Fox News Tried Going After Denmark.

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Re: Fox News Tried Going After Denmark.

Post by Gadianton »

You continue to inquire about policies and my beliefs....
I understand your objections, you made this all clear with your first post on the topic, your 1020th repeat of yourself doesn't tell us anything new. For some reason, you're able to repeat ad nauseum what you don't like about the Democratic party in large paragraphs, but we can't get you to focus for two seconds on what the Democrats believed back in the day when you were proud to be a Democrat.

It makes me think you are trolling us. Trolling is permitted on this board, just look at Shades, so you're well within your rights here.

But if you'd ever like to have a real conversation, let us know what the Democratic Party accomplished back in their alleged glory days that you are so proud of.
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Re: Fox News Tried Going After Denmark.

Post by canpakes »

Gadianton wrote:
Tue Jan 21, 2025 3:30 pm
It makes me think you are trolling us.
: )

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Re: Fox News Tried Going After Denmark.

Post by Hound of Heaven »

Gadianton wrote:
Tue Jan 21, 2025 3:30 pm
But if you'd ever like to have a real conversation, let us know what the Democratic Party accomplished back in their alleged glory days that you are so proud of.
The Democratic Party has endured longer than any other political party in the history of the United States, serving as one of the two major parties continuously since the 1820s. The core reason for the enduring nature of the Democrat party is a true representation of its name. The fundamental objective of the Democrat party has consistently been to adopt the political ideas favored by the majority of the American electorate. Every other party that has existed in the United States, including the Republican Party, has consistently put forth a minority point of view.

Supporting the majority point of view has not always been beneficial for human rights. During the time when the American electorate endorsed slavery, the Democratic Party was in favor of it as well. The same applies to segregation and imperialism; Democrats backed both when it aligned with the views of the American electorate.

Progressives of an earlier era briefly dominated the Democratic Party just prior to World War I, a shift influenced in part by divisions within the Republican Party. Subsequently, the party adopted a more populist economic approach following the southern wing's ascendance to power. The northern democrats acquired considerable influence during the Great Depression, largely due to the republican party's shortcomings in addressing the crisis. This shift enabled Roosevelt to move beyond the New Deal coalition, which attracted a diverse array of minorities to the party and solidified the political platform of the northern democrats as a central force in mainstream politics.

Increasing friction emerged between the Southern and Northern Democrats.After Roosevelt, the movement reached its height during Kennedy's presidency and continued under LBJ, who advanced the more progressive aspects of Roosevelt's agenda, aiming for greater social and political equality and the eradication of poverty across all segments of society. This initiative faced resistance from Dixiecrats, who opposed the expansion of these equality and poverty alleviation programs to include African Americans.

Nixon ultimately sought the support of Democrats who were frustrated by the party's socially liberal shift and eventually transitioned to the Republican Party. Both parties shifted significantly to the right economically during the Reagan era, which led to the emergence of a new faction within the Democratic Party known as the Third Way Democrats. These individuals hold socially liberal views while maintaining economically moderate positions.

As economic frustration and anti-establishment sentiment started to rise within the Democratic Party, it contributed to the expansion of the party's progressive wing. In the current Democratic Party, the progressive wing has succeeded in distancing itself from the moderate and conservative factions. Their actions have significantly tarnished the party's image, leading many independents to gravitate towards the Republican Party. The impact of what the progressives have accomplished on our image will require decades to mend.

For nearly two centuries, we as a prominent political party have not experienced an identity crisis quite like the one we are facing now. Throughout the years, the progressive, moderate, and conservative factions of the party have encountered their differences. However, it is only in the last 15 years that a faction has steered the party towards such a radical direction that even rational individuals struggle to define what a woman is. In an era where technology provides us with instant access to information at any moment, progressives seem to have ventured so deeply into a complex discussion on gender that they may struggle to restore the trust of the American electorate.

