Fox News Tried Going After Denmark.

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Fox News Tried Going After Denmark.

Post by Gunnar »

And made utter fools of themselves in the process! Trish Regan's ignorance is positively breathtaking! And the Danish spokesman's clapback was absolutely devasting!

As pointed out by some of the commentators, she couldn't list any bad points about Denmark, so she listed only good points and then tried to make fun of them!

Some of my favorite comments:
Free education, free healthcare, income safety nets, what a crime. We can’t tolerate that in the great USA.

No wonder the world is laughing at the U.S.

Also children in Denmark don't have the constant fear of being shot at school...just sayin.

they're making fun of Denmark for being happy. unbelievable.

She doesn’t even know what to criticise, she just points out good things then mockingly laughs.

"Fox News" - The world's greatest oxymoron. Actually, we can leave off "oxy".

AND because of his education he can give her the smackdown in her own language. GG Denmark.

The fact that she apparently considers free college education as a bad thing tells you everything you need to know about their mentality
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Re: Fox News Tried Going After Denmark.

Post by Chap »

That is indeed hilarious.

It is also, in a way, frightening. Fox News is working hard to convince its viewers of things that are obviously false - basically that for most ordinary people in the US life is more secure and fulfilling that it is in Denmark, and that things like free healthcare, a working social safety-net, and free education are in some way deleterious to the quality of life and to national prosperity in Denmark.

They clearly are not. So in whose interest is it to convince Fox News viewers otherwise? Could it be that very, very rich American people don't want voters to start wanting stuff like that, since it might end up with them just being ver rich instead of very very rich. Maybe.
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Re: Fox News Tried Going After Denmark.

Post by Gadianton »

Chap wrote:Fox News is working hard to convince its viewers of things that are obviously false
It doesn't have to work very hard...
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Re: Fox News Tried Going After Denmark.

Post by Gunnar »

Chap wrote:
Tue Jan 07, 2025 10:17 am
That is indeed hilarious.

It is also, in a way, frightening. Fox News is working hard to convince its viewers of things that are obviously false - basically that for most ordinary people in the US life is more secure and fulfilling that it is in Denmark, and that things like free healthcare, a working social safety-net, and free education are in some way deleterious to the quality of life and to national prosperity in Denmark.

They clearly are not. So in whose interest is it to convince Fox News viewers otherwise? Could it be that very, very rich American people don't want voters to start wanting stuff like that, since it might end up with them just being ver rich instead of very very rich. Maybe.
It's heartbreaking that our country has become more than ever before a government of, by, and for the very wealthiest of us and to hell with anyone else. And the saddest thing is that that the underinformed, least educated and lowest on the economic scale who are the most adamant, diehard supporters of Trump and hard right conservatives are going to be hurt the most by their policies. These oligarchs and kleptocrats hardly even try to hide that they favor actually justify further cutting social security, Medicare and other programs that help ordinary people in order to make it possible to afford massive tax cuts for the wealthy and further enrich the already wealthy. To unrelentingly pursue ever more and more wealth and power when one is already obscenely wealthy is really a kind of mental illness in my opinion.
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Re: Fox News Tried Going After Denmark.

Post by Moksha »

Gadianton wrote:
Tue Jan 07, 2025 3:12 pm
Chap wrote:Fox News is working hard to convince its viewers of things that are obviously false
It doesn't have to work very hard...
Fox News viewers are more or less like Ajax.
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Re: Fox News Tried Going After Denmark.

Post by Moksha »

Trump's desire to obtain Greenland for its mineral resources and add Canada as the fifty-first state has not abated.

With Justin Trudeau's resignation, a new conservative government that will acquiesce to becoming a state seems plausible and perhaps likely. Also, a Trump staff member pointed out that Greenland would not stand a chance against the US military.

With Canada added, perhaps Shades would let us add eh to the end of our questions. Eh?
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Re: Fox News Tried Going After Denmark.

Post by Physics Guy »

I'm sure that virtually all Canadians agree with our now outgoing prime minister that joining the USA has a snowball's chance in Hell. For those less familiar with snowballs, that's a low chance. And if anything could have made the chance any lower, Trump's election would have.

On the other hand, if Canada did somehow join the USA, by population and size it would have to be at least five new states, not one. They would all be deep blue. Not even Alberta would go Republican. The influence of the Republican Party over any branch of the US Federal government would be ended forever, and this would indeed do a lot to improve American life. So I can sort of see the attractiveness, from the American side, of enlisting Canada.
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Re: Fox News Tried Going After Denmark.

Post by Doctor Steuss »

It's hard to tell if this is just him saying really outrageous crap to stay in the news, and distract from his overall economic idiocy and lack of coherent strategies, or if this is him seriously trying to one-up Putin.
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Re: Fox News Tried Going After Denmark.

Post by canpakes »

Doctor Steuss wrote:
Wed Jan 08, 2025 8:20 pm
It's hard to tell if this is just him saying really outrageous crap to stay in the news, and distract from his overall economic idiocy and lack of coherent strategies, or if this is him seriously trying to one-up Putin.
I’d say that you have captured all of the reasons why he is saying what he’s saying, and exactly in their order of importance to him.
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Re: Fox News Tried Going After Denmark.

Post by Gunnar »

canpakes wrote:
Thu Jan 09, 2025 3:03 am
Doctor Steuss wrote:
Wed Jan 08, 2025 8:20 pm
It's hard to tell if this is just him saying really outrageous crap to stay in the news, and distract from his overall economic idiocy and lack of coherent strategies, or if this is him seriously trying to one-up Putin.
I’d say that you have captured all of the reasons why he is saying what he’s saying, and exactly in their order of importance to him.
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