High spy.

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High spy.

Post by IWMP »

It's nearing the time you have been sharing. Just checking in. How are you doing? Do you have any plans for the eclipse? Hope all is well.
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Re: High spy

Post by High Spy »

Imwashingmypirate wrote:
Thu Mar 07, 2024 8:44 pm
It's nearing the time you have been sharing. Just checking in. How are you doing? Do you have any plans for the eclipse? Hope all is well.
Not sure why the date of the eclipse kept coming up all over the place. Two phone numbers, my address contains 2448, and that was freaky and a woodpecker pecked a hole above my house numbers. Good thing we shoed him away, while it was still small. Even my government credit card starts with 448, as does thousands of my coworkers.

One year from then the silence in heaven may end. The Wicker Man interpreted 2010 from the Bible, but my initial inclination included the week starting with March 31st, which is my son’s birthday upon which he was shaken by the second earthquake in a geometric progression of magnitudes.

All my posts lately have been moved to me megathread, some were said to be off topic even though they linked and showed screen capture exactly on topic. The DCP one especially presents a problem for what GAs have said about the identity of the Davidic Servant. My mom passed and when I filed life insurance paperwork I learned her SSN ended with 57, which is the latest MakerBees number fifty-seven anomalies unraveling of what heretofore has been a great mystery. Mostly humpty dumpty is coming back together again and consumes most of my free time.
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Re: High spy

Post by IWMP »

High Spy wrote:
Sat Mar 09, 2024 7:47 am
Imwashingmypirate wrote:
Thu Mar 07, 2024 8:44 pm
It's nearing the time you have been sharing. Just checking in. How are you doing? Do you have any plans for the eclipse? Hope all is well.
Not sure why the date of the eclipse kept coming up all over the place. Two phone numbers, my address contains 2448, and that was freaky and a woodpecker pecked a hole above my house numbers. Good thing we shoed him away, while it was still small. Even my government credit card starts with 448, as does thousands of my coworkers.

One year from then the silence in heaven may end. The Wicker Man interpreted 2010 from the Bible, but my initial inclination included the week starting with March 31st, which is my son’s birthday upon which he was shaken by the second earthquake in a geometric progression of magnitudes.

All my posts lately have been moved to me megathread, some were said to be off topic even though they linked and showed screen capture exactly on topic. The DCP one especially presents a problem for what GAs have said about the identity of the Davidic Servant. My mom passed and when I filed life insurance paperwork I learned her SSN ended with 57, which is the latest MakerBees number fifty-seven anomalies unraveling of what heretofore has been a great mystery. Mostly humpty dumpty is coming back together again and consumes most of my free time.
In quantum mechanics, when you observe something it changes. Sometimes when we are looking for something unconsciously it might stand out more.

I get a lot of 52 anomalies because I hate the number. It reminds me of my childhood. So I see them more because they cause a reaction in me.

What did the GAs say about the davidic servant?

The thing about the second coming is that we won't know it. No one will know it.
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Re: High spy.

Post by IWMP »

Sorry. My phone was dying so I just sent my reply before my phone went off.

Has The Wicker Man said anything about this?

I think, when the time comes it will come and if we spend our time being worried and consumed then we won't enjoy life as much as we should. When it happens it will happen and it might not even happen in our lifetime. All we can do is be prepared in ourselves. Be loving and resonate with kindness and hope that when the time comes we are enough.

The way I perceived God and life is the understanding that God knows everything and is everywhere. Time isn't the same from God's perspective. God knows us and God knows every possible outcome of our choices before we even realise we are making them. He knows us and loves us. Regardless. If your children made a mistake, would you stop loving them? Imagine that love on an infinite scale with complete knowledge of all existence in a split moment.
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Re: High spy.

Post by IWMP »

High spy, I've only just seen your PM about gravitorium, apologies, I haven't been on there for a while. I can't see how to reply. I wouldn't know where to begin with the GW thing. Would need more information but I'm so tired these days. Part of me deep inside is thinking I could try to get something going but how, I have no idea. I could talk to university or try to reconnect with IOP and see if they would want to do some outreach type thing involving kids making rockets but they wouldn't want information with the personal information about your family and the number signs. Would need to be able to package it as a complete event/brand and you'd need to own the rights to use the name. Does it work where you are? How many events have you successfully had? Does it have a structure or do people just meet up and fire rockets? Also, need to know the laws on it. Depends how high they go.

I find it hard to follow because when you talk about something you add extra things in. So I can't tell if things are cryptic and I'm misinterpreting.

Not sure I'm making sense. I have chronic pain conditions and feel exhausted. Haven't worked for 8 years. My connections to the IOP retired a decade ago so I have no idea where they are at. I know that the IOP has a branch called NEXUS that gets involved with universities. They were trying to connect the physics societies in the universities in the branch when I was a committee member by trying to get them to plan activities and socials together.
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Re: High spy

Post by High Spy »

Imwashingmypirate wrote:
Sat Mar 09, 2024 10:06 am
What did the GAs say about the davidic servant?

The thing about the second coming is that we won't know it. No one will know it.
Re: Zombre DoC: Great Are the Words of Isaiah


Still my comment is not posted =~ https://interpreterfoundation.org/old-t ... rt-1-of-2/ :evil:

Earlier on DCP's page the GA's say said servant is Christ, but never cite 3 Nephi 21. :?
Nothing they say jives with 3 Nephi. :?

DCP won’t even allow the question to post.

The second coming is on the new earth many years from now.
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Re: High spy.

Post by Dr. Shades »

Imwashingmypirate wrote:
Sat Mar 09, 2024 10:23 am
Sorry. My phone was dying so I just sent my reply before my phone went off.

Has The Wicker Man said anything about this?
Yes. He said you need to charge your phone.
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Re: High spy.

Post by IWMP »

Dr. Shades wrote:
Mon Mar 11, 2024 6:47 am
Imwashingmypirate wrote:
Sat Mar 09, 2024 10:23 am
Sorry. My phone was dying so I just sent my reply before my phone went off.

Has The Wicker Man said anything about this?
Yes. He said you need to charge your phone.
Lol shades. I pretty much always need to charge my phone.
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