doubtingthomas’s topics MEGATHREAD

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Re: doubtingthomas’s topics MEGATHREAD

Post by doubtingthomas »

Gadianton wrote:
Thu Apr 11, 2024 3:38 am
I don't have endless hours to do your homework for you, nor do I care to. And so now I won't read the next five or ten resources you post, and then down the road, I might review another. But if you screw it up like you did that YouTube video, then it may be months before I read anything you link to.
Go ahead, I did watch the Tik Tok video. The woman is clearly saying that men who prey on teenagers (referring to young adults under 25) are creepy predators. There are a lot of videos like that.

And you see it here a lot. Some Schmo called me a creepy predator for no reason and Doc made an inappropriate comment.

Imwashingmyprivate said that young people are naïve.

How many more examples do you need?
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Re: doubtingthomas’s topics MEGATHREAD

Post by doubtingthomas »

Dr. Shades wrote:
Tue Apr 09, 2024 8:14 am
Hold the phone. . . you think SOCIETY is what's keeping young girls from wanting to date you??
Are you trolling again?

Here, read what I told Gadianton
doubtingthomas wrote:
Thu Apr 11, 2024 3:44 am

Go ahead, I did watch the Tik Tok video. The woman is clearly saying that men who prey on teenagers (referring to young adults under 25) are creepy predators. There are a lot of videos like that.

And you see it here a lot. Some Schmo called me a creepy predator for no reason and Doc made an inappropriate comment.

Imwashingmyprivate said that young people are naïve.

How many more examples do you need?
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Re: doubtingthomas’s topics MEGATHREAD

Post by Gadianton »

I don't care. You have to carefully review ALL the resources you post, and be sure you're correctly representing them. A certain margin of error is allowed for misunderstanding something if the material is complex, but superficial errors are not allowed.
There are a lot of videos like that.
So you say. I don't believe you. In two weeks, if you can find other examples, then carefully review them; provide a summary, and I will pick one, and if you haven't misrepresented the content of the one I pick like you did this time, then I will view the others. But I won't consider anything you link to until 4/24; post Bitcoin halving.
Some Schmo called me a creepy predator for no reason
If it was for no reason, then clearly it says nothing about older men dating younger women. e.g.; if there was no reason, then the fact you're interested in younger women is also not a reason. (just in case I have to spell it out for you)
mwashingmyprivate said that young people are naïve.
They are.
How many more examples do you need?
Hold the phone: Doc cam called you a name, Some Schmo said you are a creep for no reason, per you, and IWMP said young people are naïve -- and you think this is overwhelming evidence that society strongly condemns relationships with 10-15 year age differences, and social media is chock full of material pushing this narrative, thus ruining the chances of these relationships happening?

Your irrationality is getting to the point where I must strongly consider that you are not mentally well enough to have these conversations, and it may be best that I put you on ignore and not continue. I will have to at least consider this.
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Re: doubtingthomas’s topics MEGATHREAD

Post by Res Ipsa »

Res Ipsa wrote:
Tue Apr 09, 2024 2:07 pm
DT experiences himself at war with something external to himself, when he is actually at war with himself.
Some Schomo is calling me a creepy predator and that's somehow a war with myself? Why is it so hard to acknowledge the campaigns trying to persuade young women to avoid older men?
If you weren’t at war with yourself, you wouldn’t care what “Some Schmo” says. (I hope you see the irony…) You wouldn’t care what some rando posts on Tik Tok. You wouldn’t obsess over this issue for years and years. You aren’t trying to persuade people here of anything. You are trying to persuade you.
When a Religion is good, I conceive that it will support itself; and when it cannot support itself, and God does not take care to support, so that its Professors are oblig’d to call for the help of the Civil Power, ’tis a Sign, I apprehend, of its being a bad one.

