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Post by High Spy »

Imwashingmypirate wrote:
Sat Dec 16, 2023 10:41 am
High spy, if Flemming's user id and this discussion are highlighting the significance of the upcoming eclipse, does this mean Flemming is a part of this warning? What is the significance of this showing up in Flemming's ID? Or is it a sign for you?
IDK now, but the conclusion of my March 8 photo was 2010. But what happened in 2010 wasn’t known until 2018. Many things point to the upcoming eclipse. Sometimes its 48 or 448 and even 2448 shows up frequently. 449 recognizes those across the pond, similar to the 12 hour time shift spoken of at

Turning on the TV a moment ago =~ Dan Ball on OAN (One America News) showed a headline:

3 killed, 8 injured

By Hamas, during a supposed cease fire.

Were at least half way through the half hour of silence in heaven, which in some ways is like a cease fire.

Edit to add link =~ ... 2023-11-30
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Post by Imwashingmypirate »

High Spy wrote:
Sat Dec 16, 2023 12:52 pm
Imwashingmypirate wrote:
Sat Dec 16, 2023 10:41 am
High spy, if Flemming's user id and this discussion are highlighting the significance of the upcoming eclipse, does this mean Flemming is a part of this warning? What is the significance of this showing up in Flemming's ID? Or is it a sign for you?
IDK now, but the conclusion of my March 8 photo was 2010. But what happened in 2010 wasn’t known until 2018. Many things point to the upcoming eclipse. Sometimes its 48 or 448 and even 2448 shows up frequently. 449 recognizes those across the pond, similar to the 12 hour time shift spoken of at

Turning on the TV a moment ago =~ Dan Ball on OAN (One America News) showed a headline:

3 killed, 8 injured

By Hamas, during a supposed cease fire.

Were at least half way through the half hour of silence in heaven, which in some ways is like a cease fire.

Edit to add link =~ ... 2023-11-30
Got you.

What's the half hour silence in heaven.
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Post by Imwashingmypirate »

The numbers I keep seeing are 911, 11.11 and 88.
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Post by High Spy »

Imwashingmypirate wrote:
Sat Dec 16, 2023 9:29 pm
Got you.

What's the half hour silence in heaven.
It’s what happens when the seventh seal is opened. Some scriptures say “About the Space of Half an Hour”. Many convert this to 20.8 years based on 1 hour in heaven being 1000 years on earth. Time intervals ranging from 22.5 minutes to 45 minutes would best be described as lasting a half hour. 2010 is when the seventh seal opened, so ASHH ends 2025 to 2040. is a post in the latest thread by The Wicker Man, who currently laments that The Spirit has been so quiet lately. His four earthquakes did occur during the period of silence, so he must of really pleaded his case. 8-)
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Post by Imwashingmypirate »

from slogblog wrote:The Wicker Man
Space Time Is Doomed
Post Mon Dec 11, 2023 3:58 pm

Starting around 2010 this phrase has been embraced by more and more physicist. They further refine this phrase by saying that "space time is not fundamental". This simply means that this creation can cease to exist and yet a fundamental reality will continue.

I have been saying this same thing using different words since 1969. I have explained many times that while in science class in 1969 the Spirit gave me a mental model of how the universe works. Everything can be explained by this very simple model. And when something 'new' is discovered by science this model predicted it ahead of time. And more importantly the model never needs to be modified when science finds something new.

I won't get into all the details of how it works. I've done that already many times. But I will explain it all again if someone is interested.

This creation is an energetic system. A star is the best example of this. However, a star cannot be energetic or even exist without gravity. This means that gravity is the source of energy in the creation. But without the creation gravity has no purpose and indeed gravity only exist within the creation. This means that something within the creation besides matter is responsible for gravity. Science has called this something else "the Higgs Field". And the Higgs Field is weakening.
Something is seriously wrong with gravity, and nobody's quite sure why.
I am quite sure. I have been quite sure for the last 54 years!
But that's not enough for a group of physicists who have developed an alternative theory to explain gravity. Their theory involves decaying particles and the Higgs boson.
This is just another way of saying that the Higgs Field is weakening. Which is another way of saying that gravity is slowly becoming weaker. The model given to me in 1969 also predicts the weakening of gravity.

