Why DCP’s Proposed Beatitudes Book is Problematic

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Re: Why DCP’s Proposed Beatitudes Book is Problematic

Post by Moksha »

drumdude wrote:
Fri Feb 10, 2023 8:06 am
He’s been refreshingly benign whilst on his Hawaiian vacation. Sic et non would make a pleasant little travel blog without all the nonstop atheist and ex-Mormon bashing.
It would be so great if he could switch to a travel vlog and exhort the joys of Mormonism while traveling around the world. An example scenario: Dr. Peterson and his wife reclining on the beach at Bora Bora and discussing how the priesthood allows them to fully appreciate the non-alcoholic tropical drinks they are sipping.

Think how many people would subscribe to that YouTube channel!
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Re: Why DCP’s Proposed Beatitudes Book is Problematic

Post by drumdude »

Came across this gem on Reddit:
I once tried to read "Abraham Divided" in ~1996. I got about 2 pages in. Then I actually ran into Daniel Peterson on campus at BYU and told him I had a book of his. He replied that he had taken about a week to write it.

That kind of ruined it for me. I tried reading it again and couldn't help but think "Yep, this sounds like a book somebody wrote in a week."
https://www.reddit.com/r/exmormon/comme ... _peterson/
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Re: Why DCP’s Proposed Beatitudes Book is Problematic

Post by TwoCumorahFraud »

drumdude wrote:
Tue Feb 07, 2023 2:06 am
List of known upcoming books by the author Daniel C Peterson:

Yet to be titled book arguing for the Resurrection of Jesus
Yet to be titled book on the “fine-tuning” arguments for the existence of God
Yet to be titled book on the Beatutudes
Yet to be titled book on the compatibility of science and religion
Yet to be titled book on near death experiences
Yet to be titled book on irreducible complexity/intelligent design
Yet to be titled essay on Joseph Smith's connection between lightning and volcanoes
Yet to be titled book attacking the New Atheists circa 2010

Did I miss any?
He doesn’t need to write books. He just steals from them, without giving credit.

https://openlibrary.org/authors/OL24170 ... ward_Hills

Including the maps in each book: https://tinyurl.com/Hills1919Map

This is the modern version, which should be dumped in recycle bins to help save the Guatemalan rainforests:

https://www.amazon.com/Mormons-Codex-An ... 178&sr=8-1

Being taught at BYU: https://byustudies.BYU.edu/further-stud ... soamerica/

Dan and F.A.R.M.S. brought clown world to the Church.
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Re: Why DCP’s Proposed Beatitudes Book is Problematic

Post by drumdude »

“DCP” wrote: my wife and I enjoy traveling. We like to see new places, and we very much like to revisit our favorite places. As we’ve saved money over the years (through such simple measures as having only one car between us, and keeping it for many years and hundreds of thousands of miles), we’ve very deliberately and specifically saved money in order, among other goals, to enable future trips after retirement. That’s one factor. Many people have hobbies, some of which (e.g., golf and skiing, boating, horses) can be quite expensive. We put money toward our own hobby, which is travel.

However, we quite often don’t pay for our own travel — or, at least, we commonly don’t pay our full cost for it.

Am I becoming wealthy via these travels? Scarcely. As I’ve already noted, although my expenditures have been covered I’ve not actually been paid for them. Do they interfere with my writing. Yes. And that is a real concern for me.
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Re: Why DCP’s Proposed Beatitudes Book is Problematic

Post by Philo Sofee »

drumdude wrote:
Thu Feb 08, 2024 2:26 pm
“DCP” wrote: my wife and I enjoy traveling. We like to see new places, and we very much like to revisit our favorite places. As we’ve saved money over the years (through such simple measures as having only one car between us, and keeping it for many years and hundreds of thousands of miles), we’ve very deliberately and specifically saved money in order, among other goals, to enable future trips after retirement. That’s one factor. Many people have hobbies, some of which (e.g., golf and skiing, boating, horses) can be quite expensive. We put money toward our own hobby, which is travel.

However, we quite often don’t pay for our own travel — or, at least, we commonly don’t pay our full cost for it.

