Book of Lehi and the 116-page Manuscript

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Re: Book of Lehi and the 116-page Manuscript

Post by Shulem »

Moksha wrote:
Mon Mar 06, 2023 12:46 am
In the Lost Pages, do you hypothesize that Lehi murdered Laban while he was unconscious?

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Re: Book of Lehi and the 116-page Manuscript

Post by Moksha »

Starting off a faith tradition with a cold-blooded murder sets the mark of Joseph upon Latter-day followers. At least that is something to ponder for all you curse believers.
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Re: Book of Lehi and the 116-page Manuscript

Post by Shulem »

Moksha wrote:
Mon Mar 06, 2023 5:10 pm
Starting off a faith tradition with a cold-blooded murder sets the mark of Joseph upon Latter-day followers. At least that is something to ponder for all you curse believers.

Book of Mormon narrative basically justifies Nephi in committing murder because he believed that God told him to. It’s an awful precedent and a horrible beginning for Mormonism. Commit murder to get the plates! The only righteous recourse was to notify the authorities and register a complaint by filing legal charges against Laban and allow the legal process to run its course. Honor and sustain the law. Allow the Jewish courts to exercise due process.

The bottom line, Nephi’s acts were criminal. He had a choice:

1. Turn himself in to the authorities and confess his crime and let the chips fall where they may
2. Run, hide, and flee from the law as a fugitive

Joseph Smith’s Nephi chose to commit murder because a voice in his head told him to. He was a murderer. This is a reflection on the personal values and beliefs of JOSEPH SMITH! I have expressed in another thread that I believe Joseph Smith was fantasizing and playing the role of Nephi while dictating the story.
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Re: Captain Nephi vs. Captain Lehi?

Post by Shulem »

Shulem wrote:
Sat Mar 04, 2023 9:04 pm
I will demonstrate how seemingly Captain Lehi was demoted to that of a feeble ship’s hand, like a stowaway who was about to die of old age. The retelling makes Nephi the ship’s captain and master of the Liahona as he usurps his father’s authority in what could be construed as a mutiny from Bountiful to the land of promise.

Nephi’s narrative is clear that he was subject to the direction and commands of his father from the moment they left Jerusalem. The command was that Lehi was to take his family and depart into the wilderness. Lehi led the way down by the borders of the Red Sea and into the wilderness beyond until Lehi pitched his tent in a valley by the side of a river. It was by Lehi’s command that they took their journey into the wilderness. We are informed that “Lehi dwelt in a tent.” One morning when Lehi woke up, he discovered the round brass ball (Liahona) at his tent door in which a spindle therein pointed the way like a compass. They, the families, did follow the directions of the ball through the wilderness under the management of father Lehi who was commanded of God to look upon the ball and the writing which magically appeared therein. Nephi expressed how the pointers in the ball worked according to their faith and diligence. We are informed that Nephi utilized the ball and by its direction he went up into the top of a mountain in search of wild beasts. All in all, the entire colony benefited by the directions and writings produced by Lehi’s magic brass ball.

The story goes on to talk about how God personally commanded Nephi to build a ship in which they would be carried across the waters by God and led towards the promised land by the directions given from the ball. It seems that during the voyage there is the impression that Nephi is the captain of the ship and is the one who is charged with leading the entire family to the promised land. The aging and sick Lehi falls into a state of less influence as his authority and leadership seems to be usurped by Nephi. After Nephi’s brethren bound him, that is when the compass ceased to work! Not even Lehi with all his faith and diligence could get the compass to work so long as Captain Nephi was bound! Lehi was powerless and unable to stretch forth his arm and shock his mutinous sons! The entire crew, including Lehi, did not know where to steer the ship but were lost at sea in the storm! The magic ball was useless without Nephi.

After Nephi was loosened by his brethren, he personally took the compass, and it did work whither he desired it and the vessel and crew were saved. The words of Nephi provide an exact statement of who oversaw the ship and who was responsible for getting the crew safely to the promised land:

Nephi wrote:I, Nephi, did guide the ship, that we sailed again towards the promised land.

It’s a good thing Nephi didn’t throw Captain Lehi overboard. Could it be that Nephi threw his mother overboard and silenced her forever to a cold and silent grave?

See here: Sariah

Last edited by Shulem on Thu Mar 09, 2023 2:42 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Book of Lehi and the 116-page Manuscript

Post by Shulem »

Moksha wrote:
Mon Mar 06, 2023 5:10 pm
Starting off a faith tradition with a cold-blooded murder sets the mark of Joseph upon Latter-day followers. At least that is something to ponder for all you curse believers.

Moksha, please permit me to go on a bit of a tangent while awaiting Don Bradley’s book to investigate what he has uncovered and how and in what manner he explains things and what source material I am not familiar with. I really am looking forward to that book and would like everyone to know that I will give it a fair shake and consider all the implications whatever they may be.

Now, on to the dark side of Joseph Smith. Was there a dark side to Joseph Smith that the Church fails to comprehend? Yes! There most surely was a dark side to Joseph Smith. He was an innovator and a practitioner of biblical themes and beliefs. But lest I digress, let me get to the point.

Joseph Smith married or was sealed to other men’s wives. He was more than capable of sending a man off on a mission so that he might take their wife into his spiritual bosom and be sealed to her as a husband for eternity. That’s something that most men would never do to their friends and personal associates but Joseph Smith was in a class by himself. He believed he was above the law and above all other men. He was prophet, seer, revelator, translator, and king!

