Every Accusation is a Confession

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Re: Every Accusation is a Confession

Post by Vēritās »

Doctor CamNC4Me wrote:
Tue Apr 18, 2023 6:23 pm
We a got a twofer today:

“Stop the Steal’ Organizer Apologizes After Being Accused of Asking Teen Boys for D*Celestial Kingdom Pics”

https://news.yahoo.com/stop-steal-organ ... 59583.html
I apologize for any inappropriate messages sent over the years
Is this civil society?

- Doc
Jesus Christ. Is pedophilia becoming a rite of passage in Trumplandia?
"I am not an American ... In my view premarital sex should be illegal ...(there are) mentally challenged people with special needs like myself- Ajax18
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Re: Every Accusation is a Confession

Post by Vēritās »

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"I am not an American ... In my view premarital sex should be illegal ...(there are) mentally challenged people with special needs like myself- Ajax18
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Re: Every Accusation is a Confession

Post by Vēritās »

GOP: Democrats believe in government overreach and want to take rights away from parents so they can control our children.

DeSantis: I'm signing a bill that would allow my state's authorities to take your kids from you if you approve of their gender affirming care.

DeSantis to sign bill banning gender-affirming care to kids
"I am not an American ... In my view premarital sex should be illegal ...(there are) mentally challenged people with special needs like myself- Ajax18
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Re: Every Accusation is a Confession

Post by Vēritās »

Liberals indoctrinate children?

No, this is what indoctrination and grooming looks like in Colorado.

‘Trump was great at this’: How conservatives transformed a Colorado school district
WOODLAND PARK, Colo. — When a conservative slate of candidates won control of the school board here 18 months ago, they began making big changes to reshape the district.

Woodland Park, a small mountain town that overlooks Pikes Peak, became the first — and, so far, only — district in the country to adopt the American Birthright social studies standard, created by a right-wing advocacy group that warns of the “steady whittling away of American liberty.” The new board hired a superintendent who was previously recalled from a nearby school board after pushing for a curriculum that would “promote positive aspects of the United States.” The board approved the community’s first charter school without public notice and gave the charter a third of the middle school building.

As teachers, students and parents began protesting these decisions, the administration barred employees from discussing the district on social media. At least two staff members who objected to the board’s decisions were later forced out of their jobs, while another was fired for allegedly encouraging protests.

These rapid and sweeping shifts weren’t coincidental — instead it was a plan ripped from the MAGA playbook designed to catch opponents off guard, according to a board member’s email released through an open records request.

“This is the flood the zone tactic, and the idea is if you advance on many fronts at the same time, then the enemy cannot fortify, defend, effectively counter-attack at any one front,” David Illingworth, one of the new conservative school board members, wrote to another on Dec. 9, 2021, weeks after they were elected. “Divide, scatter, conquer. Trump was great at this in his first 100 days.”

The leaders of the Woodland Park School District are enacting an experiment in conservative governance in the middle of a state controlled by Democrats, with little in the way so far to slow them down. The school board’s decisions have won some praise in heavily Republican Teller County, but opposition is growing, including from conservative Christians and lifelong GOP voters who say the board has made too many ill-advised decisions and lacks transparency.

“I think they look at us as this petri dish where they can really push all their agenda and theories,” said Joe Dohrn, a Woodland Park father who described himself as a staunch Republican and “very capitalistic.” “They clearly are willing to sacrifice the public school and to put students presently in the public school through years of disarray to drive home their ideological beliefs. It’s a travesty.

Teachers grew particularly alarmed early this year when word spread that Ken Witt, the new superintendent, did not plan to reapply for grants that covered the salaries of counselors and social workers.

At Gateway Elementary School in March, Witt told staff members he prioritized academic achievement, not students’ emotions. “We are not the department of health and human services,” he said, as teachers angrily objected, according to two recordings of the meeting made by staff members and shared with NBC News.

Someone in the meeting asked if taxpayers would get a say in these changes, and Witt said that they already did — when they elected the school board.

Over the past two years, school districts nationwide have become the center of culture war battles over race and LGBTQ rights. Conservative groups have made a concerted effort to fill school boards with ideologically aligned members and notched dozens of wins last fall.

In Colorado, conservatives started making gains earlier because school board elections are held in off years. Woodland Park offers a preview of how quickly a new majority can move to reshape a district — and how those battles can ripple outward into the community. Some longtime residents say that the situation has grown so tense, they now look over their shoulder when discussing the school board in public to avoid confrontation or professional consequences.

David Rusterholtz, the board’s president, believes that chasm predates his election in November 2021.

This division is much more than political — this is a clash of worldviews,” Rusterholtz said at a board meeting in January. He concluded his remarks with a prayer for the district: “May the Lord bless us and keep us, may His face shine upon us and be gracious to us.”

Rusterholtz, Illingworth, Witt and three other current school board members declined interview requests when reached by email and approached in person at the district’s office. To tell this story, NBC News reviewed dozens of emails board members exchanged with parents and staff, obtained through open records requests, and spoke with over 40 Woodland Park community members, including students, current and former school staff and administrators, and former school board members.

