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Post by Vēritās »

So after railing against Biden for weeks over the Palestine train incident, the GOP is criticizing Democrats for trying to pass legislation that would coerce the rail companies to implement more safety measures, calling them burdensome and premature!

GOP urges no ‘burdensome regulations’ on freight rail, after derailment
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Post by Res Ipsa »

Vēritās wrote:
Sun Mar 05, 2023 2:42 am
So after railing against Biden for weeks over the Palestine train incident, the GOP is criticizing Democrats for trying to pass legislation that would coerce the rail companies to implement more safety measures, calling them burdensome and premature!

GOP urges no ‘burdensome regulations’ on freight rail, after derailment
Gotta love the “it’s your fault for letting the accident happen but we’ll obstruct any effort to prevent similar accidents in the future.” :roll:
When a Religion is good, I conceive that it will support itself; and when it cannot support itself, and God does not take care to support, so that its Professors are oblig’d to call for the help of the Civil Power, ’tis a Sign, I apprehend, of its being a bad one.

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Post by Vēritās »

You would think that the latest revelations about FOX would be damning enough, but I am just floored by the way the media is reacting to this. Mostly the clowns in social media doing podcasts who've been claiming not to be partisan at all. People like Joe Rogan. He and a number of other podcasters, even some who call themselves Progressives (Krystal Ball) are using this bombshell news story to smear MSNBC and CNN. Because you know, it is all about whataboutism. "They all do it." Hell, even Bill Maher is doing this same crap. It really does just blow my mind. He had Russell Brand on the other night who went on a long winded rant about how all media is corrupt and lies for profit and when one guy challenged him to produce examples he brought up the Ivermectin/Joe Rogan issue and then also brought up Rachel Maddow telling people the vaccine would prevent infection.

Seriously? Those are the two examples used to equate all MMM with FOX? Why do folks on the left take the bait and allow these people to completely shift the narrative as if CNN had done this?

CNN didn't "lie" about Rogan. They said he took Ivermectin which was a drug also used to deworm horses, which is just a fact. They never said he bought it at a livestock store, which is how Rogan interpreted it before going off on an unhinged rant. The vaccine reporting was never about anyone knowingly lying to their audience. Maddow reported what data the CDC had provided at the time, but then later on the virus mutated and the next thing you know we needed boosters. At which point the idiots on the Right go back in time to recreate history so they can say, "See Rachel Maddow lied to us!"

But seriously, how can Rogan claim to have no dog in this fight when all he does is whine about how the media lies to people but he never criticizes FOX? Even now he is ignoring these reports and attacking CNN again about the same dumb crap from over two years ago. Its like people don't even appreciate how significant and serious this lawsuit really is. It is typically impossible to successfully sue a media outlet for defamation because the law raised the bar so high that the prosecution has to prove intent and malice. Well, the FOX communications provide a smoking gun on that, and I think Dominion's biggest mistake was asking for only $1.6 billion. They should get that and then they should be fined another $5 billion for the damage they have caused.
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Post by Vēritās »

This is a throwback from the Obama administration but is a clear example of FOX flat out lying on air and doing so willingly.
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Post by Vēritās »

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Post by Vēritās »

The plot thickens with this new twist:

Fox News Producer Sues Network, Claims She Was Pressured In Dominion Suit

Abby Grossberg claims Fox attorneys coerced her into giving misleading testimony to protect male executives and on-air talent.
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Post by Vēritās »

So Tucker Carlson is now lying to the American people and serving the interests of Vladamir Putin by claiming US troops are fighting on the ground in Ukraine. Even though FOX knew this was false, he reported this lie anyway.

Again, FOX is a national security threat to this country.
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Post by Vēritās »

The Trump campaign told Bartiromo to push January 6, 2021, as the date to overturn the 2020 election. Then she did it.
New audio revealed as part of Dominion Voting Systems’ $1.6 billion defamation lawsuit against Fox News — which Fox allegedly failed to provide to Dominion in the discovery process — shows how Fox News and Fox Business host Maria Bartiromo took directives from the Trump campaign to promote the campaign’s plan to overturn the 2020 presidential election results on January 6, 2021.

The new evidence was revealed by former Fox producer Abby Grossberg as part of her separate lawsuit against the network for allegedly setting her and Bartiromo up as scapegoats for Fox’s clear pattern of spreading lies and conspiracy theories about the 2020 election. While the paper trail released so far in the case shows that Grossberg herself promoted conspiracy theories in the pursuit of ratings, she has also brought forward additional evidence that has already produced big legal results in the Dominion case. The judge in the case reportedly sanctioned Fox on Wednesday for failing to turn over Grossberg’s audio recordings in a move that will give Dominion an opportunity to conduct further legal discovery at Fox’s expense.

