If Trump WAS Sent by God...

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Re: If Trump WAS Sent by God...

Post by Gadianton »

Ajax wrote: Arguing a dubious legal theory in court is not an insurrection or a coup.
To say his arguments were "dubious" is generous beyond belief. But you're right, it's not a coup until the justices -- knowing you have a conservative majority and appointed some -- ratify the "dubious" (being generous) lawsuits. Then it would have been a coup.

However, it sure as hell was "using lawfare" -- if bringing 60+ cases to the supreme court to undermine an election isn't using "lawfare", what on earth even comes close?

Oh wait, you think prosecuting Trump for crimes he's clearly guilty of is the definition of using "lawfare". Let me give you the equivalent to your thinking from the Democrat perspective. Suppose the left had actually stolen the election, truckloads of fake ballots were discovered and photographed, and then Trump brought a case to the Supreme Court, one with enough merit to even consider, then, per your definition, Trump would have been guilty of "lawfare" because he'd be using the law to pressure his opposition through a case that's actually being heard.

If another optometrist out there decided one day he liked your practice, was known to have a few friends who were local judges, and started bringing multiple lawsuits to the courts to have your business taken from you and given to him, using all kinds of dubious legal theory, but he tries every angle imaginable, makes up stories and asks people just to take his word, filing up to 60 cases against you (while really the hope is his friends will come through for him), this wouldn't be lawfare, right? It would be a perfectly valid thing for him to do and you'd respect it a great deal.
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Re: If Trump WAS Sent by God...

Post by huckelberry »

ajax18 wrote:
Mon Jan 22, 2024 4:28 pm
That's an outrageously dishonest case of projection!
Actually it's pretty dishonest to claim the deep state is not trying to win against Trump what they cannot win in a free and fair election. Perhaps you think it's right and proper to do so, but don't try to claim that it's anywhere near being in line with the American Republic ideal of rule by the people, especially not working legal citizen, taxpaying, people as the founding fathers intended.
Here on earth more people voted against Trump than for him by a significant margin.

Ajax, what gives? You live on a moon of Jupiter or something?
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Re: If Trump WAS Sent by God...

Post by huckelberry »

huckelberry wrote:
Sun Jan 21, 2024 6:31 pm
honorentheos wrote:
Sun Jan 21, 2024 6:01 pm
Regardless of one's political affiliation, this outcome you describe is something I expect all here would favor. I can't say I've seen specifics attributable to Trump. So I'm curious about this?
I certainly second this question. I can believe that there could be something Trump did that had a good result. It would be worthwhile for people to know about it. I live on the other side of the country and am completely unaware of this change and how it is related to Trump.
Msnobody, perhaps it would take too much time or perhaps you would just rather avoid dispute which of course is a choice you have and can be reasonable.

My awareness includes Trump helping pass a criminal justice reform bill which to the best of my understanding was a positive change for people. During his time in office unemployment for blacks was low, I believe hit an all time low. It is also my understanding that that was a result of a ongoing trend started years before Trump took office. Well he did not stop that trend which of course is a good thing.
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Re: If Trump WAS Sent by God...

Post by msnobody »

huckelberry wrote:
Tue Jan 23, 2024 10:53 pm
huckelberry wrote:
Sun Jan 21, 2024 6:31 pm
I certainly second this question. I can believe that there could be something Trump did that had a good result. It would be worthwhile for people to know about it. I live on the other side of the country and am completely unaware of this change and how it is related to Trump.
Msnobody, perhaps it would take too much time or perhaps you would just rather avoid dispute which of course is a choice you have and can be reasonable.

My awareness includes Trump helping pass a criminal justice reform bill which to the best of my understanding was a positive change for people. During his time in office unemployment for blacks was low, I believe hit an all time low. It is also my understanding that that was a result of an ongoing trend started years before Trump took office. Well he did not stop that trend which of course is a good thing.
I tend to avoid disputes, but will speak out when I think it is appropriate. The main point I sought to make is that none of us are any more moral than Trump. If we think we are, we deceive ourselves.
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Re: If Trump WAS Sent by God...

Post by Gadianton »

At the same time, I assume you also believe that none of us are more moral than Hunter Biden?

I assume you're getting at, if we've broken one commandment, we've broken them all. All are fallen and all are lost.
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Re: If Trump WAS Sent by God...

