Is the former President tweaking again, or:

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Re: Is the former President tweaking again, or:

Post by Chap »

canpakes wrote:
Mon Jul 26, 2021 6:42 am
‘This just in’, and likely causing the Former Guy to tweak a little harder -
The Republican overseeing the controversial GOP-backed election audit in Arizona has reportedly been banned from entering the building where the recount process is ongoing, after he shared some data with experts that showed the results match the officially certified numbers in Maricopa County.

The Arizona Republic reported on Friday evening that Ken Bennett, Arizona's former Secretary of State who has been described as the audit's "director," was barred from entering the building on the state fairgrounds where the audit is moving forward. The newspaper reported that Bennett had shared some of the audit data with outside experts showing that the ballot recount was tracking "very closely" with Maricopa County's certified results.

Cyber Ninjas, the Florida-based company conducting the audit on behalf of the state's Senate Republicans, told the publication that state Senate President Karen Fann, a Republican, made the decision to block Bennett from the building. Newsweek reached out to Fann for further comment but did not immediately receive a response. ... ss-1612791
Gracious me! it sounds as though Bennett is a traitor, just like those Trump-appointed Republican judges who threw out the lawsuits alleging election fraud.

What other explanation could there be? Oh, wait ...
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Re: Is the former President tweaking again, or:

Post by Some Schmo »

Doctor CamNC4Me wrote:
Mon Jul 26, 2021 12:15 pm
We’re watching fascism emerge in real time and there’s not much we can do about it if people and organizations are determined to fan the flames.
Yeah, if only the GOP base had a working knowledge of what words actually mean, they might fear things like fascism more and liberals/independents less.
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Re: Is the former President tweaking again, or:

Post by canpakes »

From Slate, a little light reading -
Stop Insulting Trump Voters and Their Concerns. Instead, Shut Up and Take It.
JULY 25, 20216:09 AM

On Thursday, the Washington Post published an opinion piece by columnist Gary Abernathy arguing that Americans need to stop insulting Trump voters lest we fail to achieve “what’s necessary for our nation to survive.” Easily the greatest work on the importance of being nice to Trump supporters that the Post has published since Kathleen Parker’s “Progressives’ Shaming of Trump Supporters Won’t Work” (Aug. 9, 2019) or James Hohmann’s “Liberal Hostility Toward Trump Aides Could Galvanize the GOP Base” (June 25, 2018) or Michael Gerson’s “Stop Sneering at Trump. It Won’t Help” (April 20, 2017), Abernathy’s essay is a timely reminder of the importance of historical amnesia, and the urgent need to treat Trump voters with civility and respect and deference and reverence and adoration, no matter what they’ve done.

After all, the 2020 election is over, and so is the violent attack on the Capitol Trump incited in a futile attempt to cling to power, and even if people are still dropping like flies from the deadly pandemic Trump catastrophically mismanaged, there’s no reason to be rude. You wouldn’t treat someone like a moral leper just because they root for the Orioles instead of the Nationals, so why would you judge someone for handing the country over to a pack of racist crooks who promptly got more than half a million Americans killed? Trump voters would prefer not to think about whether or not they bear any responsibility for the awful things done in their name by the people they explicitly told to go do awful things in their name, and it’s important for those of us on the left side of the aisle to respect their culture.

As we all come together to clean up the mess that some of us deliberately caused, it’s clear that insults will get us nowhere. Calling Trump voters “dumber than a bag of hammers” only reveals that you are unserious about moving forward as a country. Going on to clarify that you meant to say that Trump voters were “to a person, dumber than the dumbest bag of hammers at a hammer store that used to specialize in selling extremely dumb hammers before the health department shut it down for selling bags of hammers that were so dumb it was against the law” will do very little to reach across the political chasm. It may feel good to insult the people whose stupidity, hatred, and fear caused untold suffering all over the world. It may feel great. It may feel like sitting on the porch and taking your first sip of an ice cold beer after a hot day, or finding a $20 bill in your coat pocket, or seeing the face of an old friend who’s been gone for a long time. It may feel so, so great. But consider this: Don’t?

Instead, try listening to Trump voters and their concerns as though you were plucked from the cabbage patch this very morning, fresh as the dew, with no memory of what happened when we spent several years listening to Trump voters and their concerns. While you’re listening, you can show your commitment to democracy in America by murmuring things like “I see,” or nodding your head in an understanding manner. Do not do that thing where you pretend like you’re coughing and bark “BS!” into your fist when the Trump voter you are listening to says that of course they didn’t approve of everything Donald Trump did. Do not accuse them of enabling a nihilistic death cult that is steering the entire planet into a lake of fire. Do not throw pies or fruit or bricks. Do not say, “What’s that? It seems like you’re trying to talk, but all I can hear is a thick, clotty bubbling sound, because you’re up to your eyebrows in the blood of your fellow citizens.” Shaming will never work!

