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Dr Exiled
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Post by Dr Exiled »

Doctor CamNC4Me wrote:
Mon Feb 20, 2023 7:57 pm
The Right totally cancels people all the time. Every Conservative subreddit instabans anyone even suspected of not carrying water for Trump. Here in Utah DN and KSL HEAVILY moderates in favor of LDS and Conservative sensibilities- I only get about 1 in 5 posts published. Musk bans people for teasing him or taking him to task - snowflake anyone?

Am I saying the Left doesn’t do it, too? Lolno. They’re damned power tripping fascists on Reddit; quite often the ‘progressives’ posting on Reddit will openly talk about deplatforming anyone they don’t like - quite often people who don’t pass their purity tests. It’s not even an open secret, Leftists openly clamor for deplatforming their ideological opponents.

But is that just a Leftist tactic? Lolno. Fascists love controlling speech. So do Communists. So do religionists. So do tribalists. Hell, I’ve seen neoliberals clamor for speech constraints. It’s a human condition, not an ideological one, in my opinion.

- Doc
Truth to power my friend. We need to be ever watchful. Our religious tradition should be enough to show that the Right wants to deplatform and/or shut down certain speech that is not helpful to their cause.
Myth is misused by the powerful to subjugate the masses all too often.
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Post by Vēritās »

Alphus and Omegus wrote:
Mon Feb 20, 2023 11:21 pm
Vēritās wrote:
Mon Feb 20, 2023 10:08 pm
You're just trying to continue to justify FOX's "all in" mentality towards all things Republican. Now that we have private emails and texts proving it is much worse than anyone ever thought, all you can do now is try to equate both sides as if both sides do it. No, they don't. FOX is in a league of their own. It isn't even close. FOX hosts campaign on behalf of Republican candidates. They knowingly spread lies about Democrats and try to get the entire country to hate Democrats as if they're not really Americans. Nothing over at CNN comes close to this.
Yes. Fox News Channel and other right-wing media sources are infinitely more biased toward Republicans than CNN or MSNBC. This Dominion lawsuit reveals that Fox is a propaganda business and that they think people like Confederate Ajax are morons who want to be lied to.

There has never been a single email or text from a CNN or MSNBC anchor, producer, or executive showing anywhere close to such blatant bias and manipulation. Roger Ailes, the founding president of Fox News was a Republican presidential campaign consultant for decades. He gave Republican politicians advice on a routine basis. Not one president of ABC, CBS, CNN, or NBC has ever behaved in such an unethical and biased fashion.

Fox, Newsmax, and OAN deliberately lie to their audiences. There is no possible equivalence to CNN or MSNBC, both of which have numerous right-wing Republican commentators. Fox has a handful of Democrats by comparison.

But Confederate racist ajax loves to be lied to. He cannot ever respond to arguments raised by critics so he just brings up irrelevant nonsense.
It just blows my mind actually how devastating all these emails and texts truly are. It reveals that the network has gone completely void of any real journalism. With Chris Wallace jumping ship along with a half dozen others who were considered hard news folks, all that's left is a bunch of idiots who have a background not in journalism but rather talk radio. Tucker Carlson went nuts because Jacqui Henrich, one of their few correspondents with some integrity, did a fact check on Trump's idiotic tweet. He demanded that she get fired and the powers that be at FOX sent an email expressing their disgust with her doing her job because she "failed to appreciate our audience."


How is this not a smoking gun admission that FOX thinks their audience are immature idiots who need to be spoon fed a dose of whatever reality suits them? If actual reality doesn't really matter to a network then how can it call itself news? It doesn't even try to report facts, all it wants to do is tell their already established base what they want to hear. Tucker made that perfectly obvious with his quip about stock price and the conversations amongst the lot of them make it clear they are all in agreement on these issues:

1. Facts don't matter.
2. Pushing narratives to help Republicans matter.
3. Our audience is too stupid to understand anything other than what we tell them to believe.

It is all about money and nothing else. Their base is established and they know who they are. They are typically much older white people who have racist tendencies and don't research anything. They're lazy old "F"s who reminisce about the glory days when minorities knew their place and they want to be told diversity in America is bad, Democrats are bad, etc. FOX is more than happy to fulfill that service for them, but it is ridiculous how they keep putting on this charade as if they're reporting actual news. They literally fabricate news for their audience and the Left lets them get away with it.