Gravity, strong and weak nuclear forces are all the same thing. Strong and weak nuclear forces is just gravity working at a nanometer scale. A radioactive isotope is radioactive because gravity is no longer strong enough to hold the isotope together.

2nd Peter
3:10 But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night; in the which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat, the earth also and the works that are therein shall be burned up.
3:11 Seeing then that all these things shall be dissolved, what manner of persons ought ye to be in all holy conversation and godliness,
3:12 Looking for and hasting unto the coming of the day of God, wherein the heavens being on fire shall be dissolved, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat?
As a physicist of a sort....

Some things I'd reply with, (I flushed my brain when I did my degree then became a mum so what physics knowledge I had is very deeply buried or it ran away somewhere so these are more just my feelings):

I don't recall space time being considered fundamental in the sense described here. I imagine space time to exist because of the continuous momentum of electromagnetic waves. I'm sure I probably studied the theories in either quantum physics or electromagnetism and I'm sure my thoughts probably aren't what we were taught lol. So how I imagine space time to work, it would only work because of the EM expansion. I don't feel that EM waves are affected by gravity in the same way that we are taught that matter is.

I'm guessing from the introduction of higgs, wickerman is interested in CERN.

My understanding is that the earth's magnetic field is weakening. This is due to pole shift and the poles are getting ready to flip. We can see by the earth's structure that the poles have flipped many times. I believe that in the Bible when it talks of the 3 days of darkness that this is warning of the pole flip. When the pole flips there will be a period of time where there is no protection around us and in this time of you are outside you will be killed. Whether that is because the core is moving or the tectonic plates are moving, I don't know. 3 days of darkness would imply the plates shift over the core and the core is continuing to spin on it's axis. But maybe the earth will spin the other way, which brings in the sun rising from the west prophesy in. I don't know. Just speculating.

I don't agree with the sentence; "A star is the best example of this. However, a star cannot be energetic or even exist without gravity. This means that gravity is the source of energy in the creation. "

A star can't exist without matter, would that mean that matter must be the source of energy? I don't believe gravity is the source of energy. I believe light is the source.

All through scripture, light is mentioned. In the beginning God created light. Christ is the light.

Gravity is being affected by the change in the earth's magnetic field. I do believe the eclipse will have an effect.

I do not believe, gravity, strong and weak forces are the same. I can see the logic in that they describe the experience of a sort of push or pull of you like. If they were the same thing then you'd be easily able to take the laws of one and apply them to the other. Gravity is far weaker than other forces mathematically. Gravity does not affect atoms and isotopes from my understanding. I also do not believe that any physical 'force' is responsible for this behaviour. The quantum world likes to be stable and will partner up and give and take to stabilise. And will do so with whatever is closest and makes most sense. It's like a dance of fields. Ultimately matter is fields and waves in my opinion. I can kind of imagine what is being said though. The big problem with the statement that radioactive isotopes exist because gravity can no longer hold isotopes together is very wrong again in my opinion(who knows the real truth but thinking logically). This would mean that gravity wasn't strong enough a long time ago, at least when radiation from isotopes were first discovered and it would also mean that the universe would just be made up of isotopes (although to be fair, we might not call them isotopes if they were the norm).

Edit: removing the ramble.
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Post by Flemming »

Imwashingmypirate wrote:A star can't exist without matter, would that mean that matter must be the source of energy? I don't believe gravity is the source of energy. I believe light is the source.
Nuclear fission, right?
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Post by Dr. Shades »

Flemming wrote:
Sun Dec 17, 2023 4:09 pm
Nuclear fission, right?
No, nuclear fusion.
"It’s ironic that the Church that people claim to be true, puts so much effort into hiding truths."
--I Have Questions, 01-25-2024
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Re: From: Shulem Cracked the Book of Mormon Code, the Land of Nephi is now revealed! See for yourself! The Golden Key!

