Shulem cracks the code for The Book of Lehi/116 Lost Pages!!

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Re: Don Bradley

Post by Marcus »

Shulem wrote:
Sat Mar 11, 2023 2:54 pm
I would like to add that Bradley's efforts in finding fantastic parallels between Smith uncovering the plates and things that occurred in the Bible is not necessarily scholarship but falls more in line with wishful inspiration on his part. He stated at the opening of his book that inspiration was not his work as is his scholarship. But so far he is taking what scholarship he's presented and decorating it with window dressing to make it look as if Joseph Smith is mirroring the past and fulfilling all manner prophecies in which Smith never said anything. Is Bradley now filling the role of the prophet Joseph Smith and revealing prophecies that Smith never knew? To my knowledge, I am not aware of Smith having ever alluded to a Mosaic connection between the ark and the plates and how the timing of certain feasts correspond with Smith finally getting the plates on a certain month of the year. And the bit about the plates being wrapped in cloth being symbolic of covering the ark is simply over the top nonsense.

That is why I class elements of Bradley's work as faith promoting BS but on the other hand I have found his scholarly material very useful. Don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to slam Don personally but I'm finding serious fault with his methods. If Don expects to be taken seriously by nonbelievers and critics then making stuff up out of thin air is not the way to go about it.

And so, tomorrow I will be headed to Florida for a vacation so you may not hear much from me for a while.
we'll have to hold on until you return then!! i really appreciate you reviewing this book in depth. i have been curious about it, but honestly, actually reading a book that tries to flesh out an imaginary text that is theoretically missing because of an unverified story told by a person who wrote many other imaginary texts and told multiple lies has so many layers of nonsensical logic that i couldn't bring myself to do it. my eye-rolling capacity is limited. BUT, i was curious, and therefore i am really enjoying your reviews and looking forward to future editions!! you add so much, thank you! see you when you return. :D
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Re: Don Bradley

Post by Shulem »

Marcus wrote:
Sun Mar 12, 2023 1:12 am
BUT, i was curious, and therefore i am really enjoying your reviews and looking forward to future editions!!

Thank you, Marcus, and I trust I won't disappoint, especially when it comes to the thread in the Celestial forum which will grow in due time.

Bradley wrote:The plates could not:
  • be taken to Charles Anthon for examination,
  • put in a museum,
  • nor even yet be kept in a temple.
Because they don't exist!
Because they don't exist!
Because they don't exist!

Bradley wrote:But Joseph and his generation were to have them only on loan, and to read only the portion of Nephite history he was called to translate.

Until Joseph's trick is over and the con is done! There were no real gold plates! It was all a ruse!

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Don Bradley

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Don explains how Martin and his wife Lucy traveled to Harmony to see Joseph and investigate matters involving the plates. Lucy was feisty and caused quite a stir making herself a "nuisance" in ransacking the house while looking for the so-called gold plates and "insisting that she must see the plates." Can anyone blame Lucy for wanting to verify the existence of plates figuring her husband was in process of being conned while Joseph's lying eyes were on her husband's purse? Lucy was probably a practical woman and street smart at that. She didn't trust the money digger and who can blame her? She would never see the plates and must have feared her husband was going to fork over a lot of money in a bad investment involving fraud. RED ALERT!

So, after two weeks in Harmony, Martin took Lucy home only to return and begin the translation process. But in the interim, we are informed that Emma was involved in the earliest part of the translation serving as a scribe for the "opening narratives" of the Book of Lehi and she provided interesting clues about that process. Two clues of interest:
  • Joseph couldn't pronounce the name Sariah but had to spell it out.
  • Joseph claimed he didn't know there were walls surrounding Jerusalem and told Emma he was afraid "he had been deceived."

Give me a break! This is an amazing example how Joseph was duping his wife and fooling her with translation tricks. Joseph was getting started and he made straight work of his wife by getting her right in his pocket where he wanted her. Of course Joseph Smith knew there were walls surrounding Jerusalem (2 Kings 25:10, Ezra 4:12-16, Nehemiah 2:13, Psalms 51:18, Isaiah 62:6, Jeremiah 1:15, etc, etc). Emma replied to his query asking if there were walls surrounding Jerusalem with "yes", meaning even she knew there were walls. The point about Joseph not knowing how to pronounce "Sariah" does not suggest he was actually translating foreign characters off the plates. It serves to show that either Smith was faking it and attempting to look and sound like he was translating in order to fool Emma or he simply wasn't sure how to pronounce his crafted name. In any case, he spelled the name out for Emma to transcribe. And she fell for it: Hook, line, and sinker.

