Fake News Under Biden

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Fake News Under Biden

Post by Kishkumen »

One of the latest developments to come to the notice of some of my favorite left-leaning alternative news sources is the absolute desperation to concoct some kind of something out of the very sensible and boring Biden administration. Like the reporter who asked Biden why he wore a mask to his announcement that outdoor mask-wearing was no longer requested by the CDC. The stupidity of the question was obvious, but the way live journalism works, where you have to compete with others to get your question heard and get that soundbite is such that absolutely idiotic crap is asked.

We could really do without a lot of the noise driven by our everything live right now communication technology brings us.

But this is not the "Fake News" of Trump. This is the kind of banal phenomenon of profit driven news in a 24/7 media environment that turns nothing into something to get eyes on screens.
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Re: Fake News Under Biden

Post by huckelberry »

For some years it has been hard not to believe that news reporting has become thinner and thinner. But of course it is much cheaper to produce. Ask talking heads to speculate on what might happen.
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