Split: Huh. What about Abortion?

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Re: Huh. A former Company Commander of mine just won the PA GOP’s nomination for Gov

Post by Father Francis »

ajax18 wrote:
Thu Sep 29, 2022 12:27 am
What percent of all abortions are due to rape?
What percentage of already born children forced to carry out pregnancy and dying is acceptable to you? Every pregnant child is a victim of rape.How many grown women dying from treatable diseases (and their fetuses) due to abortion being illegal is acceptable?

Give me a number.
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Re: Huh. A former Company Commander of mine just won the PA GOP’s nomination for Gov

Post by Morley »

ajax18 wrote:
Wed Sep 28, 2022 11:08 pm
Ajax, that's basically what most Democrats are campaigning on.
I remember Brett Baier asking Tim Ryan if there is any point during a pregnancy at which abortion should illegal. He said no, that you have to leave it up to the sole discretion of the woman. If he believed that abortion should be illegal after 6 months, than he sure fooled me. He sure wouldn't answer the question in a straight forward manner.
And here you prove my point.
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Re: Huh. A former Company Commander of mine just won the PA GOP’s nomination for Gov

Post by Vēritās »

Vēritās wrote:
Thu Sep 29, 2022 12:47 am
This is the part where to tuck tail and flee from your own thread again, proving once again you were never asking questions in good faith.
"I am not an American ... In my view premarital sex should be illegal ...(there are) mentally challenged people with special needs like myself- Ajax18
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Re: Huh. A former Company Commander of mine just won the PA GOP’s nomination for Gov

Post by Doctor CamNC4Me »

Vēritās wrote:
Thu Sep 29, 2022 12:47 am
All you care about is whatever the Republican cult tells you to believe. If they changed their platform tomorrow and FOX News started telling you abortions are necessary and should be mandated to keep the white race pure, you'd be jumping all over that proposition with glee.
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Re: Huh. A former Company Commander of mine just won the PA GOP’s nomination for Gov

Post by Res Ipsa »

ajax18 wrote:
Wed Sep 28, 2022 11:08 pm
Ajax, that's basically what most Democrats are campaigning on.
I remember Brett Baier asking Tim Ryan if there is any point during a pregnancy at which abortion should illegal. He said no, that you have to leave it up to the sole discretion of the woman. If he believed that abortion should be illegal after 6 months, than he sure fooled me. He sure wouldn't answer the question in a straight forward manner.
Apparently it needs to be said that one Democrat doesn’t represent most Democrats.

My view is the same as Baier’s: I trust the pregnant person and their doctor to make decisions about abortion, and I see no need for the state to intrude on that decision. But I don’t think that is the view of most democrats.

I also know that my view does not represent the will of the majority of Americans, so the odds of a law being passed that implements my opinion are basically zero. So, if I want a law passed that gives the pregnant person and doctor any ability to make that decision, I’m looking at some sort of compromise. I considered Roe to be a compromise I could support, and I would support a law that reimplements it. I might support a law based on fetal viability, although I’d want to look closely at what viability actually means at the chosen cut off point.

There’s a difference between what a candidate would do if they were emperor and what legislation they would support if elected.
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Re: Huh. A former Company Commander of mine just won the PA GOP’s nomination for Gov

Post by Gunnar »

Res Ipsa wrote:
Sun Oct 02, 2022 9:50 pm
My view is the same as Baier’s: I trust the pregnant person and their doctor to make decisions about abortion, and I see no need for the state to intrude on that decision. But I don’t think that is the view of most democrats.
Like you, I Fully agree with Baier.
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Re: Split: Huh. What about Abortion?

Post by Gunnar »

Girl Denied Life-Saving Medication After Abortion Law
A 14-year-old Tucson girl was denied a refill of a life-saving prescription drug she had been taking for years just two days after Arizona's new abortion law had taken effect. 14 year old Emma Thompson has debilitating rheumatoid arthritis and osteoporosis which has kept her in and out of the hospital for most of her life.

