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Hi! Welcome To Troll ChatBot....

Post by High Spy »

Imwashingmypirate wrote:
Fri May 17, 2024 12:17 am
Marcus wrote:
Thu May 16, 2024 10:43 pm
Is this in the dictionary? We will be speaking a completely different language in 50 years. Lol
ST3M (Science Technology Engineering and Math) is a FUNS (Four Unique Non Special) characters like DBNP (Deep, but not Profound) which was a concept my friend sprung on our unsuspecting classmates. CBNC (Christ, but not Crist) is the preeminent example of a similar concept based of the presence of a silent consonant, rather than the double letters in DBNP.

The word “not” precludes a similarly named concept based on the presence of the letter O.

Normally a symbol differentiates these 2-Tuple pairs i.e. mrgreen has EE and Whale has silent H.

Heretofore the symbol is appended, opposite the word(s) before the comma.

For a concept based on the letter O, everything could reverse order:

Thusly: ⚔️ (Dagger, but not Sword)

Alternatively, (Sword ... Dagger) ⚔️

Where “...” fills in for “but not”, which is a cleaner presentation for all expressions of these concepts. 8-)
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Re: The significance of the Mormon Temple Earthquake

Post by High Spy »

Marcus wrote:
Wed May 01, 2024 11:40 pm
Bret Ripley wrote:
Wed Apr 05, 2023 2:08 pm
Ah. This is the beginning of wisdom: when you consider that the Root Bear, Brian May, and Paul McCartney have never been photographed together, you will have taken the first step towards understanding that we are the Walrus. (Eric Burdon is still deffo the Eggman, though.)

He who hath ears, learn to wiggle them.
If they hang down low, yes. Those without the hanging down-ness are....without.
Spy subscribed to Leo Premium available in the Brave iPad app, and generated the following page summary:
Brave Leo wrote: In this discussion, the number 57 appears to hold significance due to its association with a 5.7 magnitude earthquake that occurred on a specific date. The users refer to this earthquake as a key event and a "demo quake" that has a specific and meaningful timing pattern. The number 57 is also associated with other events and concepts, such as a specific license plate number, a song that lasts for 5 minutes and 7 seconds, and a hypothetical lottery winning combination. The users seem to interpret the recurrence of the number 57 as a meaningful coincidence or a sign that should not be ignored.
There are at least two songs lasting said time interval; they’re discoverable by searching minutes and seconds on a few phpBB type forums. Leo has proven to be a lot of fun, well worth the $14.99/month. I’m sure if Leo had ears, he’d be sure to occasionally wiggle them. :lol:
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Dr. Shades
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Re: The significance of the Mormon Temple Earthquake

Post by Dr. Shades »

High Spy wrote:
Mon May 27, 2024 11:00 pm
I’m sure if Leo had ears, he’d be sure to occasionally wiggle them. :lol:
I'm sure if Leo had a nose, he'd occasionally pick it.
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Post by High Spy »

IWMP wrote:
Thu Dec 14, 2023 5:01 pm
Flemming wrote:
Mon Dec 11, 2023 3:02 am

Follow so far.

You lost me on this one. Who or what is “MakerBee” and what is 384? Where did you get the 380 from? Why do we need to divide 380 by Makerbee’s 384? What does the almost 99% tribute mean? Tribute to what .. Where did you get the 84 from? Why are we dividing 84 by the MakerBee number of 384?

I’m earnestly trying to understand you here, I hope you can see that.
384 is 380 and 84
Today my post count became 840 and my forum rank became Prophet.

(Prophets give warnings, but lettered tuples aren’t intended as factual statements) ⚔️

Is the numbering system here prophetic. :?:
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Re: Topic for

Post by bill4long »

Dr. Shades wrote:
Thu May 23, 2024 2:32 pm
High Spy wrote:
Wed May 22, 2024 7:09 pm
PI Day celebrated on 3/14, so why not ET on 5/20.
Because Pi means something, whereas 5/20 means nothing.
Is 666 being the mark of the beast numerology?
No, it is the number of a man.
Maybe it’s like Mazzaroth/Astronomy vs Astrology. Now Valo recognizes that 27 is 9+9+9, or flipping the devil a bitch.
666 is the number of the beast. It is not the devil.
Bravo as he begins to cut 3 six-foot cylinders into 8 inch lengths. 8-)

ET Phone Home. :lol:
More meaningless tripe.
I like to point out that "the devil", in the Hebrew Bible as an enemy to the Creator, doesn't exist.

Satan as an "arch enemy of God" came to exist in the intertestement period. 1 Enoch for example. Read it and see how rational it is (not.)