Poor Emma.
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Don Bradley

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Don reverts back to how the early period in which translation ensued seems to perfectly mirror biblical dating for feasts and sacred rites as if this somehow establishes credibility of a divine hand in bringing forth Smith's novel. He cites how the very chamber in which the translation took place having curtains and veils is reminiscent of the upper chamber in which Jesus performed and instituted sacred rites and rituals. I think Don is simply trying to paint a picture by which he is attempting to make Joseph look as biblical as possible and it falls flat as a pancake. It just doesn't work, Don. Plugging in parallels doesn't bring your painting to life. Sorry.

What really caught my eye is when Bradley relates Emma's account of how the translation was done in a low-ceiling "chamber" or "upper room" as if the hanging veils were within a sacred room specially prepared by God and "FOR THE BIBLICAL MINDED JOSEPH" -- evoking Jesus's upper room in which he performed his own rites for the Jews. It's the "biblical minded Joseph" that made me chuckle because earlier Joseph questioned Emma if there was a wall around Jerusalem as he learned in his first translations that would have involved Nephi leaving Jerusalem through the wall only to return through the wall to obtain the brass plates. Biblical minded Joseph would have known better and that Jerusalem did in fact have walls -- a major feature of the city of Jerusalem throughout various books of the Bible.

Bradley covers the idea of how or what differences may have been involved with Joseph Smith seeing words while peeping through a stone with his head in a hat. But it's all a waste of time because for Don, it's all speculation and something that has not been performed by Mormon prophets since Joseph Smith pretended to see things that he was narrating out of his own mind. The Church today does not practice or endorse such sorcery! What Joseph Smith did could be classed as a kind of witchcraft that is OUTSIDE the bounds of modern Mormonism and for fake prophets who preside today. Today's prophets are dumb and blinded by light whether it be spiritual or physical light -- they are blind and dumb when it comes to translating an unknown language into English. Take President Nelson for example: He's a dumb ass and doesn't know jack about how to translate any language. He's just another faker, just like Joseph Smith was a faker while "reading" or narrating the story of the Book of Mormon with his face in a hat or while pretending to peep into a magic seer stone.

Folks, we have all been lied to by Joseph Smith and today's leaders are nothing more than the blind leading the blind. I don't buy any of Joseph Smith's garbage! And so far, Bradley has offered nothing but faith promoting garbage and imaginary parallels to highlight that garbage. And, we all know that the writing in the labels of Facsimile No. 3 are NOT what Joseph Smith said they were -- Smith's revelations were fake and dead wrong! He made it all up just as did the Book of Mormon. Don Bradley can't answer for that!

I so testify that I know the Book of Mormon is not true as I also know the Explanations for Facsimile No. 3 are not true.

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Don Bradley

Post by Shulem »

I mentioned earlier that Bradley cited Emma about how Smith couldn't pronounce the name Sariah but had to spell it out. Here is more from that citation:

Emma wrote:When my husband was translating the Book of Mormon, I wrote a part of it, as he dictated each sentence, word for word, and when he came to proper names he could not pronounce, or long words, he spelled them out. . . . Even the word Sariah he could not pronounce at first, but had to spell it, and I would pronounce it for him.

Houston Moroni, we have a problem. Joseph Smith the translator can't properly cite names and words with his tongue! You'd think he could do at least that before spelling them out for transcription! Let us refer to the Book of Mormon and see if this seems consistent with how divine revelation is processed by one who is supposedly filled with the Holy Spirit ®.

You see, the idea of Joseph not knowing how to properly pronounce words of a foreign tongue is pure BS! Smith doesn't measure up to his own standards that he later gave which proves by his own words that he was not under the influence of an all knowing Holy Spirit ® being possessed with miraculous spiritual gifts.

See for yourself and judge whether Smith's inability to pronounce words with his own tongue matches the standard he later set for himself:

Omni wrote:the gift of speaking with tongues, and in the gift of interpreting languages
Alma wrote:having the spirit of prophecy, and the spirit of revelation, and also many gifts, the gift of speaking with tongues, and the gift of preaching, and the gift of the Holy Ghost, and the gift of translation
Mormon wrote:speaking with tongues, and the interpretation of tongues
Mormon wrote:they shall speak with new tongues
Moroni wrote:And again, to another, all kinds of tongues
Moroni wrote:And again, to another, the interpretation of languages and of divers kinds of tongues

And yet, we learn from Emma that Joseph couldn't pronounce the name Sariah while translating under the influence of the Spirit in which his tongue was not able to utter.

