Musk is a hypocrite

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Re: Musk is a hypocrite

Post by canpakes »

Dr. Shades wrote:
Fri Feb 16, 2024 8:53 pm
No! The original boobs, you silly man!
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Re: Musk is a hypocrite

Post by Vēritās »

Shades getting the Shades treatment.

I like it. 👍
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Re: Musk is a hypocrite

Post by Nomomo »

Elon Musk is an insane asshole. The folks who sold Twitter to him, and then insisted on not letting him out of the deal to buy Twitter are also gawdamned assholes who did not care about the negative influence that Twitter under Musk would have on the planet, and only cared about how much money they could cash in on. The gawdamned assholes who sold Twitter to Musk are damned pricks who only cared about how much money they were going to make and “F” the damage they were making to the planet. They didn't care less, because they are greedy damned pricks.
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Re: Musk is a hypocrite

Post by Dr. Shades »

Nomomo wrote:
Sat Feb 17, 2024 3:06 am
The gawdamned assholes who sold Twitter to Musk are damned pricks who only cared about how much money they were going to make and “F” the damage they were making to the planet.
"Damage they were making to the planet?"

I think you HEAVILY overestimate Twitter's importance. Society got along just fine prior to it and will continue along just fine after it.
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Doctor CamNC4Me
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Re: Musk is a hypocrite

Post by Doctor CamNC4Me »

Speaking of hypocrisy:


I don’t expect that to move the needle for anyone, by the way. In contemplating the election of a maniac and rapist to the White House, one is compelled to grapple with the moral and ethical quandaries that arise. The Right’s willingness to overlook such egregious transgressions in favor of political expediency speaks volumes about the state of our democracy. The elevation of such a figure to the highest office in the land is not merely a reflection of individual failings, but a damning indictment of the collective conscience of a nation.

I suppose we could dissect the character of this individual, as we have done a hundred times on this board, since we’re confronted, once again, with a litany of offenses that defy both decency and decorum. The brazen disregard for the rights and dignity of others, coupled with a flagrant abuse of power, paints a portrait of a man who is not only unfit for office but poses a grave threat to the very principles upon which this nation was founded. His actions, both past, and present, reveal a pattern of behavior that is antithetical to the values we purport to hold dear.

Yet, despite the mounting evidence and the chorus of condemnation from both within and outside his own party, he continues to enjoy unwavering support from a significant portion of the voting electorate, or, as Russians describe them, “village idiots.” Are we willing to sacrifice our principles on the altar of partisan politics? Can we reconcile the actions of our leaders with the values we claim to hold dear?

Of course! We already did it!

Obviously, the answer doesn’t lie with the individual occupying the Oval Office, but in the collective consciousness of a nation grappling with its own moral compass. And as we confront the harsh realities of our political landscape, we must remember that the true measure of a society is not found in the deeds of its leaders, but in the character of its people. And the character of the American people is, well, look at the picture above and tell me where I’m wrong.

- Doc

PS - I get why our brains do this to ourselves, electing idiots, that is. It’s that our brains have developed over the eons to jump out of the way of a tiger and have sex. It’s not designed to understand accumulating risks, and so, a guy like Trump can be shown, demonstrably, that he’s made terrible decisions; the average voter simply can’t wrap their mind around it. They like the immediate words that come out of his and his shilling pundits’ mouths because those words provide an immediate dopamine hit, and that’s what the brain is hardwired to do. It’s a reward system, not a long-term philosophical system.

Hugh Nibley claimed he bumped into Adolf Hitler, Albert Einstein, Winston Churchill, Gertrude Stein, and the Grand Duke Vladimir Romanoff. Dishonesty is baked into Mormonism.
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