Progressives find themselves in uncharted territory. They have not reached this level of extremity previously. They have not provided themselves with an escape or a means to reassess their situation. Regardless of their actions, they will perpetually represent the faction that struggles to articulate the definition of a woman, despite the clear scientific understanding of what constitutes a woman. This is the reason for my frustration with the progressives.

I possess a deeper understanding of my political party than you could ever imagine. When you inquire about my beliefs or ask when I think the heyday was, I find it quite amusing. The situation is more intricate than your inquiry suggests. The party has undergone numerous transformations over the course of hundreds of years. I feel no obligation to clarify my position to board members such as you, Canpakes, or Gunnar, as I doubt your true interest lies in comprehending the reasons behind our election loss. I'm uncertain about your perspective, you appear to recognize that the Democrats are at fault for the loss, yet Canpakes and Gunnar continue to believe that Trump and his multitude of falsehoods are the cause of our electoral defeat. That is absolute nonsense! The reason we lost the election is that the progressives became overly confident, believing they could function beyond the bounds of common sense. They essentially attempted to create a belief system from a political movement, believing they could challenge reality. There is no doubt that Trump became president due to his perception as being more rational than the progressive movement.
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Re: Fox News Tried Going After Denmark.

Post by canpakes »

Hound of Heaven wrote:
Tue Jan 21, 2025 4:47 pm
…it is only in the last 15 years that a faction has steered the party towards such a radical direction that even rational individuals struggle to define what a woman is.
You may be struggling to find where this is debated within the Democratic Party platform.
I possess a deeper understanding of my political party than you could ever imagine.
I imagine that you’re having a difficult time telling anyone what’s in the Democratic Party platform.
Canpakes and Gunnar continue to believe that Trump and his multitude of falsehoods are the cause of our electoral defeat.
Nah, it was ‘the groceries’. That’s what Trump actually said. He started using the word, after all. ; )

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Re: Fox News Tried Going After Denmark.

Post by Gunnar »

Hound of Heaven wrote:
Tue Jan 21, 2025 4:47 pm

. . . yet Canpakes and Gunnar continue to believe that Trump and his multitude of falsehoods are the cause of our electoral defeat. That is absolute nonsense!
Do you deny that fact that Trump has overwhelmed and continues to overwhelm us with a multitude of blatant falsehoods or that a depressingly large portion of Americans voted for him because they bought into his falsehoods? That is probably not be the only reason Democrats lost the election, but it would be naïve to deny that was a significant factor contributing to the loss.
The reason we lost the election is that the progressives became overly confident, believing they could function beyond the bounds of common sense. They essentially attempted to create a belief system from a political movement, believing they could challenge reality. There is no doubt that Trump became president due to his perception as being more rational than the progressive movement.
I don't believe they lost because they became overly confident. I think it more likely that they, under pressure from wealthy, elite and conservative corporate interests and potential donors, lost some of their confidence in and timidly backed off from some of their more progressive policies which a significant majority of Americans favored (according to respected polls). And what do you mean by "common sense?" Are you aware of how often so called "common sense" has proved to be contrary to scientific reality? I don't think you know as much about reality as you think you do, particularly about biological sex and gender.

The way we think about biological sex is wrong | Emily Quinn
Did you know that almost 150 million people worldwide are born intersex -- with biology that doesn't fit the standard definition of male or female? (That's as many as the population of Russia.) At age 10, Emily Quinn found out she was intersex, and in this wise, funny talk, she shares eye-opening lessons from a life spent navigating society's thoughtless expectations, doctors who demanded she get unnecessary surgery -- and advocating for herself and the incredible variety that humans come in. (Contains mature content)
Please view this video. Emily Quinn is one of more than 150 million people who simply cannot be fit into the rigid categories of exclusively either male or female that scientifically underinformed conservatives like Trump and many Republicans (especially MAGA types) insist on forcing everyone into. Kentanji Brown Jackson proved to be the more scientifically literate one, not the ignorant hard right conservatives who ridiculed her!

