Tic-Tacs: Aliens or Spy Drones?

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Everybody Wang Chung
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Tic-Tacs: Aliens or Spy Drones?

Post by Everybody Wang Chung »

Recently, the Pentagon released footage of several encounters between fighter planes and the "tic-tac" UFOs, going back to 2004 to the present.

Michio Kaku (co-founder of String Field Theory) has studied the footage of several encounters with the tic-tacs and their capabilities. He now believes the burden of proof has shifted to the government to show that these tic-tacs are not of extraterrestrial origin because we now have radar, visual, infrared and video evidence of these tic-tacs doing things that are hundreds if not thousands of years beyond our technological capabilities:


Here is a short 60 Minutes program on the first filmed encounter in 2004 with the tic-tacs and the U.S. Navy. The tic-tacs are about 40 feet long, no visible propulsion system, can travel underwater and can travel 60 miles in a few seconds without creating a sonic boom:


Anyways, thoughts? Are these extraterrestrial in origin or are these super-advanced secret spy drones?
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Re: Tic-Tacs: Aliens or Spy Drones?

Post by honorentheos »

Two thoughts come to mind.

First, much like our own perception of the world is the result of sensory reception and interpretation, the question of what these phenomenon are likely first needs to look at what was observed, how, and by how many instruments. Research into it seems like it should identify procedures that would allow for multiple, dispersed observers to capture data in the future. And consider the difficulty of fooling with instruments and observers is significantly easier than building advanced ship/drone technology.

Second, I don't think the burden of proof shifts to proving it ISN'T aliens or we have to assume aliens quite so directly.
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Re: Tic-Tacs: Aliens or Spy Drones?

Post by Doctor CamNC4Me »

All I saw was a little dot on some grainy footage, and some other top-like thing on some grainy footage. I watched all the interviews with Fravor and others, but it’s not that hard to run a psyop with some individuals who’re dedicated to the mission. I also saw what I saw, and have no idea what that was other than a possible collection platform of some sort, but again I just don’t know.

I think the thing that’s giving me pause is that the US government, as far as I’m aware, hasn’t taken this seriously enough to being in a team or two of physicists, and I’m talking the best they can get, to get read-on and have access to all of the government’s material. If the government isn’t taking this seriously, then it makes me feel a little skeptical of the DoD’s motivations.

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Everybody Wang Chung
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Re: Tic-Tacs: Aliens or Spy Drones?

Post by Everybody Wang Chung »

Doctor CamNC4Me wrote:
Sun Mar 05, 2023 11:07 pm
I watched all the interviews with Fravor and others, but it’s not that hard to run a psyop with some individuals who’re dedicated to the mission. I also saw what I saw, and have no idea what that was other than a possible collection platform of some sort, but again I just don’t know.
The psyop angle is interesting to think about. Maybe some upper echelon members of the DOD feel that manufacturing a potential threat from outer space is a sure fire way to make Congress keep the defense budget high?

Also, I just searched for and found your experience with the 100 meter black triangle in Nevada that was moving very slow, perpendicular to the ground. That sounds like an incredible experience.

Maybe someday we will know what these things are.
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Re: Tic-Tacs: Aliens or Spy Drones?

Post by Moksha »

Everybody Wang Chung wrote:
Sun Mar 05, 2023 10:21 pm
He now believes the burden of proof has shifted to the government to show that these tic-tacs are not of extraterrestrial origin ...
Yeah, show us that these were not ships of curious construction and that they did not set forth from the Arabian Peninsula!
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Re: Tic-Tacs: Aliens or Spy Drones?

Post by Physics Guy »

String theory isn’t the kind of expertise I’d trust on this topic.
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Re: Tic-Tacs: Aliens or Spy Drones?

Post by Gadianton »

Could be messengers from the City of Enoch. Someone should ask Dan about that.
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Re: Tic-Tacs: Aliens or Spy Drones?

Post by ¥akaSteelhead »

If our pilots can keep up with the whatever, just how advanced is the whatever? Video is so grainy.
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