Home and Garage Organization

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Re: Home and Garage Organization

Post by IWMP »

msnobody wrote:
Sat May 25, 2024 4:23 pm
Cleaning out a front room that has been a catch all since we moved here. Moving along fairly well. Then, I notice through the window that my flowers are wilted, so I water them. Then, I think, the ones in the front must need watering too. While out there, hey, there is a weed or two that needs pulling. Well, while I’m out here I should go to the mailbox. Get hot all at one time, right? I resisted and didn’t pull the weeds.

Redirect, redirect, Msnobody and get back to the task at hand!!!

ADD or multi-tasking?
That's how I roll. I imagine it as procrastination by re prioritising. Usually find lots of unnecessary jobs to do to avoid the important, overwhelming ones.
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Re: Home and Garage Organization

Post by msnobody »

IWMP wrote:
Wed Jun 05, 2024 9:44 pm
msnobody wrote:
Sat May 25, 2024 4:23 pm
Cleaning out a front room that has been a catch all since we moved here. Moving along fairly well. Then, I notice through the window that my flowers are wilted, so I water them. Then, I think, the ones in the front must need watering too. While out there, hey, there is a weed or two that needs pulling. Well, while I’m out here I should go to the mailbox. Get hot all at one time, right? I resisted and didn’t pull the weeds.

Redirect, redirect, Msnobody and get back to the task at hand!!!

ADD or multi-tasking?
That's how I roll. I imagine it as procrastination by re prioritising. Usually find lots of unnecessary jobs to do to avoid the important, overwhelming ones.
I had not thought of that.
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Re: Home and Garage Organization

Post by Jersey Girl »

I think Pirate is on to something with the procrastination idea. I don't think it's always that but I can see where it could be a form of procrastination. This past week it felt like my house was getting bombed out because I was doing a lot of outside work. Not horrible. But at least on the verge of bombed out...bunch of random tasks needed to be done so when you concentrate on one area and then let's say, go make lunch, you'd notice the other random tasks that needed doing in the kitchen.

Makes you feel a little crazy right?

Anyway since I started the decluttering journey I've learned to ignore those things because otherwise you're like a ping pong ball bouncing all over the place and not really completing one area which makes you feel discouraged.

That's been my experience at least.

If I start getting distracted like that I remind myself to stop going "Mouse a Cookie". :lol:

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Re: Home and Garage Organization

Post by msnobody »

Jersey Girl wrote:
Sat Jun 08, 2024 12:01 am
I think Pirate is on to something with the procrastination idea. I don't think it's always that but I can see where it could be a form of procrastination. This past week it felt like my house was getting bombed out because I was doing a lot of outside work. Not horrible. But at least on the verge of bombed out...bunch of random tasks needed to be done so when you concentrate on one area and then let's say, go make lunch, you'd notice the other random tasks that needed doing in the kitchen.

Makes you feel a little crazy right?

Anyway since I started the decluttering journey I've learned to ignore those things because otherwise you're like a ping pong ball bouncing all over the place and not really completing one area which makes you feel discouraged.

That's been my experience at least.

If I start getting distracted like that I remind myself to stop going "Mouse a Cookie". :lol:
I think you are referring to the book If You Give a Mouse a Cookie, which I have never read until now.
"Now to him who is able to keep you from stumbling and to present you blameless before the presence of his glory with great joy” Jude 1:24
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Re: Home and Garage Organization

Post by Jersey Girl »

msnobody wrote:
Sat Jun 08, 2024 1:22 pm
I think you are referring to the book If You Give a Mouse a Cookie, which I have never read until now.
That's it! I've only read it about 500 times in my life. There's also what I call "Mouse a Movie" and "Moose a Muffin" all by Laura Numeroff. There's a ton learning/developmental experiences to offer young children that can be pulled from those books.

In class I used "Mouse a Cookie" as code to staff to describe certain situations happening in the classroom. If you don't have a sense of humor in the early childhood classroom you're in the wrong profession. 8-)

So when it comes to decluttering and organization I think we should try to stay on task and not go Mouse a Cookie. ;)

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Re: Home and Garage Organization

Post by Xenophon »

Jersey Girl wrote:
Mon May 20, 2024 9:20 pm
What does anyone think about the pantry transformations we see on social media including youtube?
I hate the vast majority of these.

All the shady promotional aspects aside, half the time I feel like the end products often aren't practical or "life-ready" solutions for the average consumer. I'm just trying to imagine us having the time to break everything down further and re-package everything at the height of our family raising and it just doesn't make sense to me. That and so many of the solutions I see wind up eating up more space than just putting the items away like a normal human.
Do you do the pantry organization thing with clear containers and labels? Do you think decanting food products is a good idea and why? How's it working for you? Is it easy to maintain and practical for your use?
We've got a set of airtight, clear Rubbermaid containers that we use for bulk pantry items (flour, sugar, rice, beans, etc.). I probably wouldn't consider it decanting per se as the place I buy these items from is a bulk supplier that doesn't have any disposable containers. You are expected to bring your own containers and fill them up in store and you pay by the weight. We do have them labeled but the only thing that changes on them is the date when they were last refreshed. I picked up some chalkboard stickers that I put on the containers and I have a little chalk pen who's home is in the pantry for said labeling. They've held up quite well over the years and seem to be able to take a beating. I'm sure there are maybe "better" brands out there but these have worked well and I think the multi-pack we started with was like $30 bucks for 4 different sizes and I've piecemealed a few extra of the largest containers into the setup whenever I catch them on sale.