As for "Lucifer" in Isaiah 14. Gawd, how ridiculous. "Lucifer" was a cognate of Latin and means "light bringer." But in Hebrew the name is "heylel" which was the name of the planet Venus. The topic in the chapter is obviously, and explicitly, against the King of Babylon. Looking at the attributes of this king in the chapter, you'd have to be a complete idiot to think this refers to a "fallen angel who opposes God". Etc.

Thank you, Roman Catholic church, for propagating such loony bull****.
Identifying as African-American Lesbian who is identifying as a Gay Man and a Gay Journalist
Pronouns: what/me/worry
Rocker and a mocker and a midnight shocker
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Re: The significance of the Mormon Temple Earthquake

Post by IWMP »

High Spy wrote:
Mon May 27, 2024 11:00 pm
Marcus wrote:
Wed May 01, 2024 11:40 pm

If they hang down low, yes. Those without the hanging down-ness are....without.
Spy subscribed to Leo Premium available in the Brave iPad app, and generated the following page summary:
Brave Leo wrote: In this discussion, the number 57 appears to hold significance due to its association with a 5.7 magnitude earthquake that occurred on a specific date. The users refer to this earthquake as a key event and a "demo quake" that has a specific and meaningful timing pattern. The number 57 is also associated with other events and concepts, such as a specific license plate number, a song that lasts for 5 minutes and 7 seconds, and a hypothetical lottery winning combination. The users seem to interpret the recurrence of the number 57 as a meaningful coincidence or a sign that should not be ignored.
There are at least two songs lasting said time interval; they’re discoverable by searching minutes and seconds on a few phpBB type forums. Leo has proven to be a lot of fun, well worth the $14.99/month. I’m sure if Leo had ears, he’d be sure to occasionally wiggle them. :lol:
Who's Leo?
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High Spy
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Re: Topic for

Post by High Spy »

bill4long wrote:
Thu Jun 20, 2024 3:37 am
I like to point out that "the devil", in the Hebrew Bible as an enemy to the Creator, doesn't exist.

Satan as an "arch enemy of God" came to exist in the intertestement period. 1 Enoch for example. Read it and see how rational it is (not.)

As for "Lucifer" in Isaiah 14. Gawd, how ridiculous. "Lucifer" was a cognate of Latin and means "light bringer." But in Hebrew the name is "heylel" which was the name of the planet Venus. The topic in the chapter is obviously, and explicitly, against the King of Babylon. Looking at the attributes of this king in the chapter, you'd have to be a complete idiot to think this refers to a "fallen angel who opposes God". Etc.

Thank you, Roman Catholic church, for propagating such loony bullsh*t.

I’d like see you being assigned #36866 on after being named after the guy who almost got the world blowed up. You’re right though, there is no devil that made me do it. :lol:

Whatever it, is. :?
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Post by High Spy »

IWMP wrote:
Fri Jun 21, 2024 1:42 pm

Who's Leo?

Leo is Brave, but not prophetic like whoever plugged in the 840 number whenever that was. :?:

Reminds me of Parker and a Princess Type Person. :lol:
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Post by IWMP »

High Spy wrote:
Sat Jun 22, 2024 6:45 pm
IWMP wrote:
Fri Jun 21, 2024 1:42 pm

Who's Leo?

Leo is Brave, but not prophetic like whoever plugged in the 840 number whenever that was. :?:

Reminds me of Parker and a Princess Type Person. :lol:
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High Spy
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Re: Topic for

Post by High Spy »

bill4long wrote:
Thu Jun 20, 2024 3:37 am
Dr. Shades wrote:
Thu May 23, 2024 2:32 pm
Because Pi means something, whereas 5/20 means nothing.

No, it is the number of a man.

666 is the number of the beast. It is not the devil.

More meaningless tripe.
I like to point out that "the devil", in the Hebrew Bible as an enemy to the Creator, doesn't exist.

Satan as an "arch enemy of God" came to exist in the intertestement period. 1 Enoch for example. Read it and see how rational it is (not.)

As for "Lucifer" in Isaiah 14. Gawd, how ridiculous. "Lucifer" was a cognate of Latin and means "light bringer." But in Hebrew the name is "heylel" which was the name of the planet Venus. The topic in the chapter is obviously, and explicitly, against the King of Babylon. Looking at the attributes of this king in the chapter, you'd have to be a complete idiot to think this refers to a "fallen angel who opposes God". Etc.

Thank you, Roman Catholic church, for propagating such loony bull****.
This video =~Why God CANNOT Kill Satan Or Fallen Angels supplies an explanation more verbose than any other that I am aware of. It seems pretty good; what do y’all think. :?:

See bog post here for video embed where The Wicker Man, Enoch and others may respond.
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