BYU Professor Becomes Bullying Target Due To Trans Child

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Re: BYU Professor Becomes Bullying Target Due To Trans Child

Post by Kishkumen »

To a limited degree, I understand that parents have a fixation on the sanctity of childhood as they perceive it. Certainly, speaking as a parent myself, I have not embraced the idea that childhood education really needs to be fixated on the complexities of gender, etc. But, these conservatives reveal who they really are when they insist on excluding and bullying others. Here in Florida the "Don't Say Gay" nonsense (I understand this is an inflammatory tag) has been extended to all 13 grades of public education. At some point, I would say that kids ought to know more than the plumbing, ya know? There simply will be LGBTQ+ students in the schools, they will know themselves and others will know them. I want these kids to be safe and welcomed as equal members of the community, not in an environment where they are shamed and bullied. The so-called "conservative" culture warriors really want to erase LGBTQ+ people from the public sphere. They are ready to sacrifice a minority to preserve the fantasy that gender differences simply do not exist.
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Re: BYU Professor Becomes Bullying Target Due To Trans Child

Post by Salvete »

malkie wrote:
Tue May 02, 2023 3:24 am
sock puppet wrote:
Tue May 02, 2023 3:11 am
Fox News has, indeed, shown great resourcefulness in finding ever lower dregs to replace those who have left.
Imagine if they could get Trump to replace Carlson. Win/win - right?
I fear it’ll be Mark Levin.
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Re: BYU Professor Becomes Bullying Target Due To Trans Child

Post by drumdude »

DP vomited out another dozen or so links about transgender issues today.
“DP” wrote: I recently published two substantial sets of links regarding the question of transgenderism — see “Ice Cream Among the Health Foods” and “Time to Think” — to which I now add this list of additional items:

“Yes, Protect Trans Kids”

“Transgender Surgery Isn’t the Solution: A drastic physical change doesn’t address underlying psycho-social troubles.” (This is a prescient piece from an eminent psychiatrist all the way back in 2016. See, too, this video presentation of his from 2017: “Dr. Paul McHugh: Gender Dysphoria, Transgenderism, Sex, Social Crazes, and Psychiatry’s Weaknesses”). Also this 2021 article by him: “This transgender ‘folly’ is going to collapse, just as eugenics did: “This very, very complex thing is being over-simplified,” says a world expert on the transgender phenomenon.”)

“Trans Rights and Conscience Rights: Must a dissenting schoolteacher take his own conscience and identity into the closet, or accept dismissal?”

“The Trans Cult: Review of ‘Irreversible Damage’ by Abigail K. Shrier”

“Perspective: Our language is being corrupted: What is a woman? You can no longer count on some dictionaries to tell you, and the deception is putting women at risk”

“‘I Immediately Experienced Regret’: British Man Recounts Horror of Gender-Transition Surgery”

“Bipolar Teen’s History of Abuse and Psychosis Didn’t Stop Docs From Prescribing Testosterone, Mastectomy”

“Researcher Ousted for ‘Dangerous’ Study Into Censorship of Feminists in Academia Who Don’t Buy Into Transgenderism”

“There Is No Trans Community: Beware faux communities”

“Enough with the ‘Trans Community’ Nonsense”

“Oregon House Passes Sweeping Bill Expanding Insurance Coverage for ‘Gender-Affirming Care’”

“Uninformed Consent: The Transgender Crisis: Children cannot make these choices and should be protected from them” (That same eminent psychiatrist, already mentioned above, joins with a prominent professor of constitutional law.)

“NY Trans Bill Imperils Female Inmates”

“Students Blast California School Administrators for Turning Blind Eye after Assault by Trans-Identifying Male”

“Don’t Victimize the Perpetrator”

“Are Trans Women Now the Best Women?”

“The New Misogyny: The claim that anyone can be a woman is a denigration of all women”

“Bud Light Now Offering Free Beer to Wholesalers amid Plummeting Sales”

“The Lia Thomas of Cycling”

“The Biden Administration Is Wrong on Trans Women Competing in Sports: Adult males who have only recently ‘identified’ as women are taking top prizes away from female athletes.”

“The Tide Is Turning Against Big Trans”

“A Trans-Led Shakedown in the Arts”

I believe that many members of the public and, especially, many educators and policy makers are, often (ironically) for reasons of compassion, embracing positions that are not only foolish but harmful to girls and to women — and also harmful, not least, to those thought to be suffering from gender dysphoria. Harmful, in many such cases, beyond remedy. It’s more than time for a sober, substantial, public conversation on this topic, but that will only be possible if people who have reservations about the potential destruction of women’s athletics and puberty-blockers and gender reassignment surgery (especially in the cases of children) aren’t automatically dismissed, marginalized, and even silenced as “haters.” There are serious issues here. And yelling slogans at each other isn’t remotely helpful
DP taking a stand on this critical issue is both stunning and brave.
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Re: BYU Professor Becomes Bullying Target Due To Trans Child

Post by Moksha »

Kishkumen wrote:
Tue May 02, 2023 8:00 pm
The so-called "conservative" culture warriors really want to erase LGBTQ+ people from the public sphere.
It's like they've become Mormonized.
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Re: BYU Professor Becomes Bullying Target Due To Trans Child

Post by Equality »

Doctor CamNC4Me wrote:
Sun Apr 30, 2023 5:06 pm
The crazy thing is no matter how many links, pictures, or tweets one posts for Cons to read about their own diddling other people, they’re convinced it’s tEh GaYz ruining society. Man, if their version of society is crapping all over drag queens while their own rapes and murders our fellow citizens, then I choose to align with some dude dressed up like a funhouse version of a woman*.

- Doc

* admittedly I’m a little ‘terf-y that’s nuanced’, so it’d be hard to have a conversation without it turning into a crap show.



Yeeeeeah. No thanks.
Who took that pic of Binger's car?
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