Black Moclips wrote:Wow, what a social warrior Kevin is.
"Just think of what the children will think when they see a beautiful first lady!"
I can tell you with almost certainty, that the First Lady (no matter who she is) will have practically ZERO influence on some child's life. ZERO! Unless she messes with school lunches like Michelle did. That is the only thing I've ever heard a child say with reference to a First Lady - she was responsible for the largest waste of food in the school system EVER, by pushing a program what forced kids to take food they hated, which they then proceeded to throw away. That is the hallmark of a liberal program. All heart and purpose with a large does of "we know better than you" - with horrible execution.
Just think of the children!
Nice derail. You have no idea whether first ladies have had influences on children's lives. None at all.