Ed Goble Book of Abraham Podcast now up

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Re: Ed Goble Book of Abraham Podcast now up

Post by _Shulem »

Shulem wrote:Image

Ed Goble wrote:I cracked the Shulem cryptogram for figure 5, and I am serious about what I am doing. It's time for you guys to come back and help me. Please come to your senses.

"Osiris Hor, the justified forever"
Wsir Hr p3 m3-hrw r d.t

p3 = duck flying = Gardiner's G40, the or fly
m3-hrw = Gardiner's P8, ship oar, hrw, justified

r/er = Gardiner's D21, mouth

d = Gardiner's I10, cobra/snake
t = Gardiner's X1, small loaf of bread, t=bread
Gardiner's N16 = flat land/earth determinaive for dt/eternity

Strongs Hebrew 6310 peh - mouth
Strongs Hebrew 5175 nahash - a serpent
Strongs Hebrew 3899. lechem -Â bread
Strongs Hebrew 776 erets - earth

reverse engineered Hebrew from the hieroglyphics, jammed together:





Strongs 6438. pinnah = chief, pinnacle, chieftain

erets/merets = pun on two words:
Strongs 8334 sharath =servant, waiter
Strongs 4453. meltsar = waiter / servant

=Shulem (Shlechem), the principal waiter/servant

Image wrote:Time to go back to church!


Don't panic, Kerry.

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Re: Ed Goble Book of Abraham Podcast now up

Post by _Shulem »

Let me make it perfectly clear that the Facsimile No. 3 funerary vignette is all about the person shown in Fig. 5, who was an Egyptian by the name of Hor. The very label above his hand says, "The Osiris Hor, justified forever".

The vignette is not about Osiris!

It's not about Isis.

It's not about Maat.

It's not about Anubis.

The vignette is about Hor! It's all about HIM being brought into the presence of the gods and living forever among them. That is what the papyrus is about. Hor WAS an Egyptian! He was an Egyptian and ascribed to the Egyptian religion -- Jehovah and Abraham be damned.

Joseph Smith made up the fictitious name of SHULEM and labeled the person as a waiter when in actuality it was Hor who was being WAITED on by the gods! Just the opposite of what Smith was trying to portray. The name Shulem is not Egyptian! Not. At. All.

A dishonest, yet very knowledgeable Egyptologist, John Gee, wrote an apologetic paper entitled "Shulem, One of the King’s Principal Waiters.", wherein he made it perfectly clear that the name Shulem is NOT Egyptian.

John Gee wrote:The name itself is widely attested in Semitic languages.

John Gee wrote:So the name is Semitic, though the form of the name varies across time and place.

John Gee wrote:Shulem was not a native Egyptian. He was probably a first generation immigrant.

The Bottom line is that the name Shulem is not Egyptian and is not in the writing of Facsimile No. 3 above the hand of Fig. 5.

Joseph Smith was wrong.
Last edited by Guest on Fri Sep 27, 2019 5:52 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Ed Goble Book of Abraham Podcast now up

Post by _Shulem »

Ed Goble wrote:reverse engineered Hebrew from the hieroglyphics, jammed together:



Ed Goble wrote:=Shulem (Shlechem)

Joseph Smith said, "SHULEM", period. I don't give a damn what you say, Ed. All that matters is what Joseph Smith said. You're just a bystander in modern times making stuff up and twisting what Smith intended or said.

Smith said, "SHULEM", that's: S H U L E M through Smith's direct translation and authority, published in the Times and Seasons, and later canonized by the church. The Explanations of Facsimile No. 2 make it clear that Smith was translating Egyptian as voiced by the Egyptians when he said, "which is called by the Egyptians" and "Is called in Egyptian". This business about "Hebrew from the hieroglyphics, jammed together" is stuff you are making up out of thin air -- total nonsense and is NOT what Joseph Smith said.

It's SHULEM! You can leave out the "CH" because that's not a Joseph Smith translation. It's an Ed Goble translation! Nobody cares about your translation. We only care about Smith's and he was wrong.
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Re: Ed Goble Book of Abraham Podcast now up

Post by _Shulem »


How do you spell Olimlah? What happened to his snout?

Olimlah, a slave belonging to the prince.
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Re: Ed Goble Book of Abraham Podcast now up

Post by _Shulem »

Shulem wrote:Joseph Smith made up the fictitious name of SHULEM and labeled the person as a waiter when in actuality it was Hor who was being WAITED on by the gods! Just the opposite of what Smith was trying to portray.


I guess that best answers your question you so often ask regarding the black guy (Olimlah) holding on to the other guy (Shulem) in front of him.

