Historical Predynastic Egypt vs. Book of Abraham False Narrative

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(1) Great House vs. (2) Royal Blood

Post by Shulem »

Smith’s inspiration about how and when Egypt came into existence is utter nonsense. We may safely dismiss the Book of Abraham and the documents that comprise the Grammar & Alphabet of the Egyptian Language as a 19th century con that was ignorantly conceived and produced prior to Champollion’s cracking the code. Joseph Smith cracked nothing and his inspiration is a lie! Everything about chapter one in the Book of Abraham is absolute fiction and proves that Smith was a liar and a conman. The story told in chapter one about Egypt’s birth as a nation state is false.

This thread provides exact references in showing how Smith borrowed from contemporary sources that ignorantly provide definition to the name-title PHARAOH, king of Egypt. This is proof that Joseph Smith’s inspiration was flat and his knowledge of the true definition of the the royal name was an ignorant guess on his part. The two Egyptian words that comprise the name-title “PHARAOH” do NOT mean king by royal blood. Joseph Smith was wrong to say that. The word Pharaoh is Greek for the Egyptian words per-aa and signifies the structural containment of the (1) Great (2) House of the king and therefore represents the royal palace in which he/she resides. It has nothing to do with blood or lineage. It had everything to do with the physical structure consisting of the royal palace in which the king resided.

Shulem wrote:
Joseph Smith (Abraham 1:20) wrote:Pharaoh signifies king by royal blood.
Josephus 6:2 wrote:Pharaoh, in the Egyptian tongue, signifies a king
Adam Clarke Commentary, Genesis 12:15 wrote:The word is supposed to signify king in the ancient Egyptian language.

Beware of false apologetics from scholars employed by Brigham Young University! They will lie to you as well as the General Authorities of the Mormon church who are guilty of the great Book of Abraham coverup. Everything about the Book of Abraham including the translations, interpretations, and explanations are a modern 19th century con-job.

The deceptive apologetic practices of Brigham Young University scholars paid for by the Church are hereby rebuked. Stop the lying! Just stop! Repent of your crooked and evil ways. The Book of Abraham is fiction and does not represent historical ancient Egypt. Period!
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Book of Abraham Chapter One Vs. Modern Egyptology

Post by Shulem »

Wikipedia wrote:Ancient Egyptian civilization followed prehistoric Egypt and coalesced around 3100 BC (according to conventional Egyptian chronology) with the political unification of Upper and Lower Egypt under Menes (often identified with Narmer).




Abraham seeks the blessings of the patriarchal order—He is persecuted by false priests in Chaldea—Jehovah saves him—The origins and government of Egypt are reviewed.

1 In the land of...


Let the record show how the Mormons advocate false historicity defined by Book of Abraham chronology which associates the rise of Egyptian government being first established after the flood in 2300 BC.

Nothing could be further from the truth! The Book of Abraham is a lie. Joseph Smith hadn’t a clue about the true origins of ancient Egypt. There is nothing the Church today or its corrupt scholars can do to change history.

Shame on the Mormons! Lying is certainly not something one should be proud of and yet we see the Church boastfully lying on a continuous basis and slandering the Egyptians by printing the Book of Abraham as if it was genuine history and parading the shameful Facsimiles in their canon. Will the leaders of the church ever bear the shame for being the liars they are?

It is so shameful.
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Daniel Peterson is a Liar

Post by Shulem »

Sic et Non wrote:
noel wrote:Image
I cannot see the Book of Abraham claims are true.
Daniel Peterson wrote:Image
Happily, I can.

Explain to your readers, Mr. Peterson, how you see Book of Abraham claims being true insomuch as Egypt was founded in 2300 BC by a woman bearing a Greek name.

The gig is up, sir. You have lost the war and the scholars employed by the Church at Brigham Young University are over their heads and cannot justify claims that have been proven fraudulent through the principles of advanced scholarship and basic mathematics.

I rest my case. And that means I'm resting on my glories! :D

Hey, BYP, are you still there? How about RFM, is he keeping up too? Reel? I have to wonder if you people are keeping up? Please realize that this thread has destroyed the Catalyst Theory which has crashed and burned before having officially launched. It has been my pleasure to DESTROY the Book of Abraham and challenge the testimonies of faithful Latter-day Saints who have been brainwashed by their Church leaders.