So, Smith was more than capable of taking another man’s wife, even behind their back without their knowledge. I think Smith considered himself a modern DAVID in which he was privileged with every right and honor under the sun that he thought best. Money, power, women, and along with that the ultimate act of committing murder is something we might consider was within the heart and mind of Joseph Smith. As a man thinketh so is he! Narratives and stories within the covers of the Book of Mormon and fantasies played out therein lead me to suspect Joseph Smith was very capable of committing murder and a dark of side of his personality and character was part of the act.

Like king DAVID in the Bible who sent Uriah the Hittite off to battle to perish so he could take Bathsheba as his wife -- so also was SMITH capable of doing the same but with a sense of self-righteous honor and justification that secret acts of this nature were done for the glory of God.

I believe, Joseph Smith was a murderer in his heart. Yes, he was capable of murder. And with that, he visualized and acted out murder in stories of the Book of Mormon by acting it out and tasting what it was like to shed blood in his own thoughts. This really is a dreadful subject and I apologize for upsetting anyone who is reading this post. I really do not mean to upset you! I mean to shed light on something that I suspect is hidden in the darkness and needs to be understood from a perspective that provides further light and knowledge of the true character of Joseph Smith.
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Re: Book of Lehi and the 116-page Manuscript

Post by Shulem »

Please permit me to inform readers and participants that I have another thread down in the Terrestrial forum that serves as a companion to this thread up here in Celestial where we float among the heavens and rejoice in our rejoicings.

God bless you and may God bless us all!

:) Shulem cracks the code for The Book of Lehi/116 Lost Pages!!
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Re: Book of Lehi and the 116-page Manuscript

Post by Shulem »

Shulem wrote:
Wed Mar 08, 2023 11:24 am
I believe, Joseph Smith was a murderer in his heart. Yes, he was capable of murder. And with that, he visualized and acted out murder in stories of the Book of Mormon by acting it out and tasting what it was like to shed blood in his own thoughts. This really is a dreadful subject and I apologize for upsetting anyone who is reading this post. I really do not mean to upset you! I mean to shed light on something that I suspect is hidden in the darkness and needs to be understood from a perspective that provides further light and knowledge of the true character of Joseph Smith.

Look, I have no intentions on dwelling on the negative aspects of Smith’s personal fantasies of acting out murder in his thoughts, but this little two minute video certainly causes one to pause and question the original intentions given for a horrible story told at the beginning of the Book of Mormon.

Professor Severus Snape: “Killing In The Name Of”

There is no justification for murdering Laban. None at all. It *was* an evil act and the whole story is sinister and dark.
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No Passover in Jerusalem of all places

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Houston Jerusalem, we have a problem!
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Re: Genealogy Omitted!

Post by Shulem »

A critical point of interest in which we can ascertain that Joseph Smith was covering up his inability to remember fine details of the lost Book of Lehi comes to light with reference to the missing genealogy. The so-called genealogy that was kept on the brass plates that proved Lehi was a descendent of Joseph was not repeated in Joseph Smith’s retelling of the exodus from Jerusalem as given through the eyes of Nephi. That content (which would not have been long) from the brass plates was recorded only by Lehi in his account but was not duplicated by Nephi. One would think that Nephi would have loved to have recorded his own genealogy for his own sake! Right?

Don Bradley in his book, The Lost 116 pages, lightly touches on this subject but fails to provide details on how such an important thing is omitted and fails to see the real reason why Nephi did not record the names of his fathers. It would have only taken a moment and that seems pretty small considering all the unimportant and trivial things that were written into the record. And, if Nephi had taken a moment to record his genealogy then we would have that information in our Book of Mormon today! But apparently the Lord was not wise enough or intelligent enough to foresee that and preserve a genealogy that would be forever wiped out.

See HERE for the presentation in the Terrestrial forum.

1 Nephi 6:1-3 wrote:And now I, Nephi, do not give the genealogy of my fathers in this part of my record; neither at any time shall I give it after upon these plates which I am writing; for it is given in the record which has been kept by my father; wherefore, I do not write it in this work.

For it sufficeth me to say that we are descendants of Joseph.

And it mattereth not to me that I am particular to give a full account of all the things of my father, for they cannot be written upon these plates, for I desire the room that I may write of the things of God.

Or in other words, JOSEPH SMITH could not recall the genealogy and names given in his first dictation for the “Book of Lehi” which manuscript was lost! So, Smith had to come up with an excuse to not have to recall the genealogy because there was no way he could do that without getting it wrong and those differences would be instantly detected by comparing Lehi’s lost manuscript with Nephi’s replacement version!

Folks, this is a dead ringer into proving Joseph Smith was covering up his own lies in telling Book of Mormon stories!

What part of that does Don Bradley not understand?
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Re: Genealogy Omitted!

Post by Shulem »

1 Nephi 6:1-3 wrote:And now I, Nephi, do not give the genealogy of my fathers in this part of my record; neither at any time shall I give it after upon these plates which I am writing; for it is given in the record which has been kept by my father; wherefore, I do not write it in this work.

For it sufficeth me to say that we are descendants of Joseph.

And it mattereth not to me that I am particular to give a full account of all the things of my father, for they cannot be written upon these plates, for I desire the room that I may write of the things of God.

Don’t be such a dope, Nephi and don’t lie to me! In the space you just used telling us that you don’t have the space to record your genealogy on your small plates, you could have just as well given us the genealogy without pontificating JOSEPH SMITH’S silly excuse for losing his manuscript and not being able to remember your genealogy!

Come on Nephi, who do you think you’re fooling? Don Bradley?

You’re not fooling me!
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