Laken Riley

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Laken Riley

Post by Vēritās »

Turns out this girl lived in a neighborhood a few miles from me. I wasn't really surprised to find out that her parents were huge Trump supporters, but I was surprised to find out they attended a Trump event with him and did a photo op with the orange monster. What a despicable tribute to their daughter, who, from what I hear from college students around here, actually despised Trump.

What kind of family smiles for the camera like this as they use the brutal rape and murder of their daughter and sister to further the political aspirations of a con artist who signs his autograph on her photo and then misspells her name?


I'm sick of despicable idiots say things like Laken Riley was killed because of Biden. I never heard a Liberal blaming Trump for any of the following deaths that occurred under Trump's watch, that were committed by people who either crossed over during his "secure border" period or they were released by his administration after capture:

In early March 2022, Honduran national Jorge Melara was arrested for allegedly repeatedly molesting a 9-year-old in Grovetown, Georgia. Melara, who is 49, had been deported from the U.S. a total of nine times previously, and once again returned illegally in July 2020 during the Trump administration.

On October 15, 2021 the body of Douglas R. Cline was found in an orchard near Terra Bella, California. One of the three suspects in the murder is Jose Omar Bello Reyes. “Reyes was arrested by ICE and given a Notice to Appear (NTA) before an immigration judge to face deportation. He was released from ICE custody on a $10,000 bail in August 2018. Following his release, Reyes fought his deportation order in immigration court and even sought a U visa to remain in the U.S. Then, in January 2019, Reyes was arrested for drunk driving and was convicted in April 2019.”

On November 19, 2019, Alberquerque, New Mexico, resident Jacqueline Vigil was shot and murdered in her driveway by Mexican national Luis Talamantes. Luis Talamantes has been deported three times and re-entered the U.S. illegally some time after September 2019, not long before murdering Jacqueline Vigil.

April 2023, Nicaraguan national German Mathews brutally raped a developmentally disabled woman on her way to work in Forest Park, Ohio. Mathews had been deported from the U.S. a total of 5 times. A criminal complaint from July 2017, revealed that Mathews admitted to rafting across the Rio Grande into Texas (. . .). He was arrested, convicted and sentenced to one day in prison and fined $10.” (Daily Mail, December 22, 2023)

On November 10, 2019 Felix Antonio Juarez-Antunez killed Ethan Michael Handley (15) and Marjory Howell Wagner (65) while driving drunk, unlicensed and at speeds that exceeded 90 mph. It was learned after he was arrested in Johnson County, North Carolina that the illegal alien had been deported on two previous occasions. (ABC 11, November 22, 2019)
"I am not an American ... In my view premarital sex should be illegal ...(there are) mentally challenged people with special needs like myself- Ajax18
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