Shulem Cracked the Book of Mormon Code, the Land of Nephi is now revealed! See for yourself! The Golden Key!

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Re: Another Trick

Post by Shulem »

Shulem wrote:
Mon Feb 28, 2022 12:27 am
WELCOME to another dose and special presentation from Shulem!

Allow me to show you another card, which I now lay on the table. Not even Radio Free Mormon can catch this trick:

Mosiah 7:3 wrote:And it came to pass that on the morrow they started to go up, having with them one Ammon, he being a strong and mighty man, and a descendant of Zarahemla; and he was also their leader.

So, what if anything about that sentence seems fishy? Can you spot it? I can! It’s a single word NEVER found in any of its variations in the entire Bible, not once in the D&C, and not once in the Book of Abraham or Book of Moses. It is however found 3 times in Joseph Smith’s personal history published in the Pearl of Great Price. It’s found 5 times in the Book of Mormon all linked to expeditions. It’s a red flag and indicates Smith really was the sole author of the Book of Mormon.

What is that word?

Mosiah 9:3 wrote:And yet, I being over-zealous to inherit the land of our fathers, collected as many as were desirous to go up to possess the land, and started again on our journey into the wilderness to go up to the land; but we were smitten with famine and sore afflictions; for we were slow to remember the Lord our God.
Alma 26:1 wrote:And now, these are the words of Ammon to his brethren, which say thus: My brothers and my brethren, behold I say unto you, how great reason have we to rejoice; for could we have supposed when we started from the land of Zarahemla that God would have granted unto us such great blessings?
Alma 57:28 wrote:And now it came to pass that after we had thus taken care of our wounded men, and had buried our dead and also the dead of the Lamanites, who were many, behold, we did inquire of Gid concerning the prisoners whom they had started to go down to the land of Zarahemla with.
Alma 57:30 wrote:And now, these are the words which Gid said unto me: Behold, we did start to go down to the land of Zarahemla with our prisoners. And it came to pass that we did meet the spies of our armies, who had been sent out to watch the camp of the Lamanites.

So, while Joseph’s head was buried in a hat and reading the writing on his magic stone about the adventures of descendants of the Israelites, it just so happens that a word of Germanic origin is used to describe their actions. Never mind the formality of proper language and expression that we would expect from Israelite nationality, Joseph’s reading of the script is as casual as can be coming from a young country bumpkin. We are to understand that Smith translated so-called reformed Egyptian into English but doesn’t this take it a little too far knowing that the Nephites were not Germans? It’s clear that Smith got a little too casual in his telling and in a tongue twister he departing from the language of the KJV of the Bible, thus his magic rock gave him the wrong word. But really, the word rolled off his tongue from out of his imagination! It would have been more believable had he used a standard biblical word to express those actions.
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Modern street talk in the Book of Mormon

Post by Shulem »

The five card slip-ups, not even RFM can catch:

Shulem wrote:
Mosiah 7:3 wrote:And it came to pass that on the morrow they started to go up, having with them one Ammon, he being a strong and mighty man, and a descendant of Zarahemla; and he was also their leader.
Mosiah 9:3 wrote:And yet, I being over-zealous to inherit the land of our fathers, collected as many as were desirous to go up to possess the land, and started again on our journey into the wilderness to go up to the land; but we were smitten with famine and sore afflictions; for we were slow to remember the Lord our God.
Alma 26:1 wrote:And now, these are the words of Ammon to his brethren, which say thus: My brothers and my brethren, behold I say unto you, how great reason have we to rejoice; for could we have supposed when we started from the land of Zarahemla that God would have granted unto us such great blessings?
Alma 57:28 wrote:And now it came to pass that after we had thus taken care of our wounded men, and had buried our dead and also the dead of the Lamanites, who were many, behold, we did inquire of Gid concerning the prisoners whom they had started to go down to the land of Zarahemla with.
Alma 57:30 wrote:And now, these are the words which Gid said unto me: Behold, we did start to go down to the land of Zarahemla with our prisoners. And it came to pass that we did meet the spies of our armies, who had been sent out to watch the camp of the Lamanites.

Here is an example of street talk while writing a letter to Emma:

Joseph Smith letter to Emma, June 1834 wrote:We arrived this morning on the banks of the Mississippi, and were detained from crossing the river, as there was no boat that we could cross in, but expect a new one to be put into the river this evening, so that we are in hopes, to be able to cross to morrow, and proceed on our journey. A tolerable degree of union has prevailed among the brethren or camp up to the present moment, and we are all in better circumstances of health apparently than when we started from Kirtland

It’s rather obvious that Smith goofed in the Book of Mormon citations previously mentioned (Mosiah 7:3, 9:3, Alma 26:1, 57:28, 57:30). Common street talk snuck past the translator’s lips when abandoning standard biblical expression and failing to stick strictly with the KJV as his guide. Smith’s rock in the hat gave him the wrong word on the occasions cited above. But in reality, Smith never read any words off a rock. That was a lie -- or a trick too fool his scribes. The hat was a safe place to bury his head and think about his story. The stone was a diversion for his trick. The only thing Smith may have ever read in his hat were cribbed notes placed carefully at the bottom of the white stovepipe hat.

Here are a few examples of Smith’s street talk that match his goofs in the Book of Mormon:

Joseph Smith Letterbook 1 wrote:
  • Ziba started this day to go to across the Missouri River...
  • bro Oliver started for New York...
  • after they have started upon their Journey.