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Re: Home and Garage Organization

Post by Jersey Girl »

Xenophon wrote:
Mon Jun 10, 2024 3:47 pm
Jersey Girl wrote:
Mon May 20, 2024 9:20 pm
What does anyone think about the pantry transformations we see on social media including youtube?
I hate the vast majority of these.

All the shady promotional aspects half the time I feel like the end products often aren't practical or "life-ready" solutions for the average consumer. I'm just trying to imagine us having the time to break everything down further and re-package everything at the height of our family raising and it just doesn't make sense to me. That and so many of the solutions I see wind up eating up more space than just putting the items away like a normal human.
"Life-ready"...what a good way to put it. I tend to put these transformations in the same category as influencers arranging books by color only the pantry organizers come with affiliate links of course.
Do you do the pantry organization thing with clear containers and labels? Do you think decanting food products is a good idea and why? How's it working for you? Is it easy to maintain and practical for your use?
We've got a set of airtight, clear Rubbermaid containers that we use for bulk pantry items (flour, sugar, rice, beans, etc.). I probably wouldn't consider it decanting per se as the place I buy these items from is a bulk supplier that doesn't have any disposable containers. You are expected to bring your own containers and fill them up in store and you pay by the weight. We do have them labeled but the only thing that changes on them is the date when they were last refreshed. I picked up some chalkboard stickers that I put on the containers and I have a little chalk pen who's home is in the pantry for said labeling. They've held up quite well over the years and seem to be able to take a beating. I'm sure there are maybe "better" brands out there but these have worked well and I think the multi-pack we started with was like $30 bucks for 4 different sizes and I've piecemealed a few extra of the largest containers into the setup whenever I catch them on sale.
I like having the baking supplies in bulk in my Tupperware modular mates that I've had for almost 40 years. I bake fall through spring when we're stuck inside a lot. Like Rubbermaid they hold up well over time. Don't use the labels since they're opaque and I can see what's in them. And they stack.

I do have chalk labels but haven't used them yet but I will when I get the pantry purged out.*

I think the thing with influencers is that we need to be mindful that they're goal is sales. The various container systems and label collections are tempting of course but I doubt the systems are practical in real life or as you said, life-ready. When I see the label collections I know on sight that I won't use even half of the labels. I think chalk labels are more practical.

*Speaking of purging out pantry items. I may have mentioned this before but there's an international program called Buy Nothing. The groups are on Facebook and they have a website to search on if you can't find yours. So on Facebook you'd search for say, "Buy Nothing Nashville" and that's your group if you live in Nashville. Even our little town in the literal sticks has a group.

I have seen people happy to be gifted expired pantry items and even freezer burned meats they give to their dogs. Expired canned goods for chickens. Around here, pine branches and needles, live Christmas trees, are much sought after for goats, and old pumpkins for livestock. Of course other household items such as cleaning supplies, clothing, baby items, appliances, decor, whatever.

But if you have expired pantry items you really don't want...check Buy Nothing. Someone would love to have what you don't want or need.

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Re: Home and Garage Organization

Post by Dr. Shades »

Jersey Girl wrote:
Sat Jun 08, 2024 7:48 pm
If I start getting distracted like that I remind myself to stop going "Mouse a Cookie". . . So when it comes to decluttering and organization I think we should try to stay on task and not go Mouse a Cookie.
Okay, I'll bite. . . what does "Mouse a Cookie" mean?
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Re: Home and Garage Organization

Post by Jersey Girl »

Dr. Shades wrote:
Wed Jun 12, 2024 9:07 am
Jersey Girl wrote:
Sat Jun 08, 2024 7:48 pm
If I start getting distracted like that I remind myself to stop going "Mouse a Cookie". . . So when it comes to decluttering and organization I think we should try to stay on task and not go Mouse a Cookie.
Okay, I'll bite. . . what does "Mouse a Cookie" mean?
Biting hurts. If you bite, your friends won't want to play with you.

We only get stronger when we are lifting something that is heavier than what we are used to. ~ KF

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Re: Home and Garage Organization

Post by Dr. Shades »

Jersey Girl wrote:
Sat Jun 15, 2024 7:19 am
Dr. Shades wrote:
Wed Jun 12, 2024 9:07 am
Okay, I'll bite. . . what does "Mouse a Cookie" mean?
Biting hurts. If you bite, your friends won't want to play with you.
"Mouse a cookie" means "bite?"
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