A gem from Russell Nelson's 98th birthday celebration

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98th birthday celebration

Post by High Spy »

H = the eighth letter of the alphabet.
I = the ninth letter of the alphabet.

High Spy, from Up in the Sky, HI recognized this long about 1989 and used this ploy to capture the heart of Kamaaina on the Lower Lights BBS, from which sprang march8miracle.org

From simple beginnings, amazing things indeed spring forth. :lol:
. . . * . . . . . . . . **

3*8** Knight Lion, but not Nite Lion. 🐳 gbng

Everybody's heard the whale and 8 are linked. :lol:

Choose the 🥩
MG 2.0
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Re: A gem from Russell Nelson's 98th birthday celebration

Post by MG 2.0 »

BeNotDeceived wrote:
Tue Sep 13, 2022 7:48 pm
At this point, what I'm trying to figure out is why they continue with the charade when they don't need tithepayers anymore? Why try to continue getting people to join and/or believe in the religion if you don't need members' money???
Maybe because it isn’t about the money?

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Re: A gem from Russell Nelson's 98th birthday celebration

Post by Dr Moore »

Gadianton wrote:
Wed Sep 14, 2022 2:25 am
MetaProf wrote:
Wed Sep 14, 2022 2:12 am
Or maybe he’s trying to damn with faint praise. I mean it’s a low bar.
These guys are all a bunch of type A competitors. I have to think it's hard for the subordinates to praise their leaders when deep down they must all feel as if they are the most special.
They’re all paid to praise the senior-most apostle as God’s one true mouthpiece, even when they violently disagree with the words. Nelson knows better than anyone, as he waited patiently for almost 30 years to banish “Mormon” from the lexicon. Meanwhile, he testified of Hinckley’s pure revelation, same as they all do. Zero room for loyal dissent. Such an ironic power system. Very Soviet.
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Re: A gem from Russell Nelson's 98th birthday celebration

Post by MG 2.0 »

Dr Moore wrote:
Fri Sep 16, 2022 12:13 am
Gadianton wrote:
Wed Sep 14, 2022 2:25 am

These guys are all a bunch of type A competitors. I have to think it's hard for the subordinates to praise their leaders when deep down they must all feel as if they are the most special.
They’re all paid to praise the senior-most apostle as God’s one true mouthpiece, even when they violently disagree with the words. Nelson knows better than anyone, as he waited patiently for almost 30 years to banish “Mormon” from the lexicon. Meanwhile, he testified of Hinckley’s pure revelation, same as they all do. Zero room for loyal dissent. Such an ironic power system. Very Soviet.
Hierarchical Spiritual Theocracy might be another way of phrasing it. The Soviet system didn’t work out so well. The leadership hierarchy in the LDS Church has actually weathered the storms that have come along and worked out quite well.

For one thing, there needs to be a strong central authority…stable and sure…to stand up against the winds produced/manufactured by dissidents and apostates who are ever hammering against the bulwarks of the kingdom.

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Re: A gem from Russell Nelson's 98th birthday celebration

Post by MetaProf »

MG 2.0 wrote:
Fri Sep 16, 2022 12:23 am

For one thing, there needs to be a strong central authority…stable and sure…to stand up against the winds produced/manufactured by dissidents and apostates who are ever hammering against the bulwarks of the kingdom.
Needing a strong central authority is basic authoritarianism 101. And no reason “there needs to be” one.

Also Jesus was a dissident. Had a sort of hammering tendency himself. Is your principle that dissidence against central authority is always bad or only when it’s against your preferred status quo?
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Re: A gem from Russell Nelson's 98th birthday celebration

Post by Dr Moore »

MetaProf wrote:
Fri Sep 16, 2022 1:53 am
MG 2.0 wrote:
Fri Sep 16, 2022 12:23 am
For one thing, there needs to be a strong central authority…stable and sure…to stand up against the winds produced/manufactured by dissidents and apostates who are ever hammering against the bulwarks of the kingdom.
Needing a strong central authority is basic authoritarianism 101. And no reason “there needs to be” one.