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Re: Ed Goble Book of Abraham Podcast now up

Post by _Shulem »

Ed Goble wrote:I cracked the Shulem cryptogram for figure 5, and I am serious about what I am doing


I remind you what Joseph Smith said about those who crack the Egyptian language, you need only turn to the Explanations of Facsimile No. 2, which I recently discussed on this board:

Fig. 8. Contains writings that cannot be revealed unto the world; but is to be had in the Holy Temple of God.

Aside from that, Smith made it clear that it was he alone that was the one to translate the Egyptian language for the whole world with a caveat that perhaps the world might take a crack at it and find some success.

Joseph Smith, Facsimile No. 2, Fig. 11. wrote:If the world can find out these numbers, so let it be. Amen.

What numbers? The numbered Figures of Facsimile No. 2, which Smith elected not to translate. Those are the ones in which Smith challenged the world to try and figure out.

Who is "the world"? The world was not the church or those who assisted Smith in translating and publishing the Book of Abraham. The world is not the saints of 1842 nor is it Ed Goble in 2019. The world is science and scholars who preside over their various disciplines.

Sorry, Ed, but you're not the world and you're not the one Smith challenged to try and figure out what's written in Facsimile No. 2, that was to be found in the Kirtland temple.

Are you ready to give up, Ed?

You're beaten.
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Re: Ed Goble Book of Abraham Podcast now up

Post by _Shulem »

Well, Ed is annoyed with me for gloating and mocking and so he's done talking with me about it via email. He refuses to concede that Smith's translations are false and continues to defend them. He really doesn't have very many people to talk to about his ideas. He's pretty much written off talking to critics and apologists so he's left to talk to himself and his friend, H. Ghost, the Mormon spook.

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Re: Ed Goble Book of Abraham Podcast now up

Post by _Shulem »


It wasn't long ago you came to the board to inquire and asked the board to help you in trying to better understand your translation theories of the Book of Abraham papyrus. The conversation that took place did not meet your expectations. Your response was to delete your posts and inform us that you had made a "mistake" in coming here.

More recently you contacted me by email to investigate your claims further. You were friendly and sincere in intent although you seemed somewhat desperate or hurried in wanting to get a response. Again, you abandoned the cause and told me you had made a "mistake" in contacting me. Well, Ed, my first thoughts were, "What the hell is wrong with you?" You're supposed to be the one with the gift of the Holy Ghost. You're supposed to be the one walking in the Spirit -- guided by inspiration and wisdom as the Spirit enlightens your mind and leads you along an inspired path.

But, it seems, even you admit, that the decisions you make are "mistakes" and that you just can't seem to get things right. You come in and make statements and then you run away and tell us you made a mistake.

I want you to know Ed, that you're not being led by a Holy Ghost who knows all things. You're in fact tripping about in a dazed state trying your very best to make sense of the silly translation of Joseph Smith who has been proven by modern science to be a complete fraud. I sense, you're in the last stages of your testimony before you finally give in and admit to yourself that you too, as we all, were lied to.

Oh Ed. I know the feeling. You'll be back. We will welcome you and understand your journey in trying to defend the indefensible.

Come back to the table when you're ready.
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Re: Ed Goble Book of Abraham Podcast now up

Post by _Amore »

Shulem wrote:I hope there are those on this board that would take interest in putting weight on his shelf.

I don’t know - after a shelf crashes down, who wants the mess and a bare wall? Maybe after it breaks, its reconstructed in parts.... :)


A song about Christ brought a lot of people to tears and made me reconsider again, the idea. I don’t believe in human sacrifice scapegoating, however, everyone craves to feel understood and loved. God as Spirit or even perfect Father is too big of a leap in faith. Christ is a sort of mediator or step in between - more personal and believable. Is it better to just believe in God - not Christ? Maybe. “Thou shalt have no other gods before me.” The son of God - is maybe a lower god, better than no god but not the best.

Regarding adding weight to someone’s shelf - I think each person is the only one who can really put any weight on it. Others can pose possibilities as truth - but each person decides for themselves what is true. In that sense, truth is subjective.

I hope the best for Ed, you, me and everyone. :)
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Ed's latest podcast is a dud

Post by Shulem »

Poor Ed.

His latest podcast on Spotify:

Ed Goble: The Book of Abraham
Ed wrote:"Joseph Smith did not have a running book of Abraham in front of him"
Ed clearly states he is in the Catalyst camp. But the Catalyst theory does not have a leg to stand on because the timeline and historical content tendered by Smith in his bogus story has been absolutely disproved and there isn't a f-ing thing poor Ed can do to change history or adjust the dynasties to fit Smith's bogus timeframe! Joseph Smith was unware that the Bible timeline of Egyptian history was absolutely false!

It sucks to be Ed. He's a liar.
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