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Church Essay: Origins of the Book of Abraham

Post by Shulem »

A Church Essay entitled Origins of the Book of Abraham recently crafted by corrupt scholars who love to lie has recently been uploaded to the official Church website in a vain effort to try and save the Book of Abraham. I’ve skimmed the article briefly and easily determine how Church scholars are stuck in their continuous ways of lies and deceit. At this time, I don’t feel compelled to comment on the garbage the Church peddles to its ignorant members, many of which are brainwashed and fooled by thinking their so-called feelings of the Holy Ghost ® make everything about the Church true. Mormonism is corrupt and is a rotten branch of religion that stinks to high heaven. Let the record show that my celestial threads in this forum and the website tagged in my signature line are enough to lay waste to Church claims of any validity about the Book of Abraham.

I rebuke the Church! Stop the rabid lying! Enough is enough.
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Re: Historical Predynastic Egypt vs. Book of Abraham False Narrative

Post by Everybody Wang Chung »

"I'm on paid sabbatical from BYU in exchange for my promise to use this time to finish two books."

Daniel C. Peterson, 2014
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It was murder...

Post by Shulem »

Bible God ordering his prophet to murder his son in a horrific manner for the sole purpose of showing obedience is an abomination. Likewise, what Smith and his cohorts did to Anubis on the papyri was an abomination.

The church is guilty as charged.
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Re: Lecture Of Faith

Post by Brack »

Shulem wrote:
Sat Jan 07, 2023 11:46 pm
Here is an important post in the Celestial forum where I have an imaginary conversation with Jeff Lindsay wherein I show how Joseph Smith dated Old Testament events printed in the Doctrine and Covenants and given to the entire Church in the Lectures of Faith. I recommend readers read or review it for the sake of this thread.

Chronology and Dating

And in this same vein, I would like to quote additional material from the Lecture which were faith sustaining beliefs held by all Latter-day Saints in Joseph Smith’s time and for over eighty years after.