Also Jesus was a dissident. Had a sort of hammering tendency himself. Is your principle that dissidence against central authority is always bad or only when it’s against your preferred status quo?
Authoritarians eventually operate in darkness because they cannot endure light. Joseph operated as a central authoritarian dictator. He was killed for violently suppressing dissidents who chose to do the right thing -- shed light on his lies about polygamy and polyandry. Light is the best disinfectant, and fortunately for us, courageous people with everything to lose chose to shine light in Joseph's dark places.
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Re: A gem from Russell Nelson's 98th birthday celebration

Post by Gabriel »

Russell M. Nelson wrote:One autumn night in 1957, Dantzel awakened me with a very special announcement. She said, ‘‘During the night I had a remarkable vision. It was more than just a dream. I saw a little baby boy. He was a very special, handsome child. He had a round face and lots of hair; he looked just like you! I had a wonderful visit with him.”

I didn’t pay a great deal of attention to this announcement at the time, even though our sixth child was on its way. I began to pay more attention to it, however, as repeatedly over the next few years she indicated she had received a visit from this same little boy. In fact, it became so much a part of our life that after one of these visions she would simply say, “I saw him again. He’s such a sweet and special young boy.”

Over the years from that first manifestation, we greeted Emily, Laurie, Rosalie, and Marjorie into our family, each one bringing her own special spirit. Yet, Dantzel had the firm conviction that our family was not completed. Therefore, in her forty-sixth year, not enjoying the best of health, she willingly and selflessly embarked on her tenth pregnancy. We had a beautiful family of nine daughters. We had been married over twenty-six years. She knew the statistics were not favorable for a multiparous person such as she, in her forty-sixth year, to have another baby. None of that dissuaded her, for her faith was strong.

On January 22, 1972, I was in Sun Valley, Idaho, speaking at a meeting of the Idaho Heart Association. I was given a very lovely room in the Sun Valley Lodge—a fire in the fireplace and all that went with it. All alone in that room, I retired for the evening. In the middle of the night I was awakened with a very real experience. I cannot remember who gave the message—that is of no importance. But I do remember as surely as I live that it was announced to me that this time Dantzel’s pregnancy was with a son, he who had been appearing to her through the years. Furthermore, it was impressed upon my mind that his name should be Russell Marion Nelson, Jr.

The following morning I called Dantzel long distance and told her of the experience. She was moved by it, for she knew that with each of the nine children prior to this, the discussion of an alternative name, should it have been a boy, had never included Russell Marion Nelson, Jr. We had a bit of prejudice against having a young man called “Junior.” But we knew this had been an experience that deserved considerable attention and so we planned accordingly.
Source: Russell M. Nelson's Autobiography From Heart to Heart, Chapter 35, pp. 261-262
https://archive.org/details/from-heart- ... -m.-nelson
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Re: A gem from Russell Nelson's 98th birthday celebration

Post by Gadianton »

Furthermore, it was impressed upon my mind that his name should be Russell Marion Nelson, Jr.
Oh good lord. Of course you knew from the first paragraph that somehow this was all about celebrating him, but God likes to switch it up and make it a surprise, how would the tin man be delighted this time?
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Re: A gem from Russell Nelson's 98th birthday celebration

Post by Dr Moore »

Post hoc, language used describing the revelation of junior’s name is stronger than any Russell’s counselors recall as re his role of PSR. Go figure.
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Re: A gem from Russell Nelson's 98th birthday celebration

Post by honorentheos »

MG 2.0 wrote:
Fri Sep 16, 2022 12:23 am
...there needs to be a strong central authority…stable and sure…
Dr Moore wrote:
Tue Sep 13, 2022 3:40 pm
I think this is what the Lord would want us to do.
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