A Darkness Settles Over "6 Days in August"

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Re: A Darkness Settles Over "6 Days in August"

Post by Kishkumen »

LOL! Go look at some of his most famous quotes. They speak for themselves. Between calling Black people cursed and advocating capital punishment for thieves and adulterers, the man was clearly a frightening character. I would have left Brigham’s Deseret and counted myself fortunate to have escaped alive. I don’t see why anyone would lionize this guy. Did he accomplish something important? Undoubtedly. Was he a decent man? No.
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Re: A Darkness Settles Over "6 Days in August"

Post by Dr. Shades »

I Have Questions wrote:
Tue Oct 10, 2023 7:23 am
What parts of the historical record support the assertion that BY was a bully and a tyrant?
Any book written by anyone who lived in the Utah territory when Brigham Young was alive. Why not start with one of his wives, who was certainly in a position to know him best?

Wife No. 19

If that doesn't suffice, how about a book by his chief enforcer?

Brigham's Destroying Angel

If those are too dramatic, how about one by a female citizen of the time?

Tell It All

Or one by her husband?

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Re: A Darkness Settles Over "6 Days in August"

Post by Philo Sofee »

Dr. Shades wrote:
Wed Oct 11, 2023 8:42 am
I Have Questions wrote:
Tue Oct 10, 2023 7:23 am
What parts of the historical record support the assertion that BY was a bully and a tyrant?
Any book written by anyone who lived in the Utah territory when Brigham Young was alive. Why not start with one of his wives, who was certainly in a position to know him best?

Wife No. 19

If that doesn't suffice, how about a book by his chief enforcer?

Brigham's Destroying Angel

If those are too dramatic, how about one by a female citizen of the time?

Tell It All

Or one by her husband?

The Rocky Mountain Saints
Yes, but those are just anti-Mormon books. If you want to know about the man, you go to the man hisself. :roll: (Takes off apologetic hat)
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Re: A Darkness Settles Over "6 Days in August"

Post by I Have Questions »

Dr. Shades wrote:
Wed Oct 11, 2023 8:42 am
I Have Questions wrote:
Tue Oct 10, 2023 7:23 am
What parts of the historical record support the assertion that BY was a bully and a tyrant?
Any book written by anyone who lived in the Utah territory when Brigham Young was alive. Why not start with one of his wives, who was certainly in a position to know him best?

Wife No. 19

If that doesn't suffice, how about a book by his chief enforcer?

Brigham's Destroying Angel

If those are too dramatic, how about one by a female citizen of the time?

Tell It All

Or one by her husband?

The Rocky Mountain Saints
I’m sure the forthcoming documentary “6 Days In August” will adequately rebut all of that anecdotal heresay…
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Re: A Darkness Settles Over "6 Days in August"

Post by Marcus »

I Have Questions wrote:
Thu Oct 12, 2023 2:09 pm
Dr. Shades wrote:
Wed Oct 11, 2023 8:42 am

Any book written by anyone who lived in the Utah territory when Brigham Young was alive. Why not start with one of his wives, who was certainly in a position to know him best?

Wife No. 19

If that doesn't suffice, how about a book by his chief enforcer?

Brigham's Destroying Angel

If those are too dramatic, how about one by a female citizen of the time?

Tell It All

Or one by her husband?

The Rocky Mountain Saints
I’m sure the forthcoming documentary “6 Days In August” will adequately rebut all of that anecdotal heresay…
Exactly. Just because someone was a witness at the time is no reason to believe their testimon....oh, wait.
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Re: A Darkness Settles Over "6 Days in August"

Post by I Have Questions »

Marcus wrote:
Thu Oct 12, 2023 7:08 pm
I Have Questions wrote:
Thu Oct 12, 2023 2:09 pm
I’m sure the forthcoming documentary “6 Days In August” will adequately rebut all of that anecdotal heresay…
Exactly. Just because someone was a witness at the time is no reason to believe their testimon....oh, wait.
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Re: A Darkness Settles Over "6 Days in August"

Post by Everybody Wang Chung »

It's painfully clear at this point that Six Days In August is going to be another embarrassing financial and critical bomb for DCP. The sheer number of anachronisms and blunders is simply astounding: freshly mowed and manicured lawns, solar lamps, rain gutters, asphalt shingles, detached garages with combination locks, extras with their hands down their pants, etc.

Despite DCP spending several hundred thousand dollars of donor money on advertising, Witnesses was seen by less than 1% of LDS in the U.S. Think about that for a minute. A film of such importance portraying the foundational story of the Mormon faith was only seen by less than 1% of the LDS. If DCP can't even get 1% of people to watch Witnesses he won't even be able to get a fraction of that 1% to watch Six Days In August.

