Chris Christie Entering the Primaries

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Re: Chris Christie Entering the Primaries

Post by ajax18 »

As the laborer only gets what the master chooses to give him, perhaps. Including nothing other than the threat of starvation or death.
Regardless of my personal hatred for social security and debt, that's not the reason the American people concerned about their own self interest should be voting for Donald Trump, who is completely unwilling to phase out Social Security or welfare. If you want to keep a middle class with the very rare American standard of living you should vote for Donald Trump. People aren't stupid and they remember what the economy was like in 2019 and they see what it's like now. They remember what peace through strength looked like in 2019 and what the world looks like now. If you want to keep your gasoline powered car and be able to afford to put gas in it, then you should vote Republican. If you want to continue to see the cost of living rise and real wages fall like any other Latin American country, vote for Joe Biden and continue to disparage those who want to make America Great Again as racist. If you're on welfare or you're so insanely rich that your biggest concern is plastic straws killing whales, Biden is your man. If you now work two jobs due to Bidenflation and would like to be able to get by working one job again, you better repent of what you did in 2020 and vote for Trump.
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Re: Chris Christie Entering the Primaries

Post by canpakes »

ajax18 wrote:
Wed Nov 08, 2023 11:43 pm
While a majority of people getting together and voting to take a chunk of a man's paycheck for themselves might make theft legal, it doesn't make it moral.
Your claim is that such a thing is immoral, regardless of the intent and even if some folks vote in support of it. That’s the claim I’m interested in, versus your backslide into the slightly different position above.

I'm not sure what you mean by voting for revenge on Hunter Biden. Hunter Biden is just a derilict garbage human being who unwittingly revealed undeniable evidence of the Biden family's long term corruption but even more the corruption in the federal government/deep state and their partisan political justice system.
Hunter Biden was the subject that you said Christie should be talking about in the debate. If that’s what is needed to drive you to the polls, then your focus on actual issues seems misdirected. Why are you still grousing about Hunter after all of these years, if all of Trump’s Republicans can’t really find anything to pin in him except a minor gun ownership charge, and dick pics? How many more years of focus on Hunter is needed by Republicans while ignoring other key issues?

ajax18 wrote:
Thu Nov 09, 2023 1:54 pm
People aren't stupid and they remember what the economy was like in 2019 and they see what it's like now.
. . .
. . . you better repent of what you did in 2020 and vote for Trump.
Trump was quite literally the fellow at the head of the Nation when everything went downhill, as you’d put it.

If he was either unwilling or unable to manage COVID or its economic outcome - assuming, as you do, that Presidents are singularly responsible for such a thing - why would anyone ‘repent’ and vote for such a failure?
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Re: Chris Christie Entering the Primaries

Post by ajax18 »

Hunter Biden was the subject that you said Christie should be talking about in the debate. If that’s what is needed to drive you to the polls, then your focus on actual issues seems misdirected. Why are you still grousing about Hunter after all of these years, if all of Trump’s Republicans can’t really find anything to pin in him except a minor gun ownership charge, and dick pics? How many more years of focus on Hunter is needed by Republicans while ignoring other key issues?
I'm skeptical of Republicans who are only willing to criticize other Republicans. One example would be Mitt Romney who felt morally compelled to vote to impeach Trump but has no interest in impeaching Joe Biden for solid evidence of far worse conduct, abuse of power, and risk to national security. He doesn't even want to uncover what BIden has done. Why would Romney take on such leftwing policies as masking and marching with BLM in 2020 when he's trying to get elected in UT? It's because like Chris Christy, he's not very conservative and doesn't really share the views and values of the people he seeks to represent. This is why in hindsight, I'm grateful Romney lost the election of 2012.

Chris Christy knows he has no chance. His platform stinks and he knows it. So why are he and his donors still spending money? It's a just a revenge campaign against Trump and his supporters and nothing more.
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Re: Chris Christie Entering the Primaries

Post by canpakes »

ajax18 wrote:
Thu Nov 09, 2023 7:06 pm
Hunter Biden was the subject that you said Christie should be talking about in the debate. If that’s what is needed to drive you to the polls, then your focus on actual issues seems misdirected. Why are you still grousing about Hunter after all of these years, if all of Trump’s Republicans can’t really find anything to pin in him except a minor gun ownership charge, and dick pics? How many more years of focus on Hunter is needed by Republicans while ignoring other key issues?
I'm skeptical of Republicans who are only willing to criticize other Republicans. One example would be Mitt Romney who felt morally compelled to vote to impeach Trump but has no interest in impeaching Joe Biden for solid evidence of far worse conduct, abuse of power, and risk to national security.
There is no ‘solid evidence’. If there was, we’d have seen it by now. The last offered ‘evidence’ of anything was the spastic hand-waving over the issue of some Bidens having lent some other Bidens money as inter-family loans a couple of times, but that blew up in Comer’s face when it was discovered that Comer himself had done the same, and arguably has some shell company/land sawap/tax-dodging issues linked to it as well. Oops.

He doesn't even want to uncover what BIden has done.
Apparently, neither do any Republicans. Or even Trump.

Why would Romney take on such leftwing policies as masking and marching with BLM in 2020 when he's trying to get elected in UT?
You might ask yourself why you consider ‘masking’ to be a ‘left wing policy’. It literally comes out of the medical field as a standard behavior around communicable threats and does not curtail any ‘freedom’ that I can think of. Half of the world’s citizens mask up when they feel ill as a courtesy to others they may encounter in their daily activities. How on Earth did you contort that into something akin to ‘left wing’? Because it just seems like opportunists saw it as a way to manipulate non-serious people with a wedge issue, for no reason other than political opportunism, and the fact that masking drove home the consequences of bad oral hygiene, which some apparently found irritating. : D

It's because like Chris Christy, he's not very conservative and doesn't really share the views and values of the people he seeks to represent.
A person can show respect for another point of view without having to acquiesce to any particular demands of others interested in the same point of view.

Chris Christy knows he has no chance. His platform stinks and he knows it. So why are he and his donors still spending money? It's a just a revenge campaign against Trump and his supporters and nothing more.
A lot of Republican activity seems driven by ‘revenge’. Trump himself claims that he is the literal manifestation of ‘retribution’, for all of his Base, for whatever ills and victimization claims they seem to have.
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Re: Chris Christie Entering the Primaries

Post by Some Schmo »

It never ceases to amaze me that Republicans seem to know what crime is, but only want to apply it to "not Republicans." They have no problem trying to garner condemnation for crimes, so long as a Democrat committed it. Otherwise, they aren't really interested in justice, which makes their complaints simple hypocrisy.

The GOP has made complete douchebags out of their base. Or maybe it's just that the GOP attracts douchebags. Either way, it's hilarious and pathetic whenever they try to convince anyone of anything when everyone with a brain knows they're full of crap.
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