Brigham Young’s businesses

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Everybody Wang Chung
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Re: Brigham Young’s businesses

Post by Everybody Wang Chung »

Concerns about the cleanliness of the water arose over time, including a study by the U. that found copious amounts of bacteria in the water. As baby boomers became older, they began going to places such as movie theaters instead of hot springs. It closed in 1976 because it couldn't draw a big enough crowd to cover its expenses, according to a report on the building by MJSA Architecture and Interior Design. It was used as a storage facility after it closed. ... type=CMSID
"I'm on paid sabbatical from BYU in exchange for my promise to use this time to finish two books."

Daniel C. Peterson, 2014
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Doctor Scratch
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Re: Brigham Young’s businesses

Post by Doctor Scratch »

Gadianton wrote:
Thu Aug 29, 2024 2:07 pm
It's this kind of Brigham hatred that makes Six Days in August a vital necessity for believing Saints. See!
Indeed. Mr. Type-B Personality was so laid back over these posters listing the facts about BY's business holdings that he obsessed over it while on vacation at the Shakespeare Festival in Cedar City, *and* he went to the trouble of emailing a Mopologist-friendly BY scholar who essentially gave a non-committal response: i.e., "Well, it's really hard to separate BY's wealth from the wealth of the Church...."
"If, while hoping that everybody else will be honest and so forth, I can personally prosper through unethical and immoral acts without being detected and without risk, why should I not?." --Daniel Peterson, 6/4/14
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Re: Brigham Young’s businesses

Post by Markk »

drumdude wrote:
Thu Aug 29, 2024 1:44 pm
Over at SeN, a commenter has posted a list of businesses that Brigham Young owned. Many of them funded with zero interest loans from church tithing money. The proprietor seems a bit blindsided by this, and demanded to know where the list originated. The commenter replied it was from Quinn’s book, which apparently DCP has not taken the time to read.
Aivenpah Valley Herd Ground
Anti-Friction Journal Box and Divided Car Axle
B.K. Tannery
Bank of Deseret
Bear River Ferry and Toll Bridge
Benson, Far and West
Big Cottonwood Canal
Big Cottonwood Lumber
Brigham Young Bank
Brigham Young Barbershop
Brigham Young Blacksmith Shop
Brigham Young Carding Mill
Brigham Young Carpentry Shop
Brigham Young Cotton Factory
Brigham Young Cotton Farm
Brigham Young Doby Show Shop
Brigham Young Eating House
Brigham Young Express
Brigham Young Farm
Brigham Young Gristmill
Brigham Young Herd
Brigham Young Herd Ground
Brigham Young Lime Kiln
Brigham Young Lumber Yard
Brigham Young Map Store
Brigham Young Molasses Factory
Brigham Young Nail Factory
Brigham Young Paint Shop
Brigham Young Paper Mill
Brigham Young Plastering Shop
Brigham Young Pottery Shop
Brigham Young Print Shop
Brigham Young Real Estate
Brigham Young School
Brigham Young Shoe Shop
Brigham Young Silk Cocoonery
Brigham Young Stable
Brigham Young Tannery
Brigham Young Tavern
Brigham Young Woolen Factory
Burton, Sons, and Young
Call's Landing and Church Warehouse
Chase Mill
Chruch Slaughterhouse
Church Stone-cutting Yard
City Creek Foundry and Machine Shop
City Creek Wood
Constitution Building
Co-operative Stock Herd Association
Davis County Canal
Deseret Bee-keepers
Deseret Currency
Deseret Dramatic Association
Deseret Mint
Deseret National Bank
Deseret Paper Mills
Deseret Store
Deseret Training and Manufacturing
Deseret Telegraph
Deseret Theological Institute
Deseret Woolen Mills
Eagle Gate Toll Road
Eldredge and Clawson
Empire Gristmill
Excelsior Mill
Forest Farm
Fort Bridger
Gardo House
Globe Bakery
Globe Saloon
Grass Creek Coal
Great Salt Lake City Waterworks
HC Kimball Flourmills
Heberville Cotton Factory
Hooper, Eldredge and Company
Howard Distillery
Jordan Irrigation
Juab, Sanpete, and Sevier Railroad
Kansas Prairie Ranch
Laie Plantation
Latter-day Saints Bakery
Lorenzo Snow Flourmill
Maid of Iowa (steamboat)
Malad River Ferry
Maple Creek Sawmill
Mount Trumball Lumber
Mutual Life and Savings
Parowan Cotton
Perpetual Emigrating Fund
Pipe Springs Ranch
Price Convention
Prove Bench Canal and Irrigation
Provo Canyon Road Company
Public Machine Shop
Rush Valley Herd Company
Salt Lake and Tooele Valley Railroad
Salt Lake City Railroad
Salt Lake House
Salt Lake Theatre
San Pete Coal
Seventies' Hall Association
Seventies' Hall of Science
Social Hall
Thomas Howard Paper Mill
Timely Gull (Lake Boat)
Timpanogos Manufacturing
Tooele Gristmill of Brigham Young
Tooele Toll Road
Union Academy
Union Pacific Railroad
Utah Central Railroad
Utah Southern Railroad
Utah Western Railway
Warm Springs Bath House
Wasatch Woolen Mills
Weber River Toll Bridge
Winsor Castle Stock Growing Company
Young and Benson
Young and Little
Young and Morley
Young and Winder
Young, Little and Winder
Zion's Co-operative Fish Association
Zion's Co-operative Rio Virgin Manufacturing
Zion's Bank
If you want to get rich, start (or continue) a religion!
They forgot Deseret Winery. I will butcher this story, it's been a long time since I read about it. But it goes something like, BY started a winery around St. George, and soon the members down there were drinking up too much profit, so BY ordered them to only bottle by the gallon or keg?, but that soon became a mistake when the members would drink even more. There was a classic remark by one of the members I will have to look for it when I get a chance....
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Doctor Scratch
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Re: Brigham Young’s businesses