ETA: You still haven't discussed or pointed out what you found good or bad about the 2024 Democrat platform. And I predict that you won't take an honest look at Emily Quinn's TED presentation either.
Last edited by Gunnar on Wed Jan 22, 2025 12:45 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Fox News Tried Going After Denmark.

Post by Gadianton »

Hound wrote:I possess a deeper understanding of my political party than you could ever imagine.
Based on your latest essay, I don't doubt that at all.
Hound wrote:I feel no obligation to clarify my position to board members such as you, Canpakes, or Gunnar, as I doubt your true interest lies in comprehending the reasons behind our election loss.
I am interested in the reasons behind the Democrats election loss, but I'm also interested in what you hope the Democratic party to achieve, aside from votes. If you have no interest in clarifying your position on what the loftier aims of the party should be, I guess that's you're choice.
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Re: Fox News Tried Going After Denmark.

Post by canpakes »

Hound, I have some bad news for you. Turns out that the new Trump Administration appears to be unable to define what a woman is, too, and has decided to advertise this embarrassing fail to all the citizens of the Nation. Maybe you’re better off voting for Democrats if you’re worried about this sort of thing.

From yesterday’s proclamation, at - ... overnment/


All embryos begin - ‘at conception’ - by developing female sex organs, with male sex organs only replacing them at around 6 weeks of gestation.

On the positive side of things ... Congratulations! You’re a woman! Welcome to the club! ... It’s a big one, and every American is in it. : D
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Re: Fox News Tried Going After Denmark.

Post by Dr. Shades »

Gadianton wrote:
Tue Jan 21, 2025 3:30 pm
Trolling is permitted on this board, just look at Shades, . . .
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Re: Fox News Tried Going After Denmark.

Post by Gunnar »

canpakes wrote:
Wed Jan 22, 2025 4:32 am
Hound, I have some bad news for you. Turns out that the new Trump Administration appears to be unable to define what a woman is, too, and has decided to advertise this embarrassing fail to all the citizens of the Nation. Maybe you’re better off voting for Democrats if you’re worried about this sort of thing.

From yesterday’s proclamation, at - ... overnment/


All embryos begin - ‘at conception’ - by developing female sex organs, with male sex organs only replacing them at around 6 weeks of gestation.

On the positive side of things ... Congratulations! You’re a woman! Welcome to the club! ... It’s a big one, and every American is in it. : D
So, Trump and his administration apparently iare unaware of or refuse to acknowledge the existence of intersex individuals, or hermaphrodites, who simply don't fit neatly into either the male or female categories. There are 150 millions of them in the world. How can one rationally mandate by law which sex they must be assigned to? In addition, there are also rare XX males and XY females who from birth and throughout their lives appear and function as the opposite sex that their sex chromosomes would normally cause them to be. Suppose that one of these XY females were discovered later in her life, to her surprise, to be one of these rare XY females. Could that individual be unjustly accused of being a transgender male who has undergone sex reassignment surgery, and forbidden to participate athletic competition as a female?

With these known variations and anomalies, should it really be surprising or immoral that some people feel like their sexual self-identity doesn't match the outward appearance of their body and feel a desperate need to change?

Trump has once again demonstrated his willful scientific ignorance and unwillingness to learn. He obviously didn't consult with competent medically and biologically knowledgeable individuals before signing that proclamation.
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Re: Fox News Tried Going After Denmark.

Post by canpakes »

Gunnar wrote:
Wed Jan 22, 2025 11:43 am
So, Trump and his administration apparently are unaware of or refuse to acknowledge the existence of intersex individuals, or hermaphrodites, who simply don't fit neatly into either the male or female categories. There are 150 millions of them in the world. How can one rationally mandate by law which sex they must be assigned to? In addition, there are also rare XX males and XY females who from birth and throughout their lives appear and function as the opposite sex that their sex chromosomes would normally cause them to be. Suppose that one of these XY females were discovered later in her life, to her surprise, to be one of these rare XY females. Could that individual be unjustly accused of being a