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Post by Flemming »

Imwashingmypirate wrote:
Wed Jan 03, 2024 10:58 am
I'm just going to take a step back from this discussion because I'm having sleep problems and woke up delusional and hallucinating last night. I'm going to end up crazy and I have young kids that don't need a mum getting sucked down that path. The more I think about these things the more I have these experiences and it is frightening. Or at least the more I am inclined to over think these sleep issues. Woke up last night except I didn't wake up. I was just laying there with my eyes open and suddenly became aware of myself. I thought I must have slept all night. I looked at the time and I couldn't have slept more than 20 minutes. But then I felt eerie and signs were jumping at me. And then I though one of my kids must be dying so I checked on them. Then I felt like I was going to go mad. Then Phoebe bolted up right fully awake and scared the wits out of me. She was confused and asked if it was morning and I said the same thing just happened to me. It's not morning but the sky was light. The light was coming from the south west. (I think, I don't have a compass). I got in beside Phoebe and we went to sleep. I prayed. Praying seems to make me fall asleep. I also admitted in prayer that I am concerned I don't know who I'm praying to yesterday so that doesn't help. I woke at some point and the sky was dark again and then we all slept in.

I'm struggling with the delusional aspect of this sleep problem but I'm scared to bring it up with a Dr. I've had an MRI and EEG and both were fine. Eeg showed an incident of slowing in right part of temporal region which apparently doesn't mean anything. So I can assume nothing is actually going wrong with my brain right? Might take the carbon monoxide alarm upstairs. Might have to stop watching screens. My brain hurts.
Please go see a psychiatrist. Get a referral from your primary care doctor.
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Post by IWMP »

Flemming wrote:
Wed Jan 03, 2024 4:57 pm
Please go see a psychiatrist. Get a referral from your primary care doctor.
Sent you a PM....

The light wasn't a hallucination, the sky was genuinely light. Might have been the moon. I have hallucinated from my earliest memories and this has been investigated by a psychiatrist. I have vivid dreams and experiences and the topic of conversation is making these things that I normally experience extra creepy. The only thing that is new is the delusional aspect where I'm having moments where I think I'm still asleep but I'm actually awake and the thinking I'm awake but I'm actually asleep. The more tired I am the more I experience this. I will speak to a Dr however.
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Post by Flemming »

High Spy wrote:
Wed Jan 03, 2024 3:15 am
The Wicker Man (The Wicker Man) once posted about his church buddies having him go see a LDS physic lady, who said he wasn’t human. That was soon after his two witnesses witnessed his PB and the Patriarch sayin what an honor it was to have given it to such an honorable individual. My name from birth and my PB were also given under extraordinary circumstances.

Speaking of two witnesses, there were two on March 8, 2002. Also The Wicker Man whose name matches your number 57 anomaly did many other amazing things besides supply his Spirit with opportunities to cause earthquakes of specific magnitudes. Bret Ripley, believe it or not, bolstered one thought experiment: that being that posting advanced notice about an upcoming earthquake of specific magnitude, that the adversary also gets one of similar magnitude. This was bore out by one originally rated a 6.6 and upgrade to a 6.7. This likely results because the measured event is midway between 6.6 and 6.7, but closer to 6.7. What number is that. If you said triple six with a shifted decimal point, then place one golden star upon your forehead. :lol:

Likewise, the 8.1 was previously posted (recently this became apparent). When the 8.2 preceded the 8.1, spy remarked that The Wicker Man was sighting in his Earthquake Gun, because he was an exceptional marksman. The Wicker Man thought they measured it wrong, so ordered a redo. Did Moses predict that the Red Sea would part? Nope, he just commanded it to part, and it obeyed. Next week spy will travel near another of the demonstration earthquake sites. That will make for a 75% visitation rate, with only China remaining. The Wicker Man has numerous health issues, so currently may be completely out of commission. His account showed active as of the 31st. It would be nice if someone checked on him.

Valo loved to talk like a pirate 🏴‍☠️. He grew up in Finland where there are many Bogs and Valo is a subset of Valore, which is the name of a premium phpBB theme that allows changing of the colors. Passing with Flying Colors was how spy described The Wicker Man’s story, after seeing the chemical symbol for gold in my wife's name, for the first time? The Wicker Man’s revelation, using two biblical witnesses, about when the seventh seal opened at long last answered: Why was 2010 the conclusion of my March 8 photo? This helped spy see the Crist timing pattern for The Wicker Man’s first demonstration earthquake that landed Moroni’s Instrument.

The Davidic Servant picks up where King David left off i.e. The City of David under The Star of David.
High Spy, you don't seem to ever answer questions or address holes in your theories. You just go on logorrheic rants about who-knows-what.

To recap:

The Japanese earthquake (48 deaths) was completely missed by your prophets. Why? It was very significant.

The "March 8th Miracle" is most likely a street light. There is nothing to see in that photograph. Show us some real evidence that isn't blurry or off in the distance.

Russia is not "testing" it's A.I. on Ukraine and will never attack a NATO country. You have no evidence to suggest otherwise.

"The Wicker Man" never predicts anything accurately. They just say "an earthquake will happen" well DUH, of course an earthquake will happen at some point. Watch me prophesy: *an earthquake will again occur.* Am I the new Wicker Man?
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Re: Empirical evidence? Or anecdotal evidence? On knowing the difference.

Post by High Spy »

7 links from or about a movie released in 1983.

1983, ends with 38 =~ backwards. 8-)

At least two connect context with something Physics Guy wrote.

Feel free to post how you clicked them to discover said context.