Post by Doctor Scratch »

Some eyebrow-raising comments over at SeN:
B. Wilson wrote:Why mix personal and church accounts? according to Arrington early church leaders, "skillfully contrived artifices to circumvent confiscatory federal legislation." Given early persecutions of the church, these efforts were justified. Ignoring circumstances is a method to present correct and misleading information.
So, Church leaders deliberately lied in order to cheat the federal government out of money? Okay! This elicits the following response from The Proprietor:
Awww. There ya go again, lettin' cold, hard, dispassionate facts interfere with a good, serviceable slander. Spoken like an economist.
lol….Wut??? Perhaps the Mopologists *still* believe that “skillfully contrived artifices to circumvent confiscatory federal legislation” is the way to go when (e.g.) preparing Interpreter’s tax forms? It would certainly confirm a lot of suspicions and explain how and why someone can afford so many expensive vacations. Quite a telling admission here, I daresay.
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Re: Brigham Young’s businesses

Post by Gadianton »

LOL. Well, it seems like the modern church has certainly carried the torch Brigham lit, evading taxes, failing to disclose investments, mixing funds between it's various entities in shady or illegal ways but there's a lot of moving parts each with deniability. And yeah, it's no surprise to learn that paying one's fair share is considered anti by church leaders, if it's the corporate church paying rather than individual members. Even the Proprietor has spoken in his libertarian way about taxes being a crime against humanity. And no, this isn't economics, it is accounting and law. Shady accounting and law, of course, practiced by folks of the upmost materialist mindset.

I'm sure if the federal government was really so "anti" that they were ready to seize property, that "Bloody Brigham" putting everything in his name wouldn't deter them, even if it checked some box that filled a formality. Like they wouldn't see through it and find a way around it. Wilson's logic is an awful lot like apologetics we hear justifying polygamy. They had to do it because all these single windows needed to be taken care of financially, or there was a high women-to-man ration, or everyone was getting sealed to everybody to provide for a theological welding link that Malachi talked about.

Religion always has a weak cover story to cover its crimes and violations of human rights that only the leaders and apologists believe.
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Dr. Shades
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Re: Brigham Young’s businesses

Post by Dr. Shades »

drumdude wrote:
Thu Aug 29, 2024 1:44 pm
Over at SeN, a commenter has posted a list of businesses that Brigham Young owned.
Will you please post a link to the conversation there?
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Re: Brigham Young’s businesses

Post by drumdude »

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Re: Brigham Young’s businesses

Post by drumdude »

JA: "I don’t begrudge Brother Brigham for enjoying his enormous wealth."

As I say, I've been in the Beehive House and the Lion House and his winter home in St. George, as I expect several others here have been.

I saw no real signs of "enormous wealth."

You can compare them to contemporary mansions of the "Gilded Age":
DRDP: "According to Quinn, Brigham Young's personal estate was worth approximately 32million -- in 19th century dollars"

And what did he do with it?

Did he live lavishly? Not really. I've been in his house in Salt Lake and his house in St. George. Did he own a yacht? Fly in a private jet?

He worked right up to his death, seeking to build Zion.
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Physics Guy
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Re: Brigham Young’s businesses

Post by Physics Guy »

Dang, that’s true, he had no private jet. Oh wow. Gonna have to rethink my whole picture of Young.

Shoot. I guess he was just an earnest and honest hard-working son of the people, after all, up at dawn to do chores and driving the plow until dark. Yeah, it’s obvious now.

How the heck did I miss this? He had no private jet.
I was a teenager before it was cool.
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Re: Brigham Young’s businesses

Post by drumdude »

Physics Guy wrote:
Sat Aug 31, 2024 1:51 pm
Dang, that’s true, he had no private jet. Oh wow. Gonna have to rethink my whole picture of Young.

Shoot. I guess he was just an earnest and honest hard-working son of the people, after all, up at dawn to do chores and driving the plow until dark. Yeah, it’s obvious now.

How the heck did I miss this? He had no private jet.
He had no private jet.
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