Vogel video on magic parchments and Jupiter talisman

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Re: Vogel video on magic parchments and Jupiter talisman

Post by Shulem »

Nimrod wrote:
Wed Jan 10, 2024 3:48 pm
Oh, so it was the hat he was speaking out of. Based on what he said, I thought it was out of something else he was speaking out of.
The Book of Mormon is a well constructed story that follows a timeline that is too complicated to just mumble out of a hat without preparation and pre-thought. Smith certainly kept notes and designed a basic timeline prior to speaking out of a hat. There are times when Smith gets over his head and introduces things into the story such as Nephi's temple and it's clear that Smith does not know how to offer logistics to explain that construction and justify the means in which it could have been built. Then we have examples of Smith talking out of his ass, for example, the counting of corpses killed in battle at River Sidon or the 1,005 figure stolen from the Bible. So, a lot of the stories in the Book of Mormon is Smith talking out of his ass and making crap up as he went along (pun intended).
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Joe Smith The Teenage Witch

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Mormons AND DRUGS PODCASTS explores important points contained in *this* thread including JUBANLADACE! Shout out to Dan Vogel!

Click this link:


Scroll Down to: Episode 03: Joe Smith The Teenage Witch

Enjoy! (Some strong language)
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Mother Witch

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Charlotte Haven wrote:(The Saga of the Book of Abraham; Jay M. Todd, p.245)

From there we called on Joseph's mother, passing the site of the Nauvoo House, a spacious hotel, the first floor only laid. It is like the Temple in being erected on the tithe system, and when finished will surpass in splendor any hotel in the State. Here Joseph and his heirs for generations are to have apartments free of expense, and they think the crowned heads of Europe will rusticate beneath its roof. Madame Smith's residence is a log house very near her son's. She opened the door and received us cordially. She is a motherly kind of woman of about sixty years. She receives a little pittance by exhibiting The Mummies to strangers. When we asked to see them, she lit a candle and conducted us up a short, narrow stairway to a low, dark room under the roof. On one side were standing half a dozen mummies, to whom she introduced us, King Onitus and his royal household, — one she did not know. Then she took up what seemed to be a club wrapped in a dark cloth, and said "This is the leg of Pharaoh's daughter, the one that saved Moses." Repressing a smile. I looked from the mummies to the old lady, but could detect nothing but earnestness and sincerity on her countenance. Then she turned to a long table, set her candle-stick down, and opened a long roll of manuscript, saying it was "the writing of Abraham and Isaac, written in Hebrew and Sanscrit," and she read several minutes from it as if it were English. It sounded very much like passages from the Old Testament — and it might have been for anything we knew — but she said she read it through the inspiration of her son Joseph, in whom she seemed to have perfect confidence.
Lucy Mack Smith said:

"This is the leg of Pharaoh's daughter, the one that saved Moses . . . . through the inspiration of"

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The Makings Of Jubanladace

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It's easy to imagine how astrologers Kelley & Dee borrowed from Orion to conceive their angel Jubanladace as one of the so-called starry spirits. Notice how in the Gaius Julius Hyginus depiction of Orion the manifestation of three stars in a row is given three (3) times: Head, Club, and Belt!!!

Poeticon Astronomicon (Publication date 1482)



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Flaming Sword

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This post is dedicated to Bill Reel of Mormonism Live:
Reginald Scot wrote:Jubanladace a mighty Prince in the Dominion of Thrones, he cometh unto such as follow national affairs, and are carryed forth unto warr and conquest; he beareth alwayes a flaming Sword, and is girded about, having a helmet upon his head, and appearing still before the party in the Air: he must be sollicited and invocated with Chastity, Vows, Fumes, and Prayers: and this is his* Character to be worn as a Lamin.

So, it must needs be that we find another source in which to connect Orion with Jubanladace's flaming sword or vice versa. If we can establish the very personage of Orion who bears a sword about his loins as a flaming sword, then we have a hit. See here in the poetry of Sir John Drummond, a famous writer of the 15th century and a contemporary of Kelley & Dee:

"Orion faints to see his arms grow black,
"And that his flaming sword he now doth lack:
"So Europe's lights, all bright in their degree,
"Lose all their lustre, parallel'd with thee.
I see this as a direct connection and correlation between Drummond's Orion and that of Jubanladace envisioned by Kelley & Dee!

I do hope that my dear readers will open their eyes and let the light in. That includes you, Vogel. I'm not trying to be rude or nasty but expect better of you.

And for those who are not convinced, how much more Goddamn evidence do you need?
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This post is dedicated to RFM:


"Hey everyone, look at me!"