On Wednesday night, MSNBC host Alex Wagner played exclusive audio excerpts from the key pieces of evidence that Grossberg had preserved and Fox had allegedly withheld from Dominion, including a phone call on November 8, 2020, in which then-Trump campaign attorney Rudy Giuliani admitted that he did not have evidence for his outlandish claims about Dominion. (Bartiromo and other Fox hosts continued to host Giuliani, anyway.) In another phone call, from December 5, 2020, an unnamed Trump campaign official admitted that Georgia’s statewide recount of ballots was “pretty darn close to what the machine count was,” and that the secretary of state’s office found that “that there weren’t any physical issues” with the voting machines. In a key piece of audio that Wagner played Wednesday night, the Trump campaign official also gave one of the earliest signals that the campaign intended to use the January 6, 2021, joint session of Congress in an attempt to overturn the election results, and that then-Vice President Mike Pence would supposedly “have to decide” which votes to count.

In another key section from the December 5, 2020, phone call that Grossberg’s lawyer provided to Wagner, the unnamed Trump campaign official suggested that media outlets should cover this date as a supposed milestone for determining the election — indeed, this had been his entire purpose for getting on this phone call.

Bartiromo immediately picked up on the Trump campaign’s instruction. On both her weekday morning Fox Business show, as well as her Sunday show on Fox News that Grossberg regularly produced, Bartiromo pushed the January 6 date many, many times, furthering the Trump campaign’s efforts to move the goal posts from its many legal and electoral defeats. These examples included instances in which Bartiromo either mentioned the date first, or she was clearly teeing up the guest to talk about the date, which Bartiromo depicted as an alleged point in time when Congress or Pence could realistically overturn the election.

On December 18, Bartiromo hosted former pro football player and future Republican U.S. Senate candidate Herschel Walker and his son, right-wing social media personality Christian Walker. Bartiromo played a video clip that Christian Walker had posted in which he declared, “The electors might have cast their votes today. They're not counted until January 6, when Congress meets. ... This isn’t over yet.” Bartiromo responded: “I just love that.” [Fox Business, Mornings with Maria Bartiromo, 12/18/20]

On December 20, Bartiromo hosted Herschel and Christian Walker again on her Sunday show, once again praising Christian Walker’s online video and telling him, “You were basically underlining Section 1, Article 2 in the Constitution.” After Christian declared on “January 6, the vice president will count the votes,” Bartiromo did not challenge the apparent contention that Pence could determine the election results, but instead just praised Christian further: “Yes, and that's pretty much what you said on Instagram, which was great. It went viral.” [Fox News, Sunday Morning Futures, 12/20/20]

On the January 3, 2021, edition of her Sunday show — the weekend prior to the joint session of Congress — Bartiromo hosted multiple Republican members of Congress who were planning to challenge the election results. At the conclusion of one segment, she remarked to Rep. Mo Brooks (R-AL): “If you're going to object to six states, and then you’ve got a two-hour debate, we’re not going to learn the results here until — well, we're not going to learn on January 6, that’s for sure. This goes into January 7.” (The electoral votes were indeed certified after midnight, under what had become truly unprecedented circumstances.) [Fox News, Sunday Morning Futures, 1/3/21]
"I am not an American ... In my view premarital sex should be illegal ...(there are) mentally challenged people with special needs like myself- Ajax18
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Post by Vēritās »

"I am not an American ... In my view premarital sex should be illegal ...(there are) mentally challenged people with special needs like myself- Ajax18
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Post by Vēritās »

Vēritās wrote:
Mon Feb 27, 2023 6:57 pm
FOX has been known to willingly lie for decades. I remember during the 2008 election the big uproar on FOX was the scare tactic about socialized medicine. They wanted to scare the crap out of everyone about Obama's proposed Affordable Care Act, and despite the obvious fact that it wasn't in any sense "socialized medicine," FOX kept telling its viewers that it would be "government controlled healthcare." In fact a memo was leaked from the FOX talking heads where they were instructed by the executives to never refer to it as anything other than "government controlled healthcare." They all knew it really wasn't, but they pushed the lie anyway because it served their purposes.
"I am not an American ... In my view premarital sex should be illegal ...(there are) mentally challenged people with special needs like myself- Ajax18
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