That's a red flag!

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Don Bradley

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Don continues with finding parallels in which to make Smith's work seem biblical. This statement raises the bar to a considerable level:

Don Bradley wrote:The biblical parallel was not lost on the early Saints, nor was its implication—that the spiritual communications that appeared on Joseph's seer stone were no less authoritative and divine than those written by God's finger on Moses's stone tablets.

It's also reasonable to expect that Joseph's seer stone (magic revelation) was used in translating the Book of Abraham as published in the Times and Seasons. The story tells how Abraham used the Urim and Thummim for divine purposes; so why not Joseph Smith? I wonder if Don Bradley has any compunction in comparing the translation of the Facsimile papyrus with Moses's tablets and Smith's plates? How does Joseph Smith spell Shulem? And from what magical means did the name Olimlah peep from? Could Joseph pronounce it or did Emma have to do it for him after changing his spiritual diaper? It certainly begs the question about how those things could be "written by the finger of God." Shulem! Olimlah!

Bradley continues with more faith promoting parallel nonsense in order to woo his faithful readers to have more faith in Joseph Smith. He mentions how when Joseph translated with the seer stone the plates had to be covered or wrapped up and that Joseph could translate from a distance. But when he translated using the interpreters the plates had to be nearby and uncovered. And of course, nobody but Joseph was allowed to see the plates during translation so a veil was set up between Joseph and his scribe. Bradley likens this to the veil in the Jerusalem temple that hid the ark and sacred things from the unauthorized prying eyes of those who might like to peek. But then Bradley admits that the priests were authorized to see the ark uncovered but not the public when it went out and about. So why couldn't the scribes see the plates? What were they, chopped liver? If the priests of Moses could see the ark then it stands to reason that Joseph's choice assistants could see the plates while translating.

But as it was, Smith used deception in everything he did! The plates remained under wraps. Why? Because they were NOT real gold plates and whatever they were they were fabricated and designed for one purpose only: DECEPTION.
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Re: Don Bradley

Post by Shulem »

A full on parallel is presented in which Joseph Smith becomes a high priest of Moses's tabernacle being adorned and decked with magical means of the Urim and Thummim. Joseph Smith is transformed into a modern Aaron! The veil becomes the means of blocking out ambient light and the sacred space in which the priest divines becomes a kind of theatre wherein the interpreters that consists of two triangular clear stones set within the rims of a bow-like instrument and serve to provide a kind of projection whether on the veil or in the mind of the prophet -- it's not exactly explained because only Joseph the SEER (see-er) could experience it. Only Joseph could work the magical spectacles and see! The very space in which Smith translated became a temple and therein were magical implements at the prophet's disposal whereby the interpreters were utilized to produce a magic light show in providing a translation of characters on the gold plates.

Bradley describes Smith running his finger over characters on the gold plates and God providing a direct translation through the interpreters via a projection given in the English language. Joseph's touch and finger is compared to the very finger of Jehovah writing the law on Moses's stone tablets. This is the ultimate parallel given by Bradley in order to compare Joseph Smith to prophets in the Bible and Book of Mormon. It's really an incredible stretch to make it all seem so fantastic. Of course none of this nonsense can be substantiated by outside sources because Joseph performed these acts in private while his assistants worked on the other side of the veil.

Rest assured if Lucy Harris had gotten her hands on Smith's fake golden plates she would have uncovered the deception of Smith's prop that was wrapped in a cloth of deception. Lucy was no dummy and she insisted on handling the plates in her own manner and fashion and by that she would have discovered that the plates (prop) were not made of gold. Thus, the plates and instruments used for a magical performance were kept in store for Joseph only and shared only with his closest confidants who were manipulated by the power of Joseph's suggestion. Unbelievers were not welcome! The faithless had no part in Joseph's ruse. It was all a deception on Joseph's part and his family was in on it to some degree which we cannot fully comprehend at this time.