Post by honorentheos »

msnobody wrote:
Wed Jan 24, 2024 1:43 am
huckelberry wrote:
Tue Jan 23, 2024 10:53 pm
Msnobody, perhaps it would take too much time or perhaps you would just rather avoid dispute which of course is a choice you have and can be reasonable.

My awareness includes Trump helping pass a criminal justice reform bill which to the best of my understanding was a positive change for people. During his time in office unemployment for blacks was low, I believe hit an all time low. It is also my understanding that that was a result of an ongoing trend started years before Trump took office. Well he did not stop that trend which of course is a good thing.
I tend to avoid disputes, but will speak out when I think it is appropriate. The main point I sought to make is that none of us are any more moral than Trump. If we think we are, we deceive ourselves.
msnobody, that's not true. A person who kills someone is less moral by most systems of moral reasoning. There are greater and lesser degrees of evil. Jesus also cautioned his disciples to be wise as serpents for good reason.

Trump is unapologetically unwinding two and a half centuries of work building a democratic republic to replace it with an authoritarian self-serving regime. It's an evil worth fighting against if ever there was one. It's happening in our lifetimes. We may be the generation that sees our republic fall. I would not underestimate the moment.
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Re: If Trump WAS Sent by God...

Post by Some Schmo »

msnobody wrote:
Wed Jan 24, 2024 1:43 am
The main point I sought to make is that none of us are any more moral than Trump. If we think we are, we deceive ourselves.
This is one of the most outrageous statements ever made on this board. You've essentially rendered the word "moral" meaningless. A mob boss is no less moral than an altar boy.

Of course, people are free to believe whatever they want, but there are consequences to having nonsensical beliefs.
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Re: If Trump WAS Sent by God...

Post by Some Schmo »

Doctor CamNC4Me wrote:
Tue Jan 23, 2024 3:58 pm
Notice Xanax’s shifting and hopping around, never explaining himself. This is a tactic straight out of the Nazi playbook.

“Never believe that MAGAs are completely unaware of the absurdity of their replies. They know that their remarks are frivolous, open to challenge. But they are amusing themselves, for it is their adversary who is obliged to use words responsibly, since he believes in words. The MAGAs have the right to play. They even like to play with discourse for, by giving ridiculous reasons, they discredit the seriousness of their interlocutors. They delight in acting in bad faith, since they seek not to persuade by sound argument but to intimidate and disconcert. If you press them too closely, they will abruptly fall silent, loftily indicating by some phrase that the time for argument is past.” - Sartre if he lived today

- Doc
Absolutely. I stopped talking to all the MAGA idiots around here because conversing with them doesn't change them; the stink rubs off on you. I refuse to validate their BS by addressing it. Dismissal without consideration is all it deserves.
Religion is for people whose existential fear is greater than their common sense.

The god idea is popular with desperate people.
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Re: If Trump WAS Sent by God...

Post by Doctor Steuss »

The main point I sought to make is that none of us are any more moral than Trump. If we think we are, we deceive ourselves.
Just a small sampling of ways I am proudly morally superior to Trump.

I've never raped anyone.
I've never purposefully walked in on children getting dressed.
I've never stolen from a Veterans' charity.
I've never stolen from a charity for disadvantaged children.
I've never turned off the heat on elderly tenants out of spite.
I've never stolen millions in wages from other people.
I've never profited off the deaths of Jewish children.
I've never stolen from kids with cancer (*technically* this was Eric, but apples, trees, and whatnot).
I've never sexualized my child.
I've never sexually assaulted anyone.
I've never withdrawn medical care from someone out of spite.
I've never received an endorsement from the American Nazi Party.
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Re: If Trump WAS Sent by God...

Post by ajax18 »

msnobody, that's not true. A person who kills someone is less moral by most systems of moral reasoning. There are greater and lesser degrees of evil.
I agree with you theologically on this. I always saw the idea of all sin being equal as skewed.
Trump is unapologetically unwinding two and a half centuries of work building a democratic republic to replace it with an authoritarian self-serving regime. It's an evil worth fighting against if ever there was one. It's happening in our lifetimes. We may be the generation that sees our republic fall. I would not underestimate the moment.
It's not self serving. It serves the 70 million people who want a better life and a better country to live in than what the Democrats are currently offering. It serves the America first agenda, which is in stark contrast to what the Deep State, the CCP, most foreigners, and the uniparty wants.
And when the Confederates saw Jackson standing fearless like a stonewall, the army of Northern Virginia took courage and drove the federal army off their land.
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