When asked to respond to criticism from school personnel and parents, Illingworth, the board's vice president, replied in an email: “I wasn’t elected to please the teacher’s union and their psycho agenda against academic rigor, family values, and even capitalism itself. I was elected to bring a parent’s voice and a little common sense to the school district, and voters in Woodland Park can see I’ve kept my promises.”

As the school year winds down, many of the Woodland Park School District’s employees are heading for the exit, despite recently receiving an 8% raise. At least four of the district’s top administrators have quit because of the board’s policy changes, according to interviews and emails obtained through records requests. Nearly 40% of the high school’s professional staff have said they will not return next school year, according to an administrator in the district.

The board’s critics have pinned their hopes on the next election in November — when three of the five school board members are up for a vote — to claw back control of the community’s schools.

This is an active case study on what will happen if we allow extremist policies to start to take over our public education system,” said David Graf, an English teacher who recently resigned after 17 years in the district. “And the scariest part about it, they knew that this community would bite on it.”
Read it all https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/wo ... -rcna83311
"I am not an American ... In my view premarital sex should be illegal ...(there are) mentally challenged people with special needs like myself- Ajax18
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Re: Every Accusation is a Confession

Post by Alphus and Omegus »

Great post. Yes, it's so important to understand that Republican activists are almost entirely crazy nowadays. The party cannot be trusted at any level of government, even though many naïve people who are normal continue to vote for them. These habitual Republicans need to be educated about how extreme their party has become.

The Gropey Old People party has an agenda that's straight out of the Dark Ages:
1) Forcibly subject children to daily religious indoctrination in schools
2) Allow pedophiles to "marry" 12 year old girls in their churches
3) Ban the teaching of evolution
4) Ban all books about slavery and racial discrimination
5) Ban any non-Christian from holding public office.
6) Ban the construction of any non-Christian religious building
7) Close down all media outlets that report critically about them
8) Put all unauthorized immigrants into concentration camps and then deport them
9) Allow any Republican to shoot anyone who they deem to be a threat.
10) Redesign all public buildings to be like prisons rather than limit the sale of semiautomatic guns.
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Re: Every Accusation is a Confession

Post by Gunnar »

Alphus and Omegus wrote:
Wed May 10, 2023 3:44 pm
Great post. Yes, it's so important to understand that Republican activists are almost entirely crazy nowadays. The party cannot be trusted at any level of government, even though many naïve people who are normal continue to vote for them. These habitual Republicans need to be educated about how extreme their party has become.

The Gropey Old People party has an agenda that's straight out of the Dark Ages:
1) Forcibly subject children to daily religious indoctrination in schools
2) Allow pedophiles to "marry" 12 year old girls in their churches
3) Ban the teaching of evolution
4) Ban all books about slavery and racial discrimination
5) Ban any non-Christian from holding public office.
6) Ban the construction of any non-Christian religious building
7) Close down all media outlets that report critically about them
8) Put all unauthorized immigrants into concentration camps and then deport them
9) Allow any Republican to shoot anyone who they deem to be a threat.
10) Redesign all public buildings to be like prisons rather than limit the sale of semiautomatic guns.
I wish this were mere hyperbole, but it is becoming increasingly obvious that it is not. Hard right MAGA-ites and Trump supporters almost certainly look at this list and say to themselves bewilderedly, "what's wrong with that agenda?" I'm sure that ajax18, for example, heartily approves of it, and can't understand why anyone fully rational would find it objectionable!

I have little doubt that a significant number of them would even gladly ban teaching in public schools the global, rotating earth and heliocentric solar system concepts, if they could get away with it. I'm sure, though, that even ajax is not that ignorant! I will say that much for him, and he has admitted that he does accept biological evolution.
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Re: Every Accusation is a Confession

Post by Moksha »

What do we do if Trump wins the upcoming Presidential election?

Could we expect it to be the last election?
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Re: Every Accusation is a Confession

Post by Vēritās »

"Democrats are communists..."

Republicans are literally rooting for Putin.

"Democrats want to weaponize the government..."

That's literally what the House GOP is doing as we speak.
"I am not an American ... In my view premarital sex should be illegal ...(there are) mentally challenged people with special needs like myself- Ajax18
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Re: Every Accusation is a Confession

Post by Dr. Shades »

Alphus and Omegus wrote:
Wed May 10, 2023 3:44 pm
The Gropey Old People party has an agenda that's straight out of the Dark Ages:
1) Forcibly subject children to daily religious indoctrination in schools
2) Allow pedophiles to "marry" 12 year old girls in their churches
3) Ban the teaching of evolution
4) Ban all books about slavery and racial discrimination
5) Ban any non-Christian from holding public office.
6) Ban the construction of any non-Christian religious building
7) Close down all media outlets that report critically about them
8) Put all unauthorized immigrants into concentration camps and then deport them
9) Allow any Republican to shoot anyone who they deem to be a threat.
10) Redesign all public buildings to be like prisons rather than limit the sale of semiautomatic guns.
??? For Heaven's sake, let's not get carried away. There are plenty of true things for which to criticize the GOP without having to make things up.
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Re: Every Accusation is a Confession

Post by Some Schmo »

Religion is for people whose existential fear is greater than their common sense.

The god idea is popular with desperate people.
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