For instance, the cycle typically goes like this... FOX conjures up some bogus culture war issue (critical race theory, Wokeness, Canceling Christmas, etc), it gets their viewers riled up about it over the course of a few weeks with nonstop opining from anyone willing to spew their nonsense, it then takes a poll about their feelings on those issues, and then justifies pushing those narratives by saying this is what their viewers are concerned about. Well, no crap! After FOX has been spending countless hours scaring them to death about stupid crap like invading caravans, misgendered M&Ms, Big Bird educating kids about vaccines, Chelsea Handler being childless and happy, etc. If I were president of the united states and a FOX reporter started asking idiotic questions about their preferred red meat narratives, I'd just laugh in their face and say, "Americans aren't concerned about that dumb crap," that's just the fabricated nonsense at your network. But instead they respond to these questions with a straight face adding legitimacy to them.
"I am not an American ... In my view premarital sex should be illegal ...(there are) mentally challenged people with special needs like myself- Ajax18
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Post by Moksha »

Doctor CamNC4Me wrote:
Mon Feb 20, 2023 7:57 pm
But is that just a Leftist tactic? Lolno. Fascists love controlling speech. So do Communists. So do religionists. So do tribalists. Hell, I’ve seen neoliberals clamor for speech constraints. It’s a human condition, not an ideological one, in my opinion.

- Doc
This reminds me of the question asked in Sound of Music: "How do you solve a problem like Binger? How do you hold stinky tofu in your hand?"
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Post by ajax18 »

Vēritās wrote:
Mon Feb 20, 2023 10:08 pm
ajax18 wrote:
Mon Feb 20, 2023 9:28 pm

Fox News doesn't claim to be objective or politically neutral.
For the first 20 years of its existence it rode on the motto of "Fair and Balanced." After that worked to fool enough Americans and get them sucked into their B.S. cultural war nonsense they realized it was pointless to even pretend to be objective so they dropped the slogan and fired Allen Combs and stopped hosting those with counterpoints. It became strictly a right wing echo chamber of uneducated opinion provided around the clock 24/7. It isn't just that they're not objective but that they don't even make minimal effort to try to be.
CNN does claim this even though they are nothing more than an extension of the Democratic PR department.
Based on zero evidence whatsoever. In all these years of right wing hysteria about CNN bias the worst case I can remember was Donna Brazil giving Hillary a glimpse of the interview questions before hand. This is a level of "bias" that barely tips the scales when compared to the over the top nonsense over at FOX every 20 seconds. All they do is host the same idiot talking heads that spew their narratives and whenever they accidentally host someone that fact checks them on live air they are immediately shouted down or just flat out cut off the air in mid sentence. Nothing like that ever happens at CNN.

You're just trying to continue to justify FOX's "all in" mentality towards all things Republican. Now that we have private emails and texts proving it is much worse than anyone ever thought, all you can do now is try to equate both sides as if both sides do it. No, they don't. FOX is in a league of their own. It isn't even close. FOX hosts campaign on behalf of Republican candidates. They knowingly spread lies about Democrats and try to get the entire country to hate Democrats as if they're not really Americans. Nothing over at CNN comes close to this.
Like Jeff Zucker telling journalists at CNN they have to go after Lindsey Graham harder? CNN can barely keep their ratings up without having Trump in office to persecute.
And when the Confederates saw Jackson standing fearless like a stonewall, the army of Northern Virginia took courage and drove the federal army off their land.
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Post by ajax18 »

Dr Exiled wrote:
Tue Feb 21, 2023 12:15 am
Doctor CamNC4Me wrote:
Mon Feb 20, 2023 7:57 pm
The Right totally cancels people all the time. Every Conservative subreddit instabans anyone even suspected of not carrying water for Trump. Here in Utah DN and KSL HEAVILY moderates in favor of LDS and Conservative sensibilities- I only get about 1 in 5 posts published. Musk bans people for teasing him or taking him to task - snowflake anyone?

Am I saying the Left doesn’t do it, too? Lolno. They’re damned power tripping fascists on Reddit; quite often the ‘progressives’ posting on Reddit will openly talk about deplatforming anyone they don’t like - quite often people who don’t pass their purity tests. It’s not even an open secret, Leftists openly clamor for deplatforming their ideological opponents.

But is that just a Leftist tactic? Lolno. Fascists love controlling speech. So do Communists. So do religionists. So do tribalists. Hell, I’ve seen neoliberals clamor for speech constraints. It’s a human condition, not an ideological one, in my opinion.

- Doc
Truth to power my friend. We need to be ever watchful. Our religious tradition should be enough to show that the Right wants to deplatform and/or shut down certain speech that is not helpful to their cause.
Who on the right is trying to shut down ideological opponents? Elin Musk? He's not even a conservative? The lds church? Maybe. But that's just a group of people of common faith seeking to be strengthened in that faith by each other. Sacrament meeting isn't a place for debate and arguments.
And when the Confederates saw Jackson standing fearless like a stonewall, the army of Northern Virginia took courage and drove the federal army off their land.
Alphus and Omegus
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Post by Alphus and Omegus »

ajax18 wrote:
Tue Feb 21, 2023 3:37 am
Like Jeff Zucker telling journalists at CNN they have to go after Lindsey Graham harder? CNN can barely keep their ratings up without having Trump in office to persecute.
Once again, because Confederate Ajax cannot actually address critics' arguments, he raises an irrelevant point about something else.

There's no possible world in which a CNN president urging people to change how they write up those usually ignored on-screen banners is even slightly equivalent to Roger Ailes, a hardcore Republican partisan who gave Donald Trump a dedicated weekly slot on his morning propaganda show for years, and who spoke to him on the phone as a friend and political ally frequently.