Another GQP success story.
To be fair, though, it should be noted that Arizona's new anti-abortion law may not have been the only reason this girl was denied a refill. The fact that she recently turned 14 may have had something to do with it.
I'm not familiar with the AZ law and not defending it, but there is more to this story. I started to share a personal story but decided not to do that. since folks here can be brutal. Suffice it to say my family has experience with methotrexate. Methotrexate is commonly prescribed to teenage boys for certain illnesses, but not to girls, because of side effects. Tor is incorrect, methotrexate, at high doses, is used to induce abortion, but at therapeutic doses for other conditions, it doesn't cause abortion, but can cause severe birth defects in pregnant girls p and women. In order for an adult woman to get an RX for methotrexate, a Dr. usually requires idiot proof, long term birth control, like an IUD or implant. Walgreens (and every other pharmacy in my area) will not fill a methotrexate RX for teen girls, because they can't be confident that teen girls are following birth control recommendations, and they aren't old enough to sign legal waivers. This dates back at least 5 years or more. This sucks, because the alternate drug given to girls instead of methotrexate is mercaptopurine, which causes lymphoma. What a tradeoff...
But the fact that women who need methotrexate are strongly advised, even required to be on long term birth control might just be all the more reason why fanatically religious, ultra-conservative politicians want to outlaw the drug for use by women because they also stupidly oppose the use of any type of contraceptive.
Republicans frequently pass laws written by extremist groups that are vague, poorly worded and misinformed. When real-world lawyers review them they determine that their company and employees/members/students/etc may be in violation of the law for certain actions that law makers don't even realize they may have outlawed.
In fairness, though, I can't say I know for sure that only Republican politicians are ever guilty of this.

Still, though, I think it likely true that:
Doctors only cut this treatment off for her because ignorant, hateful conservatives passed a law they don't understand. This should be nothing more than a decision between a patient, her family and her doctor.
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Re: Split: Huh. What about Abortion?

Post by dantana »

In the news just now is the story of a family of four in Ca. who were kidnapped and murdered, for no apparent reason other than simple personal effects robbery.

It sure would be nice if ol' god could step in here, but alas he just can't. He has to lets things play out so he can have the goods on these bad guys. So's he can send them off to eternal torture confident he won't be overturned later by a higher court. I mean, it seems like maybe god could step in and have the guy drop dead after killing just one, or two, or three. Maybe let the baby live. Nope. He needs all of his paperwork in order.

Anyway, since it appears this life is just a big sorting station, with scads of heavenly bureaucracy, and if god is okay with letting four people and a baby die just to convict one bad soul, why not just let bad peeps abort their babies so that he can still have the goods on them, but at a much lower cost to the psyche of society.
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Re: Split: Huh. What about Abortion?

Post by Vēritās »

Since ajax has completely abandoned his thread that quickly devolved into a self-own, I figured we might as well use it to post real information about the subject.

33% of all pregnancies are recognized beyond six weeks, and 20% of all pregnancies are recognized beyond 7 weeks.

https://www.ansirh.org/research/researc ... -gestation

A women who is pregnant at 6 weeks was really only impregnated 4 weeks earlier, because a woman can only get pregnant when she's ovulating which happens around two weeks after the first day of her period. Weeks of pregnancy is counted beginning with the first day of her last period. Women frequently don't know they're pregnant until they miss their next period which is four weeks later, plus two weeks of ovulation = 6 weeks.

So much for Republicans believing in freedom and liberty. The woman's body is now property of the state, and it shall be regulated according to the state's predominant religious beliefs.
"I am not an American ... In my view premarital sex should be illegal ...(there are) mentally challenged people with special needs like myself- Ajax18
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Re: Split: Huh. What about Abortion?

Post by canpakes »

Some statistics for Ohio, from their recently released report on abortion in the state during 2021 -
Last year, 538 girls under age 18 sought abortions in Ohio, including 57 girls who were under age 15.

Another 1,352 abortions, or 6.2% of the total, were performed on women ages 18 to 19; 6,431 abortions, or 29.5%, were performed on women ages 20 to 24; and 13,492 abortions, or 61.9%, were performed on women ages 25-55 years.

White women had 8,784 abortions, or 40.3% last year. Black women had 9,446 abortions or 43.3%.

Many of the women reported already having children: 7,948 women reported having two or more kids, or 36.4% of total abortions; 5,371 women, or 24.6%, had one child; and 6,937, or 31.8%, had no children. The number of children was not reported in 1,557 women.

https://odh.ohio.gov/wps/wcm/connect/go ... 24-oefXxmz
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