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Some Schmo
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Post by Some Schmo »

It's hilarious whenever I hear someone from the right whining about free speech, considering the right invented cancel culture.

I'm at the point now where whenever I hear a GOP complaint about what Democrats are doing, I assume that's what Republicans are actually up to. Hypocrisy, lies, and projection are the GOP's only strategies. It's truly all they've got.
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Post by ajax18 »

And I don't deny anyone the right to free speech, freedom of religion or freedom of political opinion. That is nothing but projection on your part!
Kicking Trump off Twitter and Facebook was a denial of free speech, along with Biden's thought police working in conjunction with big tech social media companies to silence conservative opinion. There's nothing liberal about any of that. Even Bernie Sanders would agree with that. And trying to cancel, defund, and shut down Fox News which is what this thread is about is just another attack on freedom of speech. Do you deny that the FBI was caught lying to get a conviction on Carter Page who they targeted, wiretapped, and spied on along with many others for no other reason than that they supported the Trump campaign and Mueller thought they could get Trump through these illegal and immoral tactics. Any coservative caught doing what Sussman did would be in jail for many years, while Sussman, a loyal member of the deep state, got away with probation and probably a scolding from Comey for getting caught.
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Post by Vēritās »

ajax18 wrote:
Mon Feb 20, 2023 6:54 pm
And I don't deny anyone the right to free speech, freedom of religion or freedom of political opinion. That is nothing but projection on your part!
Kicking Trump off Twitter and Facebook was a denial of free speech
No it wasn't. Free speech isn't absolute. You don't have the right to say ANYTHING you want, as most children who passed grade school know. And that's true in the public square, but even more true in private venues like Twitter. You obviously want the government to force Twitter to put your orange autocrat back on their privately operated platform which is no different that the government forcing me to put you in my living room so you can spew your vile Nazism to my kids. You're basically a damned communist at heart but you're too stupid to understand that. There is a reason why only the Right Wing nuts are upset about this. They obviously don't care about "free speech." Hell, FOX News refused to put Trump on air Jan 6th for a reason, but where was the outrage over denying his speech? The "free speech" banner is just something they wave whenever they get upset that they can't spew their idiotic hatred and bigotry at will whenever and wherever they want.
ajax18 wrote:
Mon Feb 20, 2023 6:54 pm
along with Biden's thought police working in conjunction with big tech social media companies to silence conservative opinion.
Another idiotic lie that was exposed in the recent "hearings" where we learned the only Administration that tried to censure Twitter people was the Trump administration.
And trying to cancel, defund, and shut down Fox News which is what this thread is about is just another attack on freedom of speech.
It isn't an attack on free speech but you're too effin stupid to understand that you're the one denying people free speech when you say we shouldn't be allowed to defund FOX News by refusing to use Direct TV. FOX is privately funded you dimwit. Why should I e forced to participate in anything that makes them richer? Again, you believe the government should force us to do anything that helps Right Wing propaganda thrive and you do so ignorantly under the banner of "free speech" which you clearly don't even understand. There is absolutely nothing wrong, immoral or illegal about anyone trying to "cancel" any private entity by trying to dissuade people from using their services. Just ask the Dixie Chicks who lost millions in revenues after your reverse-wokeism "MOB" effectively canceled them out for having the audacity to speak their opinion about George Bush. Just ask Bill O'Reilly who urged Americans everywhere not to buy French wine because the French refused to support our illegal war in Iraq.
"I am not an American ... In my view premarital sex should be illegal ...(there are) mentally challenged people with special needs like myself- Ajax18
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Post by Vēritās »

Some Schmo wrote:
Mon Feb 20, 2023 3:15 pm
It's hilarious whenever I hear someone from the right whining about free speech, considering the right invented cancel culture.
Exactly. They really did. And they continue to cancel people even to this day. Hell, I've had to create a different Facebook account because people were trying to get my business canceled merely for being a Liberal. Twice I had people send photoshopped Facebook messages I never made to my broker claiming things I never said. I had one former client of mine get upset with me during the 2016 election because I posted something critical of Trump. She said something to the effect that I was killing my business, and that "you just lost mine." I've had other clients tell my wife straight up from the outset that they will not work with Democrats, so they demanded to know who we voted for.

I've never had ANYONE on the Left act this way towards us.

Anyway, anyone remember the time Trump first took office and declared the press to be the "enemy of the people" while disallowing media outlets he deemed too Liberal to ask him questions? Where was the outrage over a sitting President attacking the first amendment then? The same President who recently said the Constitution should be nullified.
"I am not an American ... In my view premarital sex should be illegal ...(there are) mentally challenged people with special needs like myself- Ajax18
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Post by Doctor CamNC4Me »

The Right totally cancels people all the time. Every Conservative subreddit instabans anyone even suspected of not carrying water for Trump. Here in Utah DN and KSL HEAVILY moderates in favor of LDS and Conservative sensibilities- I only get about 1 in 5 posts published. Musk bans people for teasing him or taking him to task - snowflake anyone?

Am I saying the Left doesn’t do it, too? Lolno. They’re damned power tripping fascists on Reddit; quite often the ‘progressives’ posting on Reddit will openly talk about deplatforming anyone they don’t like - quite often people who don’t pass their purity tests. It’s not even an open secret, Leftists openly clamor for deplatforming their ideological opponents.

But is that just a Leftist tactic? Lolno. Fascists love controlling speech. So do Communists. So do religionists. So do tribalists. Hell, I’ve seen neoliberals clamor for speech constraints. It’s a human condition, not an ideological one, in my opinion.

