Secular folks should worry.

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Doctor CamNC4Me
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Re: Secular folks should worry.

Post by Doctor CamNC4Me »

MG 2.0 wrote:
Mon Mar 27, 2023 6:54 pm
honorentheos wrote:
Mon Mar 27, 2023 6:32 pm
I didn't see you define "civil society".
I did. Go back and look. It may not be the definition that you would like, but it’s there.

How would you define civil society? Would that definition include respect and value of human life, including the unborn and undefenseless? If not, why? Would a civil society include the right to bear arms as described in the second amendment of the constitution? If not, why? Would it include the right to free speech at institutions of higher learning? If not, why?

I think definitions are going to vary on what a civil society entails.

Anyway, I’m interested…how would YOU define civil society?

Sharing time.

More game playing.


- Doc
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MG 2.0
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Re: Secular folks should worry.

Post by MG 2.0 »

Res Ipsa wrote:
Mon Mar 27, 2023 6:17 pm
You were completely unable to describe my worldview other than the "doesn't believe in God" part, which is hardly a "worldview."
You are free to then lay out what your worldview is. My assertion, however, is that your non theistic beliefs will impact your worldview, whatever that might be.

I asked a question and made a comment earlier about a ‘city set on a hill’. Do you believe all of that…or something different? If so, what?

What is your worldview? Is communism/socialism a threat? Why or why not. Are the changing moralities (honesty, sexual mores, etc.) a threat? Why or why not. Etc.,etc.

Please don’t default to the tired phrase, “Things have gotten better, not worse”.

This is NOT meant as an attack (to be clear). I’m interested in your world view. Also, for fun, if you were the President of the United States, what would your views be on capitalism vs. socialism (rough outlines of each). Law and order. Free speech. Government control vs. parental control of schools. Just a few to start out…

Would your views be more inline with say, a Mitt Romney Republican, or a Bernie Sanders/Elizabeth Warren Democrat? How much impact do the views of either side regarding abortion on demand play into your overall acceptance or rejection of either platform?

Last edited by MG 2.0 on Mon Mar 27, 2023 8:03 pm, edited 1 time in total.
MG 2.0
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Re: Secular folks should worry.

Post by MG 2.0 »

Doctor CamNC4Me wrote:
Mon Mar 27, 2023 7:07 pm
MG 2.0 wrote:
Mon Mar 27, 2023 6:54 pm

I did. Go back and look. It may not be the definition that you would like, but it’s there.

How would you define civil society? Would that definition include respect and value of human life, including the unborn and undefenseless? If not, why? Would a civil society include the right to bear arms as described in the second amendment of the constitution? If not, why? Would it include the right to free speech at institutions of higher learning? If not, why?

I think definitions are going to vary on what a civil society entails.

Anyway, I’m interested…how would YOU define civil society?

Sharing time.

More game playing.


- Doc
No. I’m serious.

MG 2.0
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Re: Secular folks should worry.

Post by MG 2.0 »

Doctor CamNC4Me wrote:
Mon Mar 27, 2023 7:05 pm
Doctor CamNC4Me wrote:
Mon Mar 27, 2023 5:19 pm


- Doc
I still haven’t looked that up. So whatever your meaning, I am apparently ignorant of it.

Tell you what. I’ll keep doing what I’m doing and you continue doing what you’re doing.

Last edited by MG 2.0 on Mon Mar 27, 2023 7:32 pm, edited 1 time in total.
MG 2.0
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Re: Secular folks should worry.

Post by MG 2.0 »

MG 2.0 wrote:
Mon Mar 27, 2023 6:58 pm
MG 2.0 wrote:
Mon Mar 27, 2023 3:33 pm

Yes, that was something, indeed. To start a thread and within the span of a few days be called a racist, a bigot, a supporter of pedophilia, and being labeled as “retarded” and an idiot was an eye opener as to the extent that secular atheists will go to in order to distort and/or dispose those views that run contrary to their worldview. I am none of those things, but certain posters will twist words and context in order to make what they will ‘the truth’.

I would recommend that anyone who has been a non participant in this thread and you are coming across it for the first time, read it with open eyes and fairness. There is a great divide between those that believe in God and those that don’t. The argument in the OP article referred to is whether civil society (a society in which we all get along and every voice is heard and valued) can continue as each generation moves towards a secularistic non belief in God.

Posters in this forum seemed to believe that I am somehow against free thought and/or separation of church and state. Not at all.

