A Transgender Question

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Re: A Transgender Question

Post by _moksha »

MeDotOrg wrote:... and that person would not be any more likely to be attacked than any other man in the restroom?

You can almost hear those Southern banjos dueling as you ask that question.
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Re: A Transgender Question

Post by _subgenius »

MeDotOrg wrote:
subgenius wrote:Spoiler alert:
Having a men's restroom distinct from a women's restroom is already an act of discrimination.

The scenario you describe above is not controversial (or relevant) because ultimately the reality reveals itself and the appropriate sex is in the appropriate restroom.

So you're saying all men will respond to a man dressed as a woman pulling a penis out of her panties to pee and say "Oh, that's cool, it's a guy", and that person would not be any more likely to be attacked than any other man in the restroom?

As likely as that same man revealing the same in woman's restroom.
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Re: A Transgender Question

Post by _just me »

subgenius wrote:
just me wrote:An aside- Its "transgender" not "transgendered."

But, yes, it would obviously cause major problems for the scenario you give.

This "issue" seems to have been manufactured merely for political purposes. It's not to protect people.

There is a simple solution that is already being used in some places.

Make a multiple use restroom to have a common (open) sink area and then all the stalls are floor to ceiling fully enclosed with a lock. No problems.

Locker rooms can have areas with fabric curtains for people who are shy.

There is no rational or reasonable justification for making such burdensome and costly concessions.

Riiiiiight. Just like ramps and wheelchair accessible restrooms have no rational or reasonable justification.

If people are actually worried about restroom assaults and rapes this would not be seen as unreasonable.

But, they aren't. This is pure fearmongering and politicking.
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_Jersey Girl
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Re: A Transgender Question

Post by _Jersey Girl »

subgenius wrote:There is no rational or reasonable justification for making such burdensome and costly concessions.

We've already accommodated family restrooms. There's no reason we cannot make inclusive accommodations as just me has described for multi-gender restrooms.

It's called an accommodation, not a concession.

When we make our public spaces wheel chair accessible, we're not making a concession. We're making an accommodation.

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Re: A Transgender Question

Post by _MeDotOrg »

subgenius wrote:Spoiler alert:
Having a men's restroom distinct from a women's restroom is already an act of discrimination.

The scenario you describe above is not controversial (or relevant) because ultimately the reality reveals itself and the appropriate sex is in the appropriate restroom.

MeDotOrg wrote:So you're saying all men will respond to a man dressed as a woman pulling a penis out of her panties to pee and say "Oh, that's cool, it's a guy", and that person would not be any more likely to be attacked than any other man in the restroom?

subgenius wrote:As likely as that same man revealing the same in woman's restroom.

But men would not have to reveal themselves in a women's room, there aren't any urinals.

Seriously, when do you see a man's junk if he's not at a urinal?
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Re: A Transgender Question

Post by _subgenius »

MeDotOrg wrote:But men would not have to reveal themselves in a women's room, there aren't any urinals.

Not all restrooms, male or female, have privacy partitions. The opportunity to reveal is not confined to the act of urination/defecation, it could also occur with a vanity moment at the mirror.
Again, the whole idea of having a men's room and women s room to begin with defies your argument. The distinction for these facilities is based on physical reality not psychological preference - your recognition of a urinal makes this truth abundantly clear. A urinal(or stadium trough) is not a fixture designed for psychological preference.

MeDotOrg wrote:Seriously, when do you see a man's junk if he's not at a urinal?

When it's a gym locker room, or a barracks, or when the restroom has communal showers (like school), etc.
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Re: A Transgender Question

Post by _moksha »

subgenius wrote:Not all restrooms, male or female, have privacy partitions.

Excellent point. Without firm laws and a Trans-Police, those restrooms might be run with the laxity of a Japanese bath or a European beach.
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Re: A Transgender Question

Post by _subgenius »

moksha wrote:
subgenius wrote:Not all restrooms, male or female, have privacy partitions.

Excellent point. Without firm laws and a Trans-Police, those restrooms might be run with the laxity of a Japanese bath or a European beach.

Both of which i am sure you are pleased and free to relieve your bladder and bowels upon with regularity and unfettered access.
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Re: A Transgender Question

Post by _Amore »

If you ever look at maps of convicted child sexual abusers, you'll realize there are many - and right in your neighborhood.

Many with a history of sex crimes seek situations to have acess to victims.
Considering this, as a father of a little girl, how would you feel about a grown man dressing up as a girl just to have access to your daughter and other girls in the restroom?

I'm not saying people pretending & dressing up to be the opposite sex are child abusers as much as I'm saying these special allowances could be used by sex preditors to prey.
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Re: A Transgender Question

Post by _EAllusion »

Amore wrote:If you ever look at maps of convicted child sexual abusers, you'll realize there are many - and right in your neighborhood.

Many with a history of sex crimes seek situations to have acess to victims.
Considering this, as a father of a little girl, how would you feel about a grown man dressing up as a girl just to have access to your daughter and other girls in the restroom?

I'm not saying people pretending & dressing up to be the opposite sex are child abusers as much as I'm saying these special allowances could be used by sex preditors to prey.
The type of event you are describing is so rare that there currently aren't any known examples of it. Mathematically, you should be infinitely more worried about shark attacks. But let's suppose that wasn't the case. You want this guy to have to use women's restrooms, correct?


Seeing how he's supposed to be allowed to walk with impunity into women's bathrooms, how do you stop someone merely pretending to look like him from going in for the purposes of sexual predation?
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