A biography should deal with Midgley's obsession about Brodie's biography of Thomas Jefferson. He cited all the critics. But Joseph Ellis has since changed his mind as to whether Jefferson fathered kids by Sally Hemmings and admits it must have happened. If Brodie's work is discredited with her Jefferson biography it equally shows that her No Man Knows My History can likewise be discredited:
Ellis acknowledged that the two most likely had a long-term sexual liaison. Ellis’s reconsideration of the facts, like Brodie’s love story, is predicated on a nationalist deracialization of Jefferson’s desire; page 3
I think Lou Midgley should take a thorough look at this website, specifically about Sally Hemings. The 19th century drawing show how enslaved blacks were treated. They had no freedom, autonomy or privacy which is to say they were denied their humanity, their humanness. Also, when asked what age the President and the enslaved Sally Hemings began their relationship the answer will be around fourteen.
“One of the important things for anybody in power is to distinguish between what you have the right to do and what is right to do." Potter Stewart, associate justice of the Supreme Court - 1958 to 1981.
. thread-jacker noel: "Where is Louise [sic] Midgley these days. I miss his banter."
He was at George Mitton's funeral on Monday.
He's solidly into his nineties, and seems less interested these days in social media and message boards.
thread-jacker noel: "I hear someone is working on a biography of his life."
Someone is talking about it, anyway.
thread-jacker noel: "What do you call a biography of someone who does not want to participate?"
I believe that the term would be "unauthorized."
Given the identity of the person who is talking about writing Professor Midgley's biography, though, and given the ideological background from which he comes and the character of the place that is encouraging him to do it, I would expect "hatchet-job" to be another apt term for it -- if it were ever actually to be written, which I don't expect.
If the Afore's discipline for book publishing is the standard for how serious the prospects are for a book to get written, then I think Dr. Shades is already well on his way.
By the way, I think Shades should use his own trademark style for the biography and not follow the prescripts of other biographers.
Social distancing has likely already begun to flatten the curve...Continue to research good antivirals and vaccine candidates. Make everyone wear masks. -- J.D. Vance
If the Afore's discipline for book publishing is the standard for how serious the prospects are for a book to get written, then I think Dr. Shades is already well on his way.
By the way, I think Shades should use his own trademark style for the biography and not follow the prescripts of other biographers.
Precisely. He writes, “given the ideological background from which he comes and the character of the place that is encouraging him to do it, I would expect "hatchet-job" to be another apt term for it -- if it were ever actually to be written, which I don't expect.”
Following this line of reasoning—that’s why it’s so easy to write off Interpreter as trash, and why we know that 6DIA is going to be tendentious propaganda.
Maybe Mr. Type-B Personality should re-think the way he comments about others.
"If, while hoping that everybody else will be honest and so forth, I can personally prosper through unethical and immoral acts without being detected and without risk, why should I not?." --Daniel Peterson, 6/4/14
I would suggest that you take a look at the Dr. Matt Harris's and their commitment to their "subjects", and if you can come close to that commitment, go for it I am all in.
“A clueless SeN poster” wrote:The poster “Just Asking” is a very interesting person, who kind of reminds me of Dr. Shades who used to comment on this blog.
As you will recall, but for those who didn't know him, Dr. Shades would express all sorts of feigned interest, just so that he could use the answers as ammunition over at the other blog sometimes called the PoB, or wherever it was he typically dwelt.
Regardless, I think Dr. Peterson knows his true identity, but I haven't a clue. Anyway, the passive-aggressive nature of Dr. Shades has never quite left me, and whenever someone comes along like him, I tend to get uneasy at their questions, just like Dr. Peterson expressed a little reticence in his response above. Interesting enough, we've seen a plethora of similar, if not identical actors come along since good ol' Dr. Shades was here. I'm always amazed when Dr. Peterson treats their questions as if they were genuinely asked.
It may be true that we call it passive-aggressive today, but when I was a boy, we just called it being a hypocrite.
I love when the clueless Morons over there can’t even keep Dr Scratch and Dr Shades straight