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Age of the Papyrus

Post by Shulem »

It could be argued that Ed1 is ALSO peddling false narratives in rejecting original statements and confirmations that Joseph Smith officially made through public media and other announcements. Smith made several distinct and amazing statements about the papyrus which he possessed; some of which related to the AGE of the papyrus.

How is it that Ed1 has changed the meaning of Smith’s own declarations regarding the physical AGE of the papyrus into something that no longer has antiquity or age as Smith solemnly declared it did? I propose here and now that Ed1 is peddling false narratives in denying what Smith proclaimed with regard to the AGE of the papyrus and has turned it into something that Smith never embraced. Ed1 has taken it upon himself to replace Joseph Smith or, at minimum, represent him in a manner in which Smith was never known to represent.

The AGE of the papyrus! What is it?
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Re: Age of the Papyrus

Post by Shulem »

Shulem wrote:
Tue Aug 31, 2021 3:24 pm
The AGE of the papyrus! What is it?

The saints in Nauvoo depended entirely upon what the prophet Joseph Smith had to say about the age of the papyrus. When Smith spoke authoritatively it was a God breathed statement uttered from the mouth of Jesus Christ, standing in the very presence of his closest brother, the Holy Ghost. The statement is binding upon the whole church, including Ed1 who doesn’t seem to be in step with what Smith said about the papyrus.

How old was the papyrus found clutched within the arms of the mummies which held them?

What did GOD say?






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Re: Apologists Peddling False Narratives

Post by Shulem »

I’m afraid that Ed1 pushes a false narrative by downplaying or ignoring authoritative utterances given by Joseph Smith. The authenticity of the Abrahamic papyrus being an original autograph of Abraham’s own dusty hand is key to Smith’s message of discovering the original autographs of Abraham & Joseph.

Ed1 has created his own brand of apologetics and has created a narrative that is completely outside the bounds in which Joseph Smith set. Will Ed1 show regard for Smith’s testimony that the papyrus is some 3,500 years old? There are choices on whose narrative we choose accept:

1) Joseph Smith
2) Apologists
3) Ed1

I stand by Joseph Smith.
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Re: Apologists Peddling False Narratives

Post by Shulem »

Ed1 wrote:
Thu Aug 26, 2021 9:27 pm
https://www.academia.edu/51021020/An_Es ... Narratives

Don't expect any response from me after what happened here last time. I will never be posting here in response to anything again. This is an informational message only about a new article.
Thank you

Apparently, the link in which Ed1 published his article is no longer operable. Is this because the site has problems or did Ed1 pull his article for reasons unknown to us?

Error: 404 wrote:Oops! It looks like you're in the wrong aisle.

Something I’ve noticed in reading Ed1’s materials is that he seldom quotes Smith’s own words about the authenticity of the papyrus and specific statements thereby that prove Smith was a fraud and represented the papyrus on false terms.

It’s time to face the truth, Ed1. The diamond clad truth!
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Re: Apologists Peddling False Narratives

Post by Shulem »

It seems that all Mormon apologists have their own agenda and want everyone to follow their prescribed explanation of Joseph Smith’s disastrous papyrus interpretations. We have Ed1 saying, “Lo here, look at me” and other apologists saying, “Look at us”. Thus they disagree and contradict each other as a house divided. Everyone knows the story about a house being divided surely falls.

The Book of Abraham is a proven disaster for Mormonism. The Church isn’t going to gain a single convert by promoting or pushing the Book of Abraham in the public face. It’s an embarrassment to the Church and the world knows better than to embrace Smith’s deception when it has been thoroughly tested and proven false.

I’m 100% sure the Book of Abraham is a fraudulent work. I so testify that I know the Book of Abraham is not a true historical record.
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Testimony Fest

Post by Shulem »

I have never been as sure of anything that is as mysterious as the Joseph Smith’s translations of the Book of Abraham than to know with all my heart and mind that it is a fraudulent work -- pure fiction. I know it with all my heart. There is absolutely not shred of doubt. Not one doubt in my mind! I know it absolutely as I live and breathe and have a being. I know it as sure as I can move my arms and legs and walk about and observe the planet.

Nothing on God’s green earth could possibly sway me to doubt this sure knowledge that I have in knowing that Smith was inventing and creating ideas in which to sponsor his new religion. There is a total sense of well being in knowing the truth of this matter. It brings me comfort and peace to know that I broke out of Mormonism and got a grip on myself in realizing that I was being held hostage by a testimony that was filled with contradiction and fantastic ideas requiring boatloads of faith in things that make no sense.

It is good to have the eyes open and see the light. Walking by faith in things that seem wrong or unnatural is not a healthy way to live. Religious dogma and faith often destroys our ability to grow and flourish. Belief in the Book of Abraham brings stagnation and stupor of thought.
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