- Doc
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Alphus and Omegus
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Post by Alphus and Omegus »

Doctor CamNC4Me wrote:
Mon Feb 20, 2023 7:57 pm
The Right totally cancels people all the time. Every Conservative subreddit instabans anyone even suspected of not carrying water for Trump. Here in Utah DN and KSL HEAVILY moderates in favor of LDS and Conservative sensibilities- I only get about 1 in 5 posts published. Musk bans people for teasing him or taking him to task - snowflake anyone?

Am I saying the Left doesn’t do it, too? Lolno. They’re damned power tripping fascists on Reddit; quite often the ‘progressives’ posting on Reddit will openly talk about deplatforming anyone they don’t like - quite often people who don’t pass their purity tests. It’s not even an open secret, Leftists openly clamor for deplatforming their ideological opponents.

But is that just a Leftist tactic? Lolno. Fascists love controlling speech. So do Communists. So do religionists. So do tribalists. Hell, I’ve seen neoliberals clamor for speech constraints. It’s a human condition, not an ideological one, in my opinion.

- Doc
Fox News and other Republican media adore censorship far more than any actual news outlet. The Dominion texts, which Confederate racist ajax has not responded to at all, irrefutably demonstrate that Tucker Carlson was calling for someone to be fired for telling the truth that there was no evidence that Trump lost unfairly in 2020.

Confederate ajax loves lies, which is why he keeps repeating his totally failed talking points about Carter Page. Not one person was ever prosecuted for illegally investigating Page, because his remarks about Russia having dirt on Hillary Clinton were 100% a legitimate reason to monitor him. Some low-level FBI employee did lie on a form but that had no bearing on whether it was appropriate to investigate Page. It was appropriate and John Durham's refusal to prosecute anyone for launching the investigation proves that.

But Confederate ajax has serious reading comprehension problems so he can't even understand this argument.
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Post by ajax18 »

Fox News and other Republican media adore censorship far more than any actual news outlet.
Fox News doesn't claim to be objective or politically neutral. CNN does claim this even though they are nothing more than an extension of the Democratic PR department.
And when the Confederates saw Jackson standing fearless like a stonewall, the army of Northern Virginia took courage and drove the federal army off their land.
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Post by Doctor CamNC4Me »

ajax18 wrote:
Mon Feb 20, 2023 9:28 pm
Fox News and other Republican media adore censorship far more than any actual news outlet.
Fox News doesn't claim to be objective or politically neutral. CNN does claim this even though they are nothing more than an extension of the Democratic PR department.

Xanax, do you ever not lie? I’m starting to think you’re legitimately mentally ill rather than just being a deliberately ignorant boomer asshole.

- Doc
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Post by Vēritās »

ajax18 wrote:
Mon Feb 20, 2023 9:28 pm

Fox News doesn't claim to be objective or politically neutral.
For the first 20 years of its existence it rode on the motto of "Fair and Balanced." After that worked to fool enough Americans and get them sucked into their BS cultural war nonsense they realized it was pointless to even pretend to be objective so they dropped the slogan and fired Allen Combs and stopped hosting those with counterpoints. It became strictly a right wing echo chamber of uneducated opinion provided around the clock 24/7. It isn't just that they're not objective but that they don't even make minimal effort to try to be.
CNN does claim this even though they are nothing more than an extension of the Democratic PR department.
Based on zero evidence whatsoever. In all these years of right wing hysteria about CNN bias the worst case I can remember was Donna Brazil giving Hillary a glimpse of the interview questions before hand. This is a level of "bias" that barely tips the scales when compared to the over the top nonsense over at FOX every 20 seconds. All they do is host the same idiot talking heads that spew their narratives and whenever they accidentally host someone that fact checks them on live air they are immediately shouted down or just flat out cut off the air in mid sentence. Nothing like that ever happens at CNN.

You're just trying to continue to justify FOX's "all in" mentality towards all things Republican. Now that we have private emails and texts proving it is much worse than anyone ever thought, all you can do now is try to equate both sides as if both sides do it. No, they don't. FOX is in a league of their own. It isn't even close. FOX hosts campaign on behalf of Republican candidates. They knowingly spread lies about Democrats and try to get the entire country to hate Democrats as if they're not really Americans. Nothing over at CNN comes close to this.
"I am not an American ... In my view premarital sex should be illegal ...(there are) mentally challenged people with special needs like myself- Ajax18
Alphus and Omegus
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Post by Alphus and Omegus »

Vēritās wrote:
Mon Feb 20, 2023 10:08 pm
You're just trying to continue to justify FOX's "all in" mentality towards all things Republican. Now that we have private emails and texts proving it is much worse than anyone ever thought, all you can do now is try to equate both sides as if both sides do it. No, they don't. FOX is in a league of their own. It isn't even close. FOX hosts campaign on behalf of Republican candidates. They knowingly spread lies about Democrats and try to get the entire country to hate Democrats as if they're not really Americans. Nothing over at CNN comes close to this.
Yes. Fox News Channel and other right-wing media sources are infinitely more biased toward Republicans than CNN or MSNBC. This Dominion lawsuit reveals that Fox is a propaganda business and that they think people like Confederate Ajax are morons who want to be lied to.

There has never been a single email or text from a CNN or MSNBC anchor, producer, or executive showing anywhere close to such blatant bias and manipulation. Roger Ailes, the founding president of Fox News was a Republican presidential campaign consultant for decades. He gave Republican politicians advice on a routine basis. Not one president of ABC, CBS, CNN, or NBC has ever behaved in such an unethical and biased fashion.

Fox, Newsmax, and OAN deliberately lie to their audiences. There is no possible equivalence to CNN or MSNBC, both of which have numerous right-wing Republican commentators. Fox has a handful of Democrats by comparison.

But Confederate racist ajax loves to be lied to. He cannot ever respond to arguments raised by critics so he just brings up irrelevant nonsense.
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