I invite readers to check out the Backyard Professor's research on Smith's use of entheogens and how drugs may have been used to further Joseph Smith's magical manifestations and religious experiences. Please check out my thread in the Celestial forum:

Joseph Smith & Entheogens by The Backyard Professor
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Re: Don Bradley

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Chapter four gets into the manuscript theft and Bradley does an excellent job in explaining the circumstances and the events and timing of the goings-on in Harmony previous to the theft at Palmyra. Good job, Don! The following circumstances were taking place when Martin requested to take the manuscript and facsimile of the characters home to Palmyra to show his family. Martin had spent a full two months assisting with the translation process and it was high time to get home and return to business at hand with running his farm. During the translation process, Martin failed to go home to Palmyra to attend his daughter's wedding! Martin knew he was in hot water because of his neglect for his family and farm. He was in serious trouble! Don Bradley includes specific details to show that Lucy was already taking steps to ensure her own financial independence and separation from her husband. In addition, I abbreviate the following points Bradley also makes:
  • Emma was pregnant
  • They were running out of paper for translation
  • Martin was worried about his farm and family
  • Spring had arrived (June 14th)

And so, at this juncture, Martin pleaded with Joseph to be permitted to take the manuscript on loan to show his family in order to convince them that the work was a legitimate translation from the gold plates. I believe that Martin's sole interest was to convince his wife that they should finance the Smith's venture in publishing a book -- that of course, would cost thousands and Martin eventually mortgaged his farm for $3,000. I believe Joseph was pressuring Martin to commit money to finance his operation and that he would greatly profit from its success. Martin was under Joseph's spell! Of course, Bradley doesn't express my exact sentiments but he more or less alludes that something to that effect was taking place:

Don Bradley wrote:At making such tremendous sacrifices at his family's expense, Martin needed some way of demonstrating to the family that he had not lost his mind but had stayed away from farm and family, and even his daughter's wedding for a good cause—for a book that would do good in the world and would sell sufficiently for the family to recoup their growing investment in it. To have any hope for reconciliation with his wife, he needed something to show for his absence.

Again, Joseph Smith saw in Martin Harris $$$ and was dependent on him for financing his operation and getting the book published. Likewise, Harris had his sights on making $$$ and latching on to the fame that would result in the success of the book.
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Re: Shulem cracks the code for The Book of Lehi/116 Lost Pages!!

Post by Moksha »

As the early Nephites would say, Sprech-Ahloodie-Yoo-hoo, meaning Top of the morning to Ye.

The generosity of Martin Harris allowed Joseph to take his work to a vanity publisher.
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Re: Shulem cracks the code for The Book of Lehi/116 Lost Pages!!

Post by Shulem »

Moksha wrote:
Fri Mar 17, 2023 9:20 pm
The generosity of Martin Harris allowed Joseph to take his work to a vanity publisher.

I account for how Martin Harris convinced the Lord Joseph Smith to let him take the precious 116-page manuscript from Harmony Pennsylvania to Palmyra. There he would be privileged (sworn under covenant) to ONLY show the manuscript to five specially selected members of his family in an attempt to convince them that the work was legitimate and worthy of financing -- or in other words it would cost thousands of $$$ to publish a book and the Smith family needed the money to do just that. But how hardly would Lucy fall for that nonsense!

And so, Martin pleaded with Joseph to allow him to take the manuscript home. Joseph then enquired of the Lord through the interpreters and the answer was a resounding "No." But Harris was not satisfied with the Lord's answer and pleaded that Joseph allow him to take the manuscript home. Joseph again enquired of the Lord and the answer was again, "No!"

Nonetheless, according to the story, Harris was determined and Joseph yet again enquired of the Lord and finally got approval to allow Martin to take the manuscript on condition that he covenant to only show it to five specially selected family members. Martin agreed and went on his way.

Give me a break! When God says "No" it means NO! when he repeats himself it means NO again. No means NO! It reminds me of an abused person who is being forcibly manipulated by the sexual advances of another -- and when they say "NO", it means NO! No means NO! But Joseph needed the money and the assurance so he gave in and said, "YES," (and thereafter got screwed by Lucy)! Martin would commit to funding his enterprise and be loyal to the cause. Therefore, JOSEPH SMITH (not God) relented and coaxed Martin into making a solemn covenant that he would agree to only show the manuscript to designated persons and to none else.

Folks, God had nothing to do with any of this BS. All of this is the concocted efforts of Joseph Smith to secure financial resources of Martin Harris in order to get his book published. The phony revelations Smith claimed to get from the interpreters were nothing but lies. THAT is my understanding. And YOU can be sure that I am correct. Money is always the bottom line, baby. Yeah baby! Hey, Philo, where the hell are you?

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