DCP is proudly celebrating Fidelity Month

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Re: DCP is proudly celebrating Fidelity Month

Post by Gadianton »

Physics Guy wrote:
Tue Jun 06, 2023 1:03 pm
Perhaps Fidelity Month could be pitched at people who are currently in non-exclusive relationships, of whatever kind, with the suggestion that they could try out fidelity for a month, just to give it a chance. Putting the spotlight instead upon formally committed relationships seems somehow worrisome to me, for a Fidelity Month.

Pride is something you can demonstrate within a short time span, with a flag or parade or whatever; and if in fact you are sometimes still gnawed by shame, expressing pride doesn't make you a hypocrite, because it's not a claim to have nothing but pride. Fidelity and honesty, to me, can in contrast only be demonstrated over a long time, consistently. If you're not honest or faithful all the time, and long-term, you're not really honest or faithful at all.

So if I notice you enthusiastically celebrating Honesty Month, I might think twice about buying a used car from you in the rest of the year. And I have the same kind of urge to raise one brow about Fidelity Month. I could perhaps buy a Courage Month, because I think that you can be brave sometimes, and celebrate bravery, without claiming to be free of all fear or to be brave all the time. Other qualities could probably get their months, too. I'm just a little iffy about Fidelity Month. It seems like a contradiction in terms.
great point, "Fidelity Month" is a contradiction in terms. It definitely doesn't roll off the tongue and I think this is why. Surprising that a Princeton guy didn't realize how ridiculous it is. Not surprising that other bloggers think something ridiculous is totally cool.

More accurate would be as Drumdude put it, it's a different take on pride month -- pride in fidelity, or at least in the slogan of fidelity. I doubt that "fidelity" per se is the root cause for the lifestyles of the Princeton guy and the enraptured blogger. I think both were born in good circumstances where things fell into place for them to live predictable and easy lives.

If you're born into royalty and raised with a silver spoon, it's hard to see faithfulness and attentiveness as driving what amounts to living the status quo. Pascal's wager works out great here because the status quo was meant just for you and so lap it up. All the fun things that you like and the social acceptance you enjoy are built right into what you're supposed to do everyday. It's like getting paid a deep six figures to taste chocolate and then honored after 25 years of service for being the truest of employees. Fidelity like this really is a long-term affair.
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Re: DCP is proudly celebrating Fidelity Month

Post by Doctor Steuss »

I can't shake how bigoted and wrong-headed the insinuation is that celebrating fidelity is a way to "flip 'Pride Month' on its head." Nor that being gay (and the historical violence, discrimination and persecution) is something that people are “obliged to cope with.”

Since benign physical characteristics are analogous to sexual orientation in his post, perhaps Dr. Peterson can provide a historical pattern in the United States of people being attacked for being tall, or having blue eyes.

Gay pride (or any “pride” of a historically marginalized group) is only seen as a sword for those who (consciously, or subconsciously) want that group to stay under foot.

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Re: DCP is proudly celebrating Fidelity Month

Post by Moksha »

Doctor Steuss wrote:
Wed Jun 07, 2023 2:53 pm
I can't shake how bigoted and wrong-headed the insinuation is that celebrating fidelity is a way to "flip 'Pride Month' on its head." Nor that being gay (and the historical violence, discrimination and persecution) is something that people are “obliged to cope with.”
By showing they support the hatred of top Mormon Authorities, the Interpreter crew hopes to one day regain control of the Maxwell Institute. Interpretorians will point out that the so-called "scholars" are not speaking out against gay pride, but the apologetics brigade is Johnny-on-the-spot with supportive musket fire.
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Re: DCP is proudly celebrating Fidelity Month

Post by drumdude »

It’s funny that DCP complains about gay pride being shoved in his face when he still makes the argument that Jewish people shouldn’t care about the church baptizing Holocaust victims against their families’ requests.
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Re: DCP is proudly celebrating Fidelity Month

Post by Doctor Steuss »

Doctor Steuss wrote:
Wed Jun 07, 2023 2:53 pm
I can't shake how bigoted and wrong-headed the insinuation is that celebrating fidelity is a way to "flip 'Pride Month' on its head." Nor that being gay (and the historical violence, discrimination and persecution) is something that people are “obliged to cope with.”

Since benign physical characteristics are analogous to sexual orientation in his post, perhaps Dr. Peterson can provide a historical pattern in the United States of people being attacked for being tall, or having blue eyes.

Gay pride (or any “pride” of a historically marginalized group) is only seen as a sword for those who (consciously, or subconsciously) want that group to stay under foot.

A Proud Mormon
A few days ago, Akira Ross was killed. Akira was a lesbian woman, who had been having a little lovers quarrel over pizza toppings with her significant other while they were at a gas station. Right before taking her life, the gunman (a white male) called her a f**got.

Akria was in a committed and faithful relationship with her partner, Tanya. Happy Fidelity Month.
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Re: DCP is proudly celebrating Fidelity Month

Post by Doctor Steuss »

Married 53 years this September. Congratulations Michael McConnell and Jack Baker. Happy Fidelity Month.


Oh no, I just realized. For those looking to "flip Gay Pride on its head," this couple who has been married for over half a century might not be able to participate in the celebration of Fidelity Month. Jack was active in the community and organizations wherein Thom Higgins first coined the term "Gay Pride" in the early 1970s, and both have been active in gay rights advocacy (and "pride") their whole married lives. Whoopsie.
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Re: DCP is proudly celebrating Fidelity Month

Post by drumdude »

They’re not living the gospel standards.

Or is Mormonism ok with gay marriage now as long as you don’t have sex? :lol:

They keep trying to find ways to not appear bigoted and scientifically backwards while maintaining their bigoted and scientifically backwards doctrines.
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