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Re: Stats prove when women are safer

Post by IWMP »

doubtingthomas wrote:
Thu Apr 11, 2024 3:19 am
Imwashingmypirate wrote:
Tue Apr 09, 2024 6:58 am
Do you really want to date someone who is partying? Who hasn't made a bunch of mistakes yet?
Yes to both.
Fair enough.
Imwashingmypirate wrote:
Tue Apr 09, 2024 6:58 am
There are women who have grown children. There are women who are older but have no children. There are women in their 20s with no children. Why does it have to be a teenager?
It doesn't.
Cool! Just sounded like it reading this.
Imwashingmypirate wrote:
Tue Apr 09, 2024 6:58 am
People are judged and you have to either get on with it or don't do it. Moaning about it makes it look like you target young women.
So, it's okay to judge men, but it's not okay to judge women, right? I don't target 19 year olds.
Women are judged too. Women are judged for far more than men. We are judged on our hairiness, our mothering skills. Judged by other women. Every single day I feel judged. Women are judged by who they date too. When they have kids. How many kids they have. We are silently judged and have to guess what the expressions and whisperings are about. Or hope that a friend is decent enough to tell us if the other friends are bitching about you.

The comments in this thread makes it sound like you want a very young adult. Not sure if that's just because you are trying to explain something and it's almost over explaining.
Are Trump's comments about women and minorities acceptable? If not, why is it okay to demonize men?
I'm not American and don't really follow the politics. I get the jist but I wouldn't vote either if they wanted to be prime minister here to be honest.

That's not true, it's actually easier to start a relationship with women over 30. Unfortunately, it's not easy to find good women who are over 26.

What is a "good" woman????
It is these kinds of comments that are drawing negative attention to you.

I feel like my opinion is true. Younger people are more willing to explore than perhaps more older already burned people. My mum is single and I don't really think she will date again. I hope she does. My mother in law is also alone and I know she won't date again.

Maybe the older older generations... I don't know... But I know younger people are more intelligent than us. They look less intelligent because they are more reckless. But I remember being that age. I know I personally have lost intelligence. I've also lost a lot of the intuitive learning ability I had. It would be silly to say younger people are less intelligent. They might have less wisdom that comes with experience though. Less learned intellect. But not less intelligence. But maybe that's just my opinion.

assuming the ratio of men to women is relatively similar, that would imply that either women between 18 and 29 are dating men older than 29 or men are dating multiple women. About two women per male? Right?? I might be wrong.

That's logical that finding middle aged women without kids might be more difficult. Might be where you are looking too. I will assume you are a great man?

What makes women "good" and older women not good? Apart from children? What are the statistics on single women without children? I know women my age who don't have kids who are single.

Society has always had an opinion on everything. Humans are sooo judgemental. We all think we know better and are better but generally, I think a lot of us are the same. (Obviously not all) But generally we want and need the same things. People have always commented on age gaps that I can think of. Date who you want as long as it is legal and consensual. If you know you aren't doing anything wrong then who cares what society thinks. I do not believe that the media stops young women fancying older maturer guys. What is the data on that? I strongly believe you are making assumptions. Females are generally not attracted to males their age at a younger age unless they seem mature. Maturity is sexy. I believe there is a psychological component In relation to being attracted to security. And someone who we would expect to be loyal. At least from my perspective. I don't believe media can have a drastic effect on hormones and generations of genetic adaption to be attracted to security and stability. Maybe I'm wrong. I don't know. But at least in my generation, this was what I thought was the general consensus. Maybe these younger ones are a different breed if things have really changed that much.

Edit: I lost a bunch of quotes. Assume I am replying to each thing you say doubting Thomas.
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Re: doubtingthomas’s topics MEGATHREAD

Post by Dr. Shades »

doubtingthomas wrote:
Thu Apr 11, 2024 3:48 am
Dr. Shades wrote:
Tue Apr 09, 2024 8:14 am
Hold the phone. . . you think SOCIETY is what's keeping young girls from wanting to date you??
Are you trolling again?

Here, read what I told Gadianton
doubtingthomas wrote:
Thu Apr 11, 2024 3:44 am
Go ahead, I did watch the Tik Tok video. The woman is clearly saying that men who prey on teenagers (referring to young adults under 25) are creepy predators. There are a lot of videos like that.

And you see it here a lot. Some Schmo called me a creepy predator for no reason and Doc made an inappropriate comment.

Imwashingmyprivate said that young people are naïve.

How many more examples do you need?
Okay, so the answer to my question is "yes."

Here's a revelation: Regardless of what society says, young girls DON'T WANT TO DATE YOU. Even if everyone on this message board--and society in general--suddenly changed their minds and decided that it's O.K. for older men to date young girls, young girls STILL WOULD NOT WANT TO DATE YOU. You can quote as many studies as you like, but the fact remains that YOU WILL NEVER, EVER GET A YOUNG GIRL TO DATE YOU.