But there is good news for DCP. Infamous filmmaker Ed Wood has become an icon around the world for his gloriously bad movies. Ed Wood and his horrible movies are beloved around the world. There is even a religion based around Ed Wood that boasts thousand of members:
In 1996, Reverend Steve Galindo of Seminole, Oklahoma, created a legally recognized religion with Wood as its official savior.[70] Founded as a joke, the Church of Ed Wood now boasts more than 3,500 baptized followers. Woodites, as Galindo's followers are called, celebrate "Woodmas" on October 10, which was Wood's birthday. Numerous parties and concerts are held worldwide to celebrate Woodmas. On October 4[71]–5, 2003,[72] horror host Mr. Lobo was canonized as the "Patron Saint of late night movie hosts and insomniacs" in the Church of Ed Wood.[71][72]

Years from now, I predict DCP's films will have found a cult following and will be beloved by many. There will be midnight showings, film festivals and celebrations in DCP's honor. In the end, DCP will probably not be remembered for his plagiarisms, fake accent from learning perfect German on his mission, homophobia, horrible scholarship, misogyny, racism, smuggling rugs from Iran into the U.S., publicly encouraging donations to a fraudulent charity and enabling a sex abuser, or any number of his ethical lapses and bad behavior.

DCP will be remembered for his gloriously bad films.
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Re: A Darkness Settles Over "6 Days in August"

Post by Marcus »

Speaking of movie stills...

Are those plastic forks in the copper container on the counter??Image
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Re: A Darkness Settles Over "6 Days in August"

Post by Doctor Scratch »

They certainly look like plastic forks.

And on a separate note: has anyone else noticed that the vast majority of the stills that get posted have to do with BY's various wives? The Proprietor has claimed repeatedly that the movie is going to be an avowedly anti-Community of Christ film, insofar as it will deliberately ignore and/or minimize other claims to the prophethood, but it would seem that there is a separate Mopologetic goal involved--namely, to whitewash BY's treatment of his many wives. The Mopologists have rightly been criticized in the past for their lack of gender diversity, and even for a rancid strain of misogyny that can be found in their work. Perhaps this is an attempt to divert attention elsewhere?
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Re: A Darkness Settles Over "6 Days in August"

Post by Kishkumen »

Everybody Wang Chung wrote:
Sat Nov 11, 2023 6:55 pm
But there is good news for DCP. Infamous filmmaker Ed Wood has become an icon around the world for his gloriously bad movies. Ed Wood and his horrible movies are beloved around the world. There is even a religion based around Ed Wood that boasts thousand of members:
In 1996, Reverend Steve Galindo of Seminole, Oklahoma, created a legally recognized religion with Wood as its official savior.[70] Founded as a joke, the Church of Ed Wood now boasts more than 3,500 baptized followers. Woodites, as Galindo's followers are called, celebrate "Woodmas" on October 10, which was Wood's birthday. Numerous parties and concerts are held worldwide to celebrate Woodmas. On October 4[71]–5, 2003,[72] horror host Mr. Lobo was canonized as the "Patron Saint of late night movie hosts and insomniacs" in the Church of Ed Wood.[71][72]

Years from now, I predict DCP's films will have found a cult following and will be beloved by many. There will be midnight showings, film festivals and celebrations in DCP's honor. In the end, DCP will probably not be remembered for his plagiarisms, fake accent from learning perfect German on his mission, homophobia, horrible scholarship, misogyny, racism, smuggling rugs from Iran into the U.S., publicly encouraging donations to a fraudulent charity and enabling a sex abuser, or any number of his ethical lapses and bad behavior.

DCP will be remembered for his gloriously bad films.
This reminds me of the Borges story, "Tlön, Uqbar, Orbis Tertius," where the study of the fictional Tlön became such a preoccupation that earth started to turn into Tlön, even though Tlön never existed. The scenario realizes a very strong version of the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis, in which language rules and vocabulary may be arbitrary, but they nonetheless shape and set limits to our thoughts. From there, language shapes reality.

I wholeheartedly believe that Mopologetics participate in very much the same phenomenon. The tropes of Mopologetics shape the reality of Mopologists and the LDS people who study their works. In Mopologia, Ancient Nephites were Mesoamericans, and if only the Mopologists and their acolytes were to survive a nuclear holocaust, they would rewrite the history of the entire world to comport with their views, creating nothing less than an entire alternate history that would serve as the facts of that future world's educational system, academic research, and popular thought.

We are involved in that great struggle right now. Is Trump not still president in the eyes of some? Was not Tim Ballard being guided by Nephi to find child victims who only existed in that Ballard took off looking for them? Isn't Brigham Young a swell guy who abhorred violence? I remember the last time I visited the Lion House for a tour. The sister missionaries did not mention his polygamous wives once. When the visitors brought that to their attention, weren't they embarrassed! Or maybe just confused. Because in their Lion House, Brigham has no plural wives. He is just a real swell husband to one woman.
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