LECTURE SECOND. Of Faith. SECTION II. wrote:45 Having traced the chronology of the world from Adam to Noah, we will now trace it from Noah to Abraham. Noah was 502 years old when Shem was born: 98 years afterward the flood came, being the 600th year of Noah’s age. And Moses informs us that Noah lived after the flood, 350 years: making him 950 years old when he died. Gen. 9:28, 29.
46 Shem was 100 years old when Arphaxed was born. Gen. 11:10, Arphaxed was 35 when Salah was born 11:12. Salah was 30 when Eber was born. 11:14. Eber was 34 when Peleg was born: in whose days the earth was divided. 11:16. Peleg was 30 when Reu was born. 11:18. Reu was 32 when Serug was born. 11:20. Serug was 30 when Nahor was born. 11:22. Nahor was 29 when Terah was born. 11:24. Terah was 70 when Haran and Abraham were born. 11:26.
47 There is some difficulty in the account given by Moses, of Abraham’s birth. Some have supposed, that Abraham was not born until Terah was 130 years old. This conclusion is drawn from a variety of scriptures, which are not to our purpose at present to quote. Neither is it a matter of any consequence to us, whether Abraham was born when Terah was 70 years old, or 130. But in order that there may no doubt exist upon any mind, in relation to the object lying immediately before us, in presenting the present chronology, we will date the birth of Abraham at the latest period: that is, when Terah was 130 years old. It appears from this account, that from the flood to the birth of Abraham was 352 years.
48 Moses informs us that Shem lived, after he begat Arphaxad, 500. Gen. 11:11. This added to 100 years, which was his age when Arphaxed was born, makes him 600 years old when he died. Arphaxed lived, after he begat Salah, 403 years. 11:13. This added to 35 years, which was his age when Salah was born, makes him 438 years old when he died. Salah lived, after he begat Eber, 403 years. 11:15.— This added to 30 years, which was his age when Eber was born, makes him 433 years old when he died.— Eber lived, after he begat Peleg, 430 years. 11:17. This added to 34 years, which was his age when Peleg was born, makes him 464 years old. Peleg lived, after he begat Reu, 209 years. 11:19. This added to 30 years, which was his age when Reu was born, makes him 239 years old when he died. Reu lived, after he begat Serug, 207 years. Gen. 11:21. This added to 32 years, which was his age when Serug was born, makes him 239 years old when he died. Serug lived, after he begat Nahor, 200 years. Gen. 11:23. This added to 30 years, which was his age when Nahor was born, makes him 230 years old when he died. Nahor lived, after he begat Terah, 119 years. Gen. 11:25. This added to 29 years, which was his age when Terah was born, makes him 148 years when he died. Terah was 130 years old when Abraham was born, and is supposed to have lived 75 years after his birth: making him 205 years old when he died.
49 Agreeably to this last account, Peleg died in the 1996th year of the world, Nahor in the 1997th, and Noah in the 2006th. So that Peleg, in whose days the earth was divided, and Nahor, the grand-father of Abraham, both died before Noah: the former being 239 years old, and the latter 148. And who cannot but see, that they must have had a long and intimate acquaintance with Noah?
50 Reu died in the 2026th year of the world, Serug in the 2049th, Terah in the 2083rd, Arphaxed in the 2096th, Selah in the 2126th, Shem in the 2158th, Abraham in the 2183rd, and Eber in the 2187th: which was 4 years after Abraham’s death. And Eber was the fourth from Noah.
51 Nahor, Abraham’s brother, was 58 years old when Noah died, Terah 128, Serug 187, Reu 219, Eber 283, Salah 313, Arphaxed 344, and Shem 448.
52 It appears from this account, that Nahor, brother of Abraham, Terah, Nahor, Serug, Reu, Peleg, Eber, Salah, Arphaxed, Shem, and Noah, all lived on the earth at the same time. And that Abraham was 18 years old when Reu died, 41 when Serug and his brother Nahor died, 75 when Terah died, 88 when Arphaxed died, 118 when Salah died, 150 when Shem died, and that Eber lived 4 years after Abraham’s death. And that Shem, Arphaxed, Salah, Eber, Reu, Serug, Terah, and Nahor, the brother of Abraham, and Abraham, lived at the same time.— And that Nahor, brother of Abraham, Terah, Serug, Reu, Eber, Salah, Arphaxed, and Shem, were all acquainted with both Noah and Abraham.
53 We have now traced the chronology of the world, agreeably to the account given in our present Bible, from Adam to Abraham, and have clearly determined, beyond the power of controversy, that there was no difficulty in preserving the knowledge of God in the world, from the creation of Adam, and the manifestation made to his immediate descendants, as set forth in the former part of this lecture, so that the students, in this class need not have any dubiety resting on their minds, on this subject; for they can easily see, that it is impossible for it to be otherwise; but that the knowledge of the existence of a God, must have continued from father to son, as a matter of tradition, at least. For we cannot suppose, that a knowledge of this important fact, could have existed in the mind of any of the before mentioned individuals, without their having made it known to their posterity.
54 We have now shown how it was that the first thought ever existed in the mind of any individual, that there was such a being as a God, who had created and did uphold all things: that it was by reason of the manifestation which he first made to our father Adam, when he stood in his presence, and conversed with him face to face, at the time of his creation.
55 Let us here observe, that after any portion of the human family are made acquainted with the important fact that there is a God who has created and does uphold all things, the extent of their knowledge, respecting his character and glory, will depend upon their diligence and faithfulness in seeking after him, until like Enoch the brother of Jared, and Moses, they shall obtain faith in God, and power with him to behold him face to face.
56 We have now clearly set forth how it is, and how it was, that God became an object of faith for rational beings; and also, upon what foundation the testimony was based, which excited the enquiry and diligent search of the ancient saints, to seek after and obtain a knowledge of the glory of God: and we have seen that it was human testimony, and human testimony only, that excited this enquiry, in the first instance in their minds—it was the credence they gave to the testimony of their fathers—this testimony having aroused their minds to enquire after the knowledge of God, the enquiry frequently terminated, indeed, always terminated, when rightly persued, in the most glorious discoveries, and eternal certainty.
That chronology is based off of the Masoretic Text, which the KJV was translated from. According to this text, Abraham's great, great, great, great grandfather Eber was still alive when Abraham died. However, Abraham is the first patriarch described as having died at a "good old age" at 175 years old (Genesis 25:7-8).

The Text of the Septuagint has these patriarchs becoming fathers one hundred years later in their lives. For example, Eber/Heber became the father of Peleg/Phaleg at 134 years old of age. Peleg/Phaleg became the father of Reu/Ragau at 130 years. Reu/Ragau became the father of Serug/Seruch at 132 years old. And Serug/Seruch became the father of Nahor/Nachor at 130 years old. According to this text, Shem and Eber/Heber were already dead before Abraham and his grandfather Nahor were born. Genesis 11 from the Septuagint
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Re: Historical Predynastic Egypt vs. Book of Abraham False Narrative

Post by Moksha »

Everybody Wang Chung wrote:
Sun Sep 01, 2024 7:23 pm
How did you obtain these priceless historical photos?
Cry Heaven and let loose the Penguins of Peace
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