Why? Because young girls (and women of any age, for that matter) only want to date guys with class, not some oafish dolt whose only intent is to mount her and then douse her with the repulsive liquid from the oily musk gland below your anus. The sooner you make peace with that fact, the sooner you can quit worrying about what society thinks, because it's the girls who are refusing to date you; they don't care about society.
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Re: doubtingthomas’s topics MEGATHREAD

Post by Some Schmo »

Dr. Shades wrote:
Thu Apr 11, 2024 11:42 am
Okay, so the answer to my question is "yes."

Here's a revelation: Regardless of what society says, young girls DON'T WANT TO DATE YOU. Even if everyone on this message board--and society in general--suddenly changed their minds and decided that it's O.K. for older men to date young girls, young girls STILL WOULD NOT WANT TO DATE YOU. You can quote as many studies as you like, but the fact remains that YOU WILL NEVER, EVER GET A YOUNG GIRL TO DATE YOU.

Why? Because young girls (and women of any age, for that matter) only want to date guys with class, not some oafish dolt whose only intent is to mount her and then douse her with the repulsive liquid from the oily musk gland below your anus. The sooner you make peace with that fact, the sooner you can quit worrying about what society thinks, because it's the girls who are refusing to date you; they don't care about society.
One of your best posts ever, Shades. I especially liked the poetry I bolded.
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Re: doubtingthomas’s topics MEGATHREAD

Post by Some Schmo »

doubtingthomas wrote:
Thu Apr 11, 2024 3:44 am
Some Schmo called me a creepy predator for no reason
This right here is reason enough to never respond seriously to DT.

If he can't find the reason I called him a creepy predator in this 100+ page thread, he clearly posts without actually thinking about what people are telling him. Over, and over, and over...

It's really weird. Why does he care so much what we think when he never actually reads what we think?
Religion is for people whose existential fear is greater than their common sense.

The god idea is popular with desperate people.
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Re: doubtingthomas’s topics MEGATHREAD

Post by IWMP »

Dr. Shades wrote:
Thu Apr 11, 2024 11:42 am
doubtingthomas wrote:
Thu Apr 11, 2024 3:48 am
Are you trolling again?

Here, read what I told Gadianton
Okay, so the answer to my question is "yes."

Here's a revelation: Regardless of what society says, young girls DON'T WANT TO DATE YOU. Even if everyone on this message board--and society in general--suddenly changed their minds and decided that it's O.K. for older men to date young girls, young girls STILL WOULD NOT WANT TO DATE YOU. You can quote as many studies as you like, but the fact remains that YOU WILL NEVER, EVER GET A YOUNG GIRL TO DATE YOU.

Why? Because young girls (and women of any age, for that matter) only want to date guys with class, not some oafish dolt whose only intent is to mount her and then douse her with the repulsive liquid from the oily musk gland below your anus. The sooner you make peace with that fact, the sooner you can quit worrying about what society thinks, because it's the girls who are refusing to date you; they don't care about society.
:o :shock: :? ... :lol:

I was trying to be nice with my responses but blooming heck shades. Can't work out whether to laugh at your writing style or feel guilty. But intense. I think you only needed to capitalise the words, "YOU".

Doubting Thomas... What are you like off of forums? Do you talk about society and these things vocally to people you meet? I know how I am in this board is not how I am in real life. I am quieter in real life and not opinionated in real life.

Maybe expand your horizons. You could create a dating site specifically for childless women looking to date. Might not get good press, but it might open your mind to how many women out there don't actually have or want kids.
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Re: Stats prove when women are safer

Post by Doctor Steuss »

[...] some older adults seem to suffer from the dunning-kruger effect.
*self-awareness has left the chat*

ETA: In retrospect, this wasn't fair. There's probably an equal probability that Donald J Trump Doubting J Thomas' consistent misrepresentation of sources, for years, is intentional. Like the great poet once said "Never attribute to incompetence, that which can be attributed to pathological dishonesty in the service of promoting a self-serving ideology." Or maybe it was "Here's some toilet paper, cuz your lyrics is butt." I forget how it goes.
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