Post by High Spy »

canpakes wrote:
Mon Oct 30, 2023 5:06 am
High Spy, I’ve consolidated several posts or thread starts here, if their content did not relate to the thread they were originally from, or if the title of the thread you created made mention of another but the content you subsequently posted was unrelated.

Also, Murray Head called, and wants to be explicitly credited for singing the quote in the first post. Thanks in advance. : )

Mr. Murray said those words from a script for Chess.


Tim Rice was apparently the originator of the idea. From there many did “Work for Hire”.

Spy often employs Work for Hire, such as the PTP (Princess Type Person) who played the role of Parker in a supporting role as the friend of the friend of God in the CBS sit-com God Friended Me.

"If you're talking to yourself, you must have a dilemma.”

That's my favorite line spoken by Hooty Owl in my book shown at

It was written as a work for hire, and subsequently published on Amazon. Once published a portion of the manuscript became a script listed on for audition. In a couple more years, it will be time to again list it on ACX, and sign another talented voice actor for the next 7 years. ... w&usqp=CAU 2022 =~ BigL ... A&usqp=CAU Seahorse =~ Maths

There’s a couple links to serve as a preview of future posts =~ The Hebrew Alphabet has 22 characters and it’s creation is fascinating. So too is how seahorses were first revealed by modern computers. The Wicker Man used computers to create RomniChess as one of the first Artificial Intelligences.
Last edited by High Spy on Mon Dec 18, 2023 10:40 am, edited 1 time in total.
. . . * . . . . . . . . **

3*8** Knight Lion, but not Nite Lion. 🐳 gbng

Everybody's heard the whale and 8 are linked. :lol:

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Post by Physics Guy »

Yes, stars run on fusion.

Gravity actually does play a role in getting them hot enough to start fusion. When gas contracts together under its own gravity, that means that the gas particles are falling towards their collective centre of gravity. As they fall, they speed up, and that means the gas gets hotter.

The effect also works with larger particles, including the big and small chunks of rock and grit and ice that contracted into the Earth. We're not talking about small amounts of heat. Stuff is basically falling for thousands of miles and smashing together; it's a huge amount of energy. The Earth was molten at first, there was so much heat, and it's still hot inside, after billions of years. Protostar cores heat up to millions of degrees, until fusion starts.

Gravity is not what holds atoms and nuclei together. The other forces are different from gravity. Quite likely all the four fundamental forces we know, and any others we don't, are all aspects of one fundamental force; but if so they are different aspects of it. They are not all just the same.

Gravity is not caused by the Higgs field. The Higgs field is in a sense responsible for the fact that particles have mass, but this does not mean that the Higgs field makes gravity. Gravity is spacetime curvature. The weak kind of gravity that we experience and see within our solar system is mainly curvature of time. Time runs very slightly slower closer to any concentration of energy, which mostly means concentrations of mass. That produces the effect that we can also describe as a universal force between objects.

Gravity is not getting weaker. Spacetime is not going to disappear anytime soon.

If High Spy wants to figure out special numbers, he could maybe try this one: 137. What is arguably the most important natural constant, the fine structure constant, is a pure number, without any units. It's very close to (but not quite exactly) 1/137. No-one knows why it has the value it has.

Most natural constants are really just unit conventions based on human preferences. We could perfectly well adopt the light-nanosecond as our unit of distance—it's about a foot—and then the speed of light would just be the number one billion, without any units, because "seconds per second" doesn't need saying. It's really only ratios of similar things that are objective facts. The fine structure constant is such a ratio. Among other things it relates the size of the smallest atom to the mass of an electron.
I was a teenager before it was cool.
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Post by Imwashingmypirate »

Flemming wrote:
Sun Dec 17, 2023 4:09 pm
Imwashingmypirate wrote:A star can't exist without matter, would that mean that matter must be the source of energy? I don't believe gravity is the source of energy. I believe light is the source.
Nuclear fission, right?
Light can be produced from fission. But I was thinking more along the lines of energy vibrations. Smaller than fission and even before matter came about.

E = mc^2 right?

Energy is proportional to the speed of light (squared).
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