new fighters” (excluded masses) as they endlessly vie for power. The masses think of populism in terms of “incumbents” and “new fighters,” but they’re fundamentally wrong to believe Their Guy, “elected” from the masses represents them, the excluded masses. The masses should think of the “new fighters” as part of the elite—the part of the elite that is excluded by another part of the same elite from holding the reins of power.

That’s populism.

- Doc
Trump is a fraud and is leading the white working class to disaster. - JD Vance
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