Am I becoming wealthy via these travels? Scarcely. As I’ve already noted, although my expenditures have been covered I’ve not actually been paid for them. Do they interfere with my writing. Yes. And that is a real concern for me.
Obviously it's not a concern at all. He has it entirely in his own actions to solve such a benign problem, quit traveling and write. I mean DUH... :roll:
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Re: Why DCP’s Proposed Beatitudes Book is Problematic

Post by Doctor Scratch »

Thank you for bumping this thread, drumdude. Perhaps we should resurrect it each year, sort of like how he does with Bond’s comment about Interpreter? My prediction, by the way, was this:
So long as he continues to pretend that his behavior hasn’t hurt people, he will never finish another book.
His travels are a means of running away from the problems he’s caused.
"If, while hoping that everybody else will be honest and so forth, I can personally prosper through unethical and immoral acts without being detected and without risk, why should I not?." --Daniel Peterson, 6/4/14
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Re: Why DCP’s Proposed Beatitudes Book is Problematic

Post by drumdude »

It must be so much easier being an academic when you don’t have to publish, you can just bloviate at credulous tourists who don’t know that what you’re saying doesn’t stand up to any critical analysis.

Daniel is an academic the same way that Guy Fieri is a chef.
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Re: Why DCP’s Proposed Beatitudes Book is Problematic

Post by I Have Questions »

Doctor Scratch wrote:
Fri Feb 09, 2024 2:07 am
Thank you for bumping this thread, drumdude. Perhaps we should resurrect it each year, sort of like how he does with Bond’s comment about Interpreter? My prediction, by the way, was this:
So long as he continues to pretend that his behavior hasn’t hurt people, he will never finish another book.
His travels are a means of running away from the problems he’s caused.
It’s also far safer to let people know you’re far too busy to get books finished because you’re travelling around the globe at someone else’s expense, than it is to actually complete the books, have them published, and give people the chance to scrutinise them.

If he spent the time on writing that he spends in airports and on blog pieces, the books would be complete by now. My take is that he is choosing to not complete them. But wants to retain the kudos of saying he’s working on book manuscripts. Perhaps his books cannot be completed until other people have written its contents…
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Re: Why DCP’s Proposed Beatitudes Book is Problematic

Post by drumdude »

“DCP” wrote: I have done a reasonably good job of keeping up the pace of my writing during this trip. Better, I think, than I’ve ever done before. My writing goal for this year has been to produce, each week, six thousand words of prose designed for immediate or eventual publication. (I don’t count blogging toward my thousand words, of course. I don’t consider blogging “publication.”) Knowing that I would be scattered and jet-lagged and needing to shoulder various responsibilities for the tour that we were accompanying, I made a run at doing more than six thousand words during the weeks leading up to this trip. And I did pretty well. Further, I actually wrote some additional materials while I’ve been, er, on the road (which is to say, largely on the water and in the air) So I’m feeling rather proud of myself at the moment.
I’m looking forward to reading this book somewhere around the year 2048.
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Everybody Wang Chung
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Re: Why DCP’s Proposed Beatitudes Book is Problematic

Post by Everybody Wang Chung »

drumdude wrote:
Wed Feb 28, 2024 3:15 am
“DCP” wrote: I have done a reasonably good job of keeping up the pace of my writing during this trip. Better, I think, than I’ve ever done before. My writing goal for this year has been to produce, each week, six thousand words of prose designed for immediate or eventual publication. (I don’t count blogging toward my thousand words, of course. I don’t consider blogging “publication.”) Knowing that I would be scattered and jet-lagged and needing to shoulder various responsibilities for the tour that we were accompanying, I made a run at doing more than six thousand words during the weeks leading up to this trip. And I did pretty well. Further, I actually wrote some additional materials while I’ve been, er, on the road (which is to say, largely on the water and in the air) So I’m feeling rather proud of myself at the moment.
I’m looking forward to reading this book somewhere around the year 2048.
DCP is a compulsive liar. If DCP writes 6,000 words a week, he will have over 312,000 words by the end of the year. Keep in mind, the Book of Mormon is only 269,000 words (531 pages).

So, DCP is writing more than a Book of Mormon every single year, but hasn't managed to get anything published? What....A....Freaking.....Liar....
"I'm on paid sabbatical from BYU in exchange for my promise to use this time to finish two books."

Daniel C. Peterson, 2014
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