Tim Ballard, A True Mormon Hero

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Everybody Wang Chung
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Tim Ballard, A True Mormon Hero

Post by Everybody Wang Chung »

Tim Ballard (DCP’s hero) tells CPAC that Biden border agents have become a ‘sex-trafficking delivery service’.

And in related news, Tim Ballard just announced that he is leaving immediately to follow his dream, working as a border agent.

https://www.sltrib.com/news/2024/02/24/ ... hat-biden/
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Re: Tim Ballard, A True Mormon Hero

Post by Equality »

I wonder, do these people think that all the border agents working for the federal government were replaced on January 21, 2021? Like, do they think the "Trump border agents" are different people from the "Biden border agents"? Obviously, there is some turnover over time, but these are not political appointees working in the West Wing. The overwhelming majority of actual border agents are almost certainly folks who were in those positions under Trump.
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Re: Tim Ballard, A True Mormon Hero

Post by Rivendale »

This reddit thread talks about the strange silence regarding Ballard from Mormons and Exmormons:

https://old.reddit.com/r/exmormon/comme ... _the_exmo/. Ballard released a video claiming he is the victim.
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Re: Tim Ballard, A True Mormon Hero

Post by Wonhyo »

Thank Vishnu for Tim Ballard. Not only is his impeccable example helping the church to move even farther to the American political right, but he's just all-around a damn fine person with a great head of Mormon executive priesthood hair.
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Re: Tim Ballard, A True Mormon Hero

Post by yellowstone123 »

He won’t pass the background investigations due to the abuse allegations, full disclosure on his state accounts and possible foreign accounts.

This is the issue. You are handed federal documents that you complete; can you complete it truthfully and not keep out anything that casts a mark. They don’t care about mistakes. They care about withholding information. Is the twenty to forty page document truthful? If they show where you lied or left out a few jobs they show you the door.

With Ballard, his background investigation would take months, not a week. Remember, a Border Patrol Agent is a Peace/Police officer.
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Re: Tim Ballard, A True Mormon Hero

Post by Kishkumen »

Everybody Wang Chung wrote:
Sun Feb 25, 2024 1:00 am
Tim Ballard (DCP’s hero) tells CPAC that Biden border agents have become a ‘sex-trafficking delivery service’.

And in related news, Tim Ballard just announced that he is leaving immediately to follow his dream, working as a border agent.

https://www.sltrib.com/news/2024/02/24/ ... hat-biden/
Tim Ballard is a disgusting con artist who has profited off of other people's suffering in order to promote himself. It is sad that he took advantage of so many decent people who wanted to help children. I hope he is prosecuted for his crimes.
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Re: Tim Ballard, A True Mormon Hero

Post by Bond »

Everybody Wang Chung wrote:
Sun Feb 25, 2024 1:00 am
And in related news, Tim Ballard just announced that he is leaving immediately to follow his dream, working as a border agent.
You'd think a guy whose whole grift has been built on "governments are terrible at saving trafficked children" and “only vigilantes who will skirt and dance around the law can save kids” wouldn't want to join said government but I guess he's going to fix the bureaucracy from the inside.
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Re: Tim Ballard, A True Mormon Hero

Post by drumdude »

The thread title needs to be changed to "A true Catholic hero"

https://www.reddit.com/r/exmormon/comme ... e_and_his/

Just goes to show, for many Mormons it's not about the religion or the theology - it's about the externalities. Throw away the social aspect and the belief falls off with it.
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Re: Tim Ballard, A True Mormon Hero

Post by Rivendale »

Another file to be put in Hitchen's religion poisons everything.
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