There’s no big mystery to effectively communicating with Trump supporters. Just make it clear from the outset that you will always love them unconditionally, even when you are mad at them, and that nothing they could ever do will change that, even if they do it to you or your family or your country over a period of several years. Make sure to bring plenty of healthy snacks so you can redirect their attention if they start whining about cancel culture or wind turbines. If they’re getting really fussy, try defusing the situation by asking “Does the widdle baby need its binkie?” and shoving a pacifier in their mouth. Above all, manage your expectations. We’ve all had plenty of time to learn who Trump supporters are and what they are and aren’t capable of. Expecting them to engage in self-reflection at this point is just an insult to everyone’s intelligence.
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Re: Is the former President tweaking again, or:

Post by Moksha »

It makes sense for Republicans to boycott any hearings on the Capitol Insurrection. It will show their culpability and for some members (and their leader) acts of overt treason. That is why they want to pretend it never happened.

Incidentally, this trolling thing seems out of control. Wonder if Shades might consider a Spirit Trolling Kingdom?
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Re: Is the former President tweaking again, or:

Post by Atlanticmike »

Moksha wrote:
Tue Jul 27, 2021 9:53 am
It makes sense for Republicans to boycott any hearings on the Capitol Insurrection. It will show their culpability and for some members (and their leader) acts of overt treason. That is why they want to pretend it never happened.

Incidentally, this trolling thing seems out of control. Wonder if Shades might consider a Spirit Trolling Kingdom?
Treason is what happened in CHAZ, why isn't that being discussed on Capitol Hill and the people who took part in that being prosecuted. People were shot, women were raped, private property destroyed, they declared Independence, and so on.
As far as the trolling being out of control, please!! People can have different opinions and express them without being insulted. Are you upset because someone came along and is now giving an opinion that is upsetting your ECHO CHAMBER? Fair is fair, you insult me, I insult you. Why is that so hard to understand?
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Re: Is the former President tweaking again, or:

Post by Doctor CamNC4Me »

I just read an article quoting Liz Cheney stating that she might subpoena the former President. I would literally pop some popcorn, sit down on my couch, and watch the circus if they sit his dumb ass down in front of Congress and is asked questions about his role in the January 6th insurrection. I think the Republicans question BC for 11 hours at one point, so I’d absolutely love watching Trump try to keep his story straight over the course of a day.

- Doc
Hugh Nibley claimed he bumped into Adolf Hitler, Albert Einstein, Winston Churchill, Gertrude Stein, and the Grand Duke Vladimir Romanoff. Dishonesty is baked into Mormonism.
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Re: Is the former President tweaking again, or:

Post by Some Schmo »

Doctor CamNC4Me wrote:
Tue Jul 27, 2021 5:21 pm
I just read an article quoting Liz Cheney stating that she might subpoena the former President.
Yeah, that would be fun to watch.
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Re: Is the former President tweaking again, or:

Post by canpakes »

Some Schmo wrote:
Tue Jul 27, 2021 6:23 pm
Doctor CamNC4Me wrote:
Tue Jul 27, 2021 5:21 pm
I just read an article quoting Liz Cheney stating that she might subpoena the former President.
Yeah, that would be fun to watch.
We can lure him out of hiding . . .

“Here, Trumpy, Trumpy, Trumpy…”

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Re: Is the former President tweaking again, or:

Post by Some Schmo »

canpakes wrote:
Tue Jul 27, 2021 6:27 pm
Some Schmo wrote:
Tue Jul 27, 2021 6:23 pm

Yeah, that would be fun to watch.
We can lure him out of hiding . . .

“Here, Trumpy, Trumpy, Trumpy…”

What I'd really like to watch is him choking on that greasy burger or the resulting heart attack.
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Re: Is the former President tweaking again, or:

Post by Jersey Girl »

Doctor CamNC4Me wrote:
Tue Jul 27, 2021 5:21 pm
I just read an article quoting Liz Cheney stating that she might subpoena the former President. I would literally pop some popcorn, sit down on my couch, and watch the circus if they sit his dumb ass down in front of Congress and is asked questions about his role in the January 6th insurrection. I think the Republicans question BC for 11 hours at one point, so I’d absolutely love watching Trump try to keep his story straight over the course of a day.

- Doc
Have you ever seen him give testimony? I don't know if "I don't recall", "No, I don't remember that", and "I can't see that without my glasses" and crap like that are popcorn worthy.
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