Steve Martin is the star of the movie. :lol:

Beware of graphic language.

Have plenty fun, but

Don’t forget to


Moved from thread: Empirical evidence? Or anecdotal evidence? On knowing the difference. UR 4, RI
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Re: I'm wearing a white shirt, but I'm not

Post by High Spy »

Moksha wrote:
Mon Aug 07, 2023 2:03 am
Will you be visiting Tralfamadore?
Something like that.

Searching news for 57 Deaths just now, this was a top hit and the only one clicked. wrote:
Rescuers race against time in search of survivors after quakes leave 73 dead.
Can you say 7.3 magnitude earthquake opportunity granted?

Pretty grim really, but I’m awake an hour before spy must pack up and hit the road. Yesterday was nuts with number fifty seven anomalies =~ pictures snapped throughout the day.


There’s the first photo of my local metro newspaper, that was sitting on a table near the fireplace at my local hospital. I was there for more bloodwork because my triglycerides had measured over 1200. I’d turned in my paperwork from my doctors office, and was waiting for the next step. More to follow, as my journey begins.
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Post by Flemming »

So you aren’t going to address my above concerns/questions?
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Post by High Spy »

Flemming wrote:
Fri Jan 05, 2024 3:04 am
So you aren’t going to address my above concerns/questions?

Orange is specified as the color of the fireball, as per Pirate Washers post. Orange is the answer is something frequently said on KOSU. Yesterday there were an over abundance of 57 anomalies. Today spy has traveled towards the site of 8.1 and 8.2 events in the earthquake series. I screen captured my IP address just now, but it’s showing Wasilla. Currently it ends with 157 and my hostname begins with 157.

Berisheet means “know the end from the beginning”. Have you educated yourself about that, Korihor, the slothful servant, or Gematria?

V=L* dI/dt comes to mind as something similar incorporating the use of BigL.

Most won’t get that simple formula, but that in no way invalidates it for those that do.

Many of your questions have already been answered. You just need to search for them, but in order to do that effectively you’ll need to register on LDSFF, but you’re unwilling to do that. My definition of a saint includes someone willing to believe. Appreciate what’s already been given.

Alexa currently won’t play KOSU. Maybe streaming will work. I certainly hope so. :lol:
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Post by High Spy »

Bret Ripley wrote:
Mon Jan 01, 2024 8:36 pm
Flemming wrote:
Mon Jan 01, 2024 6:56 pm
Also did you see the 7.5 earthquake in Japan this morning? Why didn’t/couldn’t wicker man predict that?
He only predicts significant earthquakes, and since he didn't predict this one it is obviously insignificant. Ta. Da.
The demonstration was for four earthquakes only, with the 8.9 called off.

We discovered that we’re in a period of silence in heaven that began in 2010.

Expect an escalation when that ends, but it likely won’t include advance notices of most events. wrote:
Isaiah 49: 7 This is what the LORD says— the Redeemer and Holy One of Israel— to him who was despised and abhorred by the nation, to the servant of rulers: “Kings will see you and stand up, princes will see and bow down, because of the LORD, who is faithful, the Holy One of Israel, who has chosen you.”
It is interesting though, that the birthday thing continues. 🎂 wrote:
... lightning demolished the keys and blessing hand of a statue of St. Peter in Argentina on December 17, Pope Francis’ birthday ...
The 6.5 quake shook my son on his birthday, which naturally was a very convincing confirmation for yours truly. 8-)
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Post by Bret Ripley »

High Spy wrote:
Mon Jan 08, 2024 9:50 am
Bret Ripley wrote:
Mon Jan 01, 2024 8:36 pm
He only predicts significant earthquakes, and since he didn't predict this one it is obviously insignificant. Ta. Da.
The demonstration was for four earthquakes only, with the 8.9 called off.
Well, that was a lucky break. Whew.
We discovered that we’re in a period of silence in heaven that began in 2010.
Question: what's the best way to tell the difference between the silence in heaven that began in 2010 and the silence in heaven that began on February 3, 1959 (a.k.a. the day the music died)?
Expect an escalation ... it likely won’t include advance notices of most events.
No advance notice of natural disasters? Egad, that sounds positively ... par, for this course anyway.
The 6.5 quake shook my son on his birthday, which naturally was a very convincing confirmation for yours truly. 8-)
What shall we say to all the people who were shook and it wasn't even their birthday? "Thanks for joining in and we apologize for any inconvenience?"

Anyway, orchestrating earthquakes to say "happy birthday" is inelegant; gives off a 'new money' vibe.
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Post by High Spy »

Uptime Robot wrote: Monitor name
Checked URL
Root cause
Connection Timeout
Incident started at
2024-01-09 07:36:37
Resolved at
2024-01-10 00:03:54
16 hours and 27 minutes
16*60+27 == 987 minutes

987 reminds spy of the many countdowns spy heard growing up in the space age. We landed on the moon on my mom’s birthday, and JFK made a moon speech the day spy was born. Besides Francis Gary Powers being an ongoing news story. Anyway, there was a massive spike in traffic shortly after The Wicker Man recently posted. Is A.I. onto something, what the HeLL is going on?

Does The disruption of the Davidic Servant has begun properly represent the situation of sites crashing and stuff? There was a similar spike and crash a few weeks back when spy’s sister thread neared 57000 views. Today my truck wouldn’t start, and upon investigation the odometer ended with triple six. It was exceptionally cold which is another indicator of the presence of evil. Now evidence points to two earthquakes happening whenever an earthquake is orchestrated. One as predicted or better described as being commanded, and an imposter type event.
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