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Orion *is* Jubanladace

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The most famous astronomers of Hyginia
On the explanation of the world and the sphere and the two parts with the planets and various historical signs
Publication date 1517

Shulem's interpretation of Orion wrote:Behold my flaming sword, shield, and helmet. I am the starry spirit, Jubanladace.

We see.

Last edited by Shulem on Thu Jan 18, 2024 1:24 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Appearing still before the party in the Air

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Reginald Scot wrote:Jubanladace a mighty Prince in the Dominion of Thrones, he cometh unto such as follow national affairs, and are carryed forth unto warr and conquest; he beareth alwayes a flaming Sword, and is girded about, having a helmet upon his head, and appearing still before the party in the Air: he must be sollicited and invocated with Chastity, Vows, Fumes, and Prayers: and this is his* Character to be worn as a Lamin.

Why do you suppose the warring angel Jubanladace is APPEARING STILL before the party IN THE AIR?

I've expressed earlier how this refers to a constellation in the sky -- overhead -- IN THE AIR. The very stars are fixed and they do not move like in motion but are APPEARING STILL and serve as a representation of the figures in which they have been assigned.

The stars of the Orion constellation are IN THE AIR above and APPEARING STILL do not move but are ever firm, fixed, and unmoved. Those three little circles that help form the name in representing Jubanladace are stars in the sky.

Can you accept that as a valid concept?

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It's a Shield

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Shulem wrote:
Sun Nov 26, 2023 10:04 pm
After further review, I'm willing to make a critical concession to my original hypotheses in identifying an object on the parchment discussed by Vogel. What if the symbol/character is not a half (or quarter) moon as originally thought? It looks like it could be and it certainly would go well with the three circles which I posit are the three stars of Orion's Belt -- but, what if the object is really something else associated with established iconographic depictions for the Hunter of the constellation in question? What if the object is actually part of the very constellation?
Study.com wrote:The constellation Orion is sometimes depicted as a hunter holding a club or sword, and SHIELD, but at other times he is depicted as holding a BOW. In both depictions he appears to be fighting the bull Taurus.
So, the Hunter is known to hold a club or sword in one hand and a shield or bow in the other. Is it possible that the symbol used to represent the magical name of Jubanladace is either an unbent bow or a SHIELD?

Is it possible?
Yes, it's very possible, indeed. In my final analysis, I've determined the iconic symbol represents a shield held by Orion (Jubanladace) which similarly happens to be shaped like the quarter moon. It all looks right to me -- I buy it! I think this finding is important and helps me understand some of the mystery of the meaning of Smith's parchments he used in an effort to conjure up treasure.

Thank you.

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Shulem confronts Joseph Smith

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Nauvoo, 1844

Dear Bro. Joseph,

Thank you for showing me your personal parchments in which you treasure to this day as sacred gifts from God given to you while yet a youth, namely: (1) Jehovah, Jehovah, Jehovah, (2) St. Peter Bind Them, and (3) Holiness to the Lord parchments that you claim glorify Christ through inspiration of the Holy Spirit. After further review and research on my behalf, I find it necessary to bring my concerns to your immediate attention. Brother Vogel has also expressed some concern about your use of those items which are identified with magic arts associated with the occult practices of two sorcerers, Edward Kelley & John Dee of the 15th century. Their works in occult magic and astrology was controversial and highly questionable and some have concluded their failed works and inspiration came from the devil. Those men thought they could turn common metals into gold by using occult magic!

I feel compelled to inform you that content on your parchments are positively confirmed as having association with witchcraft and occult science which is outside Christianity and the restoration of Mormonism through your revelations. I refer to two books written by esteemed authors Ebenezer Sibly & Reginald Scot who identify characters on your parchments as having originated through the sorcerers previously mentioned. Characters and symbols on the Jehovah, Jehovah, Jehovah parchment represent a good demon conjured up by sorcery and his name is Jubanladace. But this angel has nothing to do with the Bible or the apocrypha. The name of that angel and the symbols that represent it came from sorcery and astrology. I also inform you that another false angel is contained on the St. Peter Bind Them parchment wherein his name is Pah-li-Pah and the occult symbol representing that name is drawn beside it consisting of a circle adorned with four crosses. Finally, another false angel by the name of Nal-gah is represented on the Holiness to the Lord parchment.

As you may see, my Bro. Joseph, there are at least three false angels represented on your parchments and the mingling of those with Jehovah, St. Peter, and the holy Bible is surely an affront to God. Let us meet in the temple as soon as you are able and we will discuss this with the brethren. Bro. Dan Vogel has promised to attend and we shall meet there and by the grace of God resolve this serious matter of great concern.

As ever,

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