Here's what Zucker said:
“Frankly, if we’ve made any mistake, it’s been that our banners have been too polite, and we need to go well after Lindsey Graham. … There is a lot of news out there, and Lindsey Graham really deserves it.”
By contrast, Fox owner Rupert Murdoch is in daily contact giving advice and skewing coverage with Republican donors and politicians. There are zero CNN or MSNBC executives who engage in anything remotely as biased.

One of the thousands of more biased things that Roger Ailes did was personally directing the making of an anti-Barack Obama campaign commercial in 2012:
Similarly, Ailes suggested to Weekly Standard editor Bill Kristol that Romney should go for the jugular in 2012. According to Sherman's book, Ailes said: "Romney’s gotta rip Obama’s face off. It’s really hard to do. I did this with Bush Sr. He was uncomfortable with ripping Dukakis’s face off. George had to tell Barbara, ‘Look, this is Roger’s thing.’ It made Barbara uncomfortable that George was going to negative, but I had to rip off [Democratic challenger Michael] Dukakis’s face.”

During the final months of the 2012 campaign, Ailes helped preparation vice presidential nominee Paul Ryan and recommended an adviser to help with his television performance, according to the book.

Any casual Fox News viewer in 2012 could see how the network was pulling for Romney, either by hyping an out-of-context remark from Obama about redistribution, or by distorting a widely covered 2007 campaign speech that addressed issues of race and poverty. The morning after Romney won the hard-fought Republican primary, "Fox & Friends" aired what was essentially a four-minute attack ad against Obama.

But Sherman's book fills in the story with behind-the-scenes details, typically provided by anonymous sources. For instance, Sherman wrote that the "Fox & Friends" video was "Ailes's brainchild," a version of events that conflicts with Fox News' statement at the time that senior management wasn't aware of it.
Fox News, Newsmax, and OAN are nothing but propaganda. They don't even pretend to be news. The Dominion discovery documents also reveal that these propaganda channels think their viewers are idiots who need a safe space. There has never been anything like this before in which media outlets hate their own viewers.
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Post by Vēritās »

Meanwhile, Kevin McCarthy just handed over 40,000 hours of Jan 6 surveillance footage. Only Tucker, no one else. Tucker! The idiot trust fund baby who demanded a FOX journalist be fired for doing actual journalism.

Get ready for an onslaught of right wing propaganda based on out of context snippets aimed to somehow negate all the video evidence we've already seen. Only FOX viewers would be stupid enough to buy this, and that's what they're counting on.
"I am not an American ... In my view premarital sex should be illegal ...(there are) mentally challenged people with special needs like myself- Ajax18
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Post by Vēritās »

So according to an illegal leak provided by the laughably dishonest and discredited Project Veritas, a former CNN president lamented that the network had been way too kind to Lindsay Graham by not giving his idiotic remarks and blatant hypocrisy the proper coverage it deserves, and Ajax thinks this somehow serves as the counter balance to what FOX has been doing?

Yeah, he would be that dumb. All this leak did was highlight the stark contrasts between the two networks, proving CNN couldn't be as biased and corrupt as FOX even if it tried.
"I am not an American ... In my view premarital sex should be illegal ...(there are) mentally challenged people with special needs like myself- Ajax18
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Doctor CamNC4Me
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Post by Doctor CamNC4Me »

Alphus and Omegus wrote:
Tue Feb 21, 2023 5:09 am
ajax18 wrote:
Tue Feb 21, 2023 3:37 am
Like Jeff Zucker telling journalists at CNN they have to go after Lindsey Graham harder? CNN can barely keep their ratings up without having Trump in office to persecute.
Once again, because Confederate Ajax cannot actually address critics' arguments, he raises an irrelevant point about something else.
It’s tiresome, for sure. He’s got that weird Mormon male habit of never admitting wrongness, so you’ll never see him do the Christian thing and admit fault, repent, make amends, and do better. I think this kind of behavior leads to some sort of cluster mental illness - paranoia, narcissism, hate, blame casting, and an inability to think abstractly.

- Doc
Hugh Nibley claimed he bumped into Adolf Hitler, Albert Einstein, Winston Churchill, Gertrude Stein, and the Grand Duke Vladimir Romanoff. Dishonesty is baked into Mormonism.
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Post by ajax18 »

I think this kind of behavior leads to some sort of cluster mental illness - paranoia, narcissism, hate, blame casting, and an inability to think abstractly.

- Doc
That's deep state pseudopsychology. We're so stupid and incapable and yet so successful throughout history that you'll probably forever continue to need communist laws that attempt to create equality of result to even hope to compete with us. While we all may be spirit children of God, there will forever be a great inequality of man between those who keep the commandments and those who don't even try to do so.
And when the Confederates saw Jackson standing fearless like a stonewall, the army of Northern Virginia took courage and drove the federal army off their land.
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