What would real apostles on the earth look like?

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Re: What would real apostles on the earth look like?

Post by drumdude »

Here’s an interesting admission from DCP a few hours ago:
John Bustlefield: "I still say the cart was before the horse in the contempt, slander, and malicious motives inflicted on those who are considering this theory without knowing them. These are good people who were faithful all through their teens . RMs. Not just looking for an excuse to party or attack the Church."

You can perhaps understand why believing members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints might not respond very enthusiastically to allegations that at least three apostles (two of them future presidents of the Church) murdered the founding prophet of this dispensation and usurped the leadership of the Church, which (to put it mildly) would undercut the legitimacy and authority of today's prophets and apostles and arguably invalidate every ordinance and every ordination performed and every call issued under apostolic authority since mid-1844.
Of course it’s unlikely this alternative history will ever be validated. But seeing DCP admit that there can actually be things which, if true, actually undermine the authority of the church… well that’s progress in my opinion!

Keep going with that thought Daniel! You may get to the truth someday after all!
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Re: What would real apostles on the earth look like?

Post by PseudoPaul »

Bret Ripley wrote:
Sat Jan 28, 2023 6:32 pm
PseudoPaul wrote:
Sat Jan 28, 2023 5:26 pm
They would all be practicing Jews, for starters.
A start quickly followed by a revelation that Heavenly Father will accept a doctor's receipt as evidence of circumcision.
Peter and James seemed to think circumcision was still required for gentile converts.
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