Here is an interesting article: ... on-atheism

There is much food for thought in this defense of secular thought and practice. One thing in particular was of concern to me.

It is those “competing beliefs” that might be a concern to all of us. Including secularists. We have examples in history where large swathes of humankind were exterminated because of those competing beliefs. Civil societies ceased to exist.

It is that ultimate result of the human condition in which the elite, who have no belief in accountability to a god, are in charge of society and have the military force to dictate their whims, that we ALL ought to be concerned with. THAT was the point of the article. But then we steered towards a discussion as to whether or not the very premise of the article could be trusted and/or the results really had any basis in reality.

Rather than discussing the type of society we ALL would want to live in as we think about the world our grandchildren will grow up in.

Do we want a totalitarian government? Of course not. Do we want a governing establishment that does not value the essential value of life within and without the womb? We’ve already slid down the slippery slope in some respects where we have seen the value of life diminished. And on the whole it’s not by the religionists. It’s the secular humanists with “competing beliefs” that have held sway. If we have a myriad of examples throughout history of societies in which competing beliefs have resulted in large scale death and destruction of individuals, families, and religious beliefs…ought we not to be concerned that this could happen within our country/society?

Some (mostly secular humanists) say no. Others say yes, it is a concern we ought to pay attention to (mostly religionists)..

This dichotomy becomes evident on a board such as this. And when you have majority voices using whatever means necessary to drown out the minority voice(s) you have the perfect example of ‘uncivil society’.

Anyway, yes, Res Ipsa, this was an interesting and even enlightening thread. If nothing else, we have a record of two differing world views being laid out for others to see and observe.

I appreciate the opportunity of being the minority voice. And no, I don’t accept the accusation that I’m a bad representative of my faith. That’s simply a concoction made in order to smear my good name and the good name of the LDS Church.

There, that may wrap things up. 🙂

Point of reference for Doc.

Point of reference for Doc, again. Should he choose to respond in a civil manner.

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Re: Secular folks should worry.

Post by MG 2.0 »

drumdude wrote:
Mon Mar 27, 2023 6:59 pm
MG 2.0 wrote:
Mon Mar 27, 2023 6:45 pm
made me out to be a ‘Tuckerite’. That I am not. Some things I hear him say, I agree with. Other things I hear him say I find myself saying, “What a loon!” Same with Hannity and Co. Same with Trump.
What things, specifically?
To be honest, drumdude, we do not have access to FOX News on television in our home.Sometimes if we are down the street visiting my wife’s parents they will have FOX news on. Sometimes it might be Tucker Carlson, sometimes it might be another pundit. There have been times, more than once, where I’ve said to myself, “Ummm…he’s got that wrong.”

Specifically? Where I don’t see him that often I can’t point out any one thing in particular. But I can tell you that what I’m saying is true.

And you can either choose to believe that or not.

Now and then I’ll run across something online if I’m using Google news and there is a link to FOX.

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Re: Secular folks should worry.

Post by malkie »

Last edited by malkie on Mon Mar 27, 2023 9:11 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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MG 2.0
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Re: Secular folks should worry.

Post by MG 2.0 »

malkie wrote:
Mon Mar 27, 2023 7:29 pm
MG 2.0 wrote:
Mon Mar 27, 2023 7:19 pm

I still haven’t looked that up. So whatever your meaning, I am apparently ignorant of it.

Tell you what. I’ll keep XXXX what I’m doing and you continue doing what you’re doing.

You might want to correct the 3rd word in your last sentence before anyone quotes you.
Thanks malkie. Done.

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Doctor CamNC4Me
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Re: Secular folks should worry.

Post by Doctor CamNC4Me »

MG 2.0 wrote:
Mon Mar 27, 2023 7:19 pm
Doctor CamNC4Me wrote:
Mon Mar 27, 2023 7:05 pm
I still haven’t looked that up. So whatever your meaning, I am apparently ignorant of it.

Tell you what. I’ll keep doing what I’m doing and you continue doing what you’re doing.

Wanna know how I know MG doesn’t read, is trolling, and posts in bad faith? ... 0#p2829030

20+ plus years of game playing. Cool.

- Doc
Trump is a fraud and is leading the white working class to disaster. - JD Vance
MG 2.0
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Re: Secular folks should worry.

Post by MG 2.0 »

Doctor CamNC4Me wrote:
Mon Mar 27, 2023 7:40 pm
Troll. Blatant.

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