Mar-A-Lago Legally Searched by FBI

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Re: Mar-A-Lago Legally Searched by FBI

Post by Vēritās »

Doctor CamNC4Me wrote:
Fri Aug 12, 2022 11:22 pm
Jersey Girl wrote:
Fri Aug 12, 2022 11:02 pm
FOX is "reporting" that Trumptheasshat said he declassified all the documents before he left the Presidency. Just heard that with my own ears.
Weak as crap. Donald Trump is the Michael Scott of Presidents. One can't just scream, “I! Declare! Declassified!”.

- Doc
Any documents that have been declassified will have that designation stamped on the cover. This is a desperate ad hoc attempt by Team Trump to avoid prosecution. While MSNBC and CNN are constantly hosting former CIA agents and National Security experts to debunk this nonsense, FOX News is still hosting team crazy which includes Trump's family members and attorneys.
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Re: Mar-A-Lago Legally Searched by FBI

Post by MeDotOrg »

This whole process is agonizingly slow, with much heat and little light at this point. Everyone wants to know more. For example:

1 set of "top secret/SCI" documents
4 sets of "top secret" documents
3 sets of "secret" documents
3 sets of "confidential" documents

All of these numbers and classifications are basically placeholders for our imaginations at this point. We can't say what's inside each set of documents. Regardless, "top secret/SCI documents" most certainly cannot be declassified by Presidential fiat. Knowingly possessing such documents outside of a secure facility is a crime. There are a number of cases where people have received fines and jail time for possessing fewer documents of lower classification.

By the way, the postulated alibi that the General Services Administration packed the boxes in error has to be the MAGA equivalent of 'the dog ate my homework'.
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Re: Mar-A-Lago Legally Searched by FBI

Post by canpakes »

Binger wrote:
Fri Aug 12, 2022 10:39 pm
This not true. You are not coming by later.

I like how you take my comments so literally. : D
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Re: Mar-A-Lago Legally Searched by FBI

Post by canpakes »

Binger wrote:
Sat Aug 13, 2022 3:07 am
Panny. Why haven't you approved my responses to Moksha? You scared?

If I see one, I’ll review it. Have you tried asking the other three folks who can approve posts, or are you just thrusting your sense of entitlement on me tonight? : D

Now, you did say that you were going to send me more Visa gift cards, as incentive for approvals. I’ve already used the last 10. Get cracking’.
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Re: Mar-A-Lago Legally Searched by FBI

Post by Dwight »

Trustworthy sources say that presidents can’t declassify things classified by statute. Nuclear documents are classified by statute. I saw Trump is claiming he would have given back if asked, but he as asked, he was subpoenaed, and they finally had to go and get the documents. So his case there is blown up.

I did see a theory that just might be dumb enough to be true that Trump took these as souvenirs, something he could show someone at his club as a kind of trophy. “You know my uncle was into nuclear, this is top secret stuff about our nuclear”. It is the least dangerous thing he could have done it for, and it is still highly unsettling.
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Re: Mar-A-Lago Legally Searched by FBI

Post by canpakes »

ajax18 wrote:
Sat Aug 13, 2022 3:11 am
Do you believe the Democrats waited 565 days to retrieve documents that were going to get the US attacked and conquered by Russia or China?

Can you explain why Trump went 565 days hoarding a stash of top secret documents that could endanger national security, and that no-one at Mar-a-Lago has the brain cells to explain why he took them, why he didn’t return them if it was an error, or why they were so ignorant of their existence if they claim to not have known that they were part of his stash?

Maybe start with those questions.

This doesn't even mention the fact that they could have gotten all that and more fom Hillary Clinton's server if they wanted.

No, because Hillary Clinton’s server isn’t the Mar-a-Lago.

But, you could probably dig up Podesta’s risotto recipe off of Hillary Clinton’s server, instead. Although not as deadly as a nuke strike from enemies using documents absconded by Trump, that risotto is killer.
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Re: Mar-A-Lago Legally Searched by FBI

Post by Chap »

canpakes wrote:
Sat Aug 13, 2022 6:04 am
Can you explain why Trump went 565 days hoarding a stash of top secret documents that could endanger national security, and that no-one at Mar-a-Lago has the brain cells to explain why he took them, why he didn’t return them if it was an error, or why they were so ignorant of their existence if they claim to not have known that they were part of his stash?
I very much doubt that an explanation of that could be given that could apply to the actions of a reasonable person with some sense of responsibility to something other than his own ego. But Trump? All bets are off.
That's the problem with this supernatural stuff, it doesn't really solve anything. It's a placeholder for ignorance.
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Re: Mar-A-Lago Legally Searched by FBI

Post by Morley »

ajax18 wrote:
Fri Aug 12, 2022 11:24 pm
The Democrats don't want the truth about the Russia collusion hoax to get out. Trump didn't want to allow them to bury those documents forever
Morley wrote:
Sat Aug 13, 2022 12:37 am
Ajax. You're suggesting that these were boxes of documents that held the truth about what you call the "Russia collusion hoax" and that Trump was safeguarding them from the government? Did I get that right?
Binger wrote:
Sat Aug 13, 2022 1:03 am
Interesting Morley.

I too want to take you at face value and consider your comments to be sincere.

But when you microscope into Ajax’s comment and scare quote “Russia collusion hoax” while overlooking Doc’s grand Atomic Espionage conspiracy, it makes it all kinda silly. Don’t ya think?
Nope, I don't.

I don't read or reply to everyone. When I do post, I try to only respond to what I think might be sincere arguments (I'm admittedly not always successful).

I don't know enough about what you term "Doc's grand Atomic Espionage conspiracy" to comment on it. The news is not all in about why or what is happening with this Trump search.

I also didn't know enough about Ajax's theory to comment on it, which was why I asked for clarification and to see if he was serious. I didn't scare quote "Russia collusion hoax;" I quoted what Ajax was saying. And what I did is hardly choosing to microscope.

I didn't say that I wanted to take you at face value or that I thought your comments were always sincere. I know that doing that is not always wise, possible, or in the spirit of the board. I did say that I try treat you and your arguments with respect and asked why you were replying-- specifically to me--with a sack of merde thrown on my porch.
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Re: Mar-A-Lago Raided

Post by Kishkumen »

MeDotOrg wrote:
Tue Aug 09, 2022 2:45 am
As far as I know, no one has seen the warrant that was approved by a Federal Judge, so characterizing this as politically motivated at this point is premature. This is unprecedented, but that does not necessarily mean unwarranted. We shall see what they are looking for, and we will see what they find.
That is exactly the right posture to have taken at the time this post was written. Bravo.
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Re: Mar-A-Lago Raided

Post by Kishkumen »

Dr Exiled wrote:
Tue Aug 09, 2022 3:13 pm
It looks like there may be a push to use 18 U.S.C. § 2071 and its disqualification language to argue that Trump cannot run in 2024, if convicted of holding onto classified documents. The same argument was used against Clinton back in 2015 and shot down. Qualifications for president are constitutional and can't be changed by statute, only by amending the constitution. This snopes article lays out the arguments: ... qualified/
By this reasoning, could Trump serve as president from a federal penitentiary?
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