Historical Predynastic Egypt vs. Book of Abraham False Narrative

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(1) Great House vs. (2) Royal Blood

Post by Shulem »

Smith’s inspiration about how and when Egypt came into existence is utter nonsense. We may safely dismiss the Book of Abraham and the documents that comprise the Grammar & Alphabet of the Egyptian Language as a 19th century con that was ignorantly conceived and produced prior to Champollion’s cracking the code. Joseph Smith cracked nothing and his inspiration is a lie! Everything about chapter one in the Book of Abraham is absolute fiction and proves that Smith was a liar and a conman. The story told in chapter one about Egypt’s birth as a nation state is false.

This thread provides exact references in showing how Smith borrowed from contemporary sources that ignorantly provide definition to the name-title PHARAOH, king of Egypt. This is proof that Joseph Smith’s inspiration was flat and his knowledge of the true definition of the the royal name was an ignorant guess on his part. The two Egyptian words that comprise the name-title “PHARAOH” do NOT mean king by royal blood. Joseph Smith was wrong to say that. The word Pharaoh is Greek for the Egyptian words per-aa and signifies the structural containment of the (1) Great (2) House of the king and therefore represents the royal palace in which he/she resides. It has nothing to do with blood or lineage. It had everything to do with the physical structure consisting of the royal palace in which the king resided.

Shulem wrote:
Joseph Smith (Abraham 1:20) wrote:Pharaoh signifies king by royal blood.
Josephus 6:2 wrote:Pharaoh, in the Egyptian tongue, signifies a king
Adam Clarke Commentary, Genesis 12:15 wrote:The word is supposed to signify king in the ancient Egyptian language.

Beware of false apologetics from scholars employed by Brigham Young University! They will lie to you as well as the General Authorities of the Mormon church who are guilty of the great Book of Abraham coverup. Everything about the Book of Abraham including the translations, interpretations, and explanations are a modern 19th century con-job.

The deceptive apologetic practices of Brigham Young University scholars paid for by the Church are hereby rebuked. Stop the lying! Just stop! Repent of your crooked and evil ways. The Book of Abraham is fiction and does not represent historical ancient Egypt. Period!
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Book of Abraham Chapter One Vs. Modern Egyptology

Post by Shulem »

Wikipedia wrote:Ancient Egyptian civilization followed prehistoric Egypt and coalesced around 3100 BC (according to conventional Egyptian chronology) with the political unification of Upper and Lower Egypt under Menes (often identified with Narmer).




Abraham seeks the blessings of the patriarchal order—He is persecuted by false priests in Chaldea—Jehovah saves him—The origins and government of Egypt are reviewed.

1 In the land of...


Let the record show how the Mormons advocate false historicity defined by Book of Abraham chronology which associates the rise of Egyptian government being first established after the flood in 2300 BC.

Nothing could be further from the truth! The Book of Abraham is a lie. Joseph Smith hadn’t a clue about the true origins of ancient Egypt. There is nothing the Church today or its corrupt scholars can do to change history.

Shame on the Mormons! Lying is certainly not something one should be proud of and yet we see the Church boastfully lying on a continuous basis and slandering the Egyptians by printing the Book of Abraham as if it was genuine history and parading the shameful Facsimiles in their canon. Will the leaders of the church ever bear the shame for being the liars they are?

It is so shameful.
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Daniel Peterson is a Liar

Post by Shulem »

Sic et Non wrote:
noel wrote:Image
I cannot see the Book of Abraham claims are true.
Daniel Peterson wrote:Image
Happily, I can.

Explain to your readers, Mr. Peterson, how you see Book of Abraham claims being true insomuch as Egypt was founded in 2300 BC by a woman bearing a Greek name.

The gig is up, sir. You have lost the war and the scholars employed by the Church at Brigham Young University are over their heads and cannot justify claims that have been proven fraudulent through the principles of advanced scholarship and basic mathematics.

I rest my case. And that means I'm resting on my glories! :D

Hey, BYP, are you still there? How about RFM, is he keeping up too? Reel? I have to wonder if you people are keeping up? Please realize that this thread has destroyed the Catalyst Theory which has crashed and burned before having officially launched. It has been my pleasure to DESTROY the Book of Abraham and challenge the testimonies of faithful Latter-day Saints who have been brainwashed by their Church leaders.


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