This serves as a perfect example of showing Smith being caught red-handed while contemplating geography in the Book of Mormon. He must have been having a difficult time keeping his story straight so he inadvertently slipped using a modern term which does not belong in the Book of Mormon.
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Re: Shulem Cracked the Book of Mormon Code, the Land of Nephi is now revealed! See for yourself! The Golden Key!

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Shulem knows.

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Discovering Zarahemla

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Prepare yourself. Shulem is going to slam you with a real live map from the Restoration of the Book of Mormon!

This MAP is given with compliments from JOSEPH SMITH himself via Shulem.

Coming soon!

But, if ur a wimp or a pussy, then don't bother. Click somewhere else. You don't deserve it! :twisted:

And don't come back!! Beat it. :evil:

BUT, if you feel the Spirit, then check back soon. Get enlightened. :D
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Re: Shulem Cracked the Book of Mormon Code, the Land of Nephi is now revealed! See for yourself! The Golden Key!

Post by Moksha »

Shulem wrote:
Wed Mar 02, 2022 3:52 am
After finishing with Dehlin, Midnight Mormon's next commission will be an attack on Toto.
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Time to face the truth

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There’s No Place Like Home

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This is my gift to Discuss Mormonism and to all those who are interested.

For those who are not convinced, that’s okay. Make your own map! And good luck.

Thank you, Joseph

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Re: whither she did go

Post by Shulem »

Shulem wrote:
Fri Jan 28, 2022 10:02 pm
Doctor CamNC4Me wrote:
Tue Jan 25, 2022 5:14 pm
So, the area described is surrounded by water, save the small neck of land which Shulem details in earlier posts. There is literally no geographic region in the Americas that matches the description, save the delmarva peninsula. If Joseph Smith was plagiarizing the Late War (shout out to Dan Peterson), there simply isn’t any other explanation for this description to be included in the Book of Mormon. In poker, this is a tell. Joseph Smith gives his hand away, his plagiarism of the Late War by including these relatively unnecessary literary details.


What jumps out at you in the verse below? I'll clue you in to what I'm thinking and highlight the word. Ask yourself, is that word appropriate in the Book of Mormon considering Alma and his pitiful band are descendants of the Jews who are long removed from navies and ships of the old world? Never did Nephi Joseph Smith ever refer to the ship that was built and sailed by Lehi in that fashion. Gender of the ship was not expressed. But now we seem to have a slip on ole Joe's part as he incorporates his modern thinking into his story.

Alma 63:8 wrote:And it came to pass that they were never heard of more. And we suppose that they were drowned in the depths of the sea. And it came to pass that one other ship also did sail forth; and whither SHE did go we know not.

I don't know that this is appropriate to the language of a people descended from the Jews and being far removed from them for hundreds of years. Now, let's look at Late War and see what it says:

  • "Sailed towards the island of Britain, and went nigh unto it, and captured numbers of the vessels of the people of Britain, in their own waters ; after which she returned in safety to the land of Columbia."
  • "The shadow of hope passed over her as a dream; and most reluctantly was she compelled to strike the Eon's red cross to the Eagle of Columbia:"
  • "After this Isaac caused a burning coal to be placed in the Guerriere, that she might be consumed, and the flames thereof mounted towards the heavens."
  • "And in process of time, she fell upon one of the ships of Britain, called the Alert, and made spoil thereof to the people of Columbia."
  • "Now the ship of Britain was mightier than the ship of Columbia j and she was called the Frolic, and the captain's name was Whinyeates."
  • "And she was commanded by a valiant captain, whose name was Carden, and the name of the ship was the Macedonian."
  • "And on the same day she met one of the strong ships of Columbia, the name of the captain whereof was Decatur, and the vessel was called the United States."

Etc, you get my point. What do you think Doc? Should Joe have been calling a ship a "she" in his Book of Mormon or was that a Freudian slip on his part?

Can anyone comment on this?
Doctor CamNC4Me wrote:
Fri Jan 28, 2022 10:32 pm
Man, Shulem. You’re like a bloodhound zeroing in on the trail. Great job. That’s another HUGE tell.

- Doc
Philo Sofee wrote:
Sat Jan 29, 2022 1:55 pm
That is remarkable! All those times through the Book of Mormon and I NEVER saw this "She" for a ship! Duuuuuude. Your eye for detail is seriously impressive! Thanks for sharing!



Please allow me to impress you gents further and reveal more about the hidden innards of the Book of Mormon that secretly reveals Joseph Smith really was the true author. Do I have your attention? The truth is that the character Mormon didn’t know anymore about the sea than Joseph Smith. How so? Well, the character of Mormon in the Book of Mormon was Joseph Smith playing that part and pretending to fill that role. Mormon was Joseph Smith! Here, see for yourself:

Mormon 5:18 wrote:But now, behold, they are led about by Satan, even as chaff is driven before the wind, or as a vessel is tossed about upon the waves, without sail or anchor, or without anything wherewith to steer her; and even as she is, so are they.


Joseph Smith strikes again!! Now that’s sailor talk, mind you.
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Re: Shulem Cracked the Book of Mormon Code, the Land of Nephi is now revealed! See for yourself! The Golden Key!

Post by Philo Sofee »

Sailor talk indeed!
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Re: Shulem Cracked the Book of Mormon Code, the Land of Nephi is now revealed! See for yourself! The Golden Key!

Post by Moksha »

Does anyone on this board have the connections to nominate Shulem to a Mormon History award? Should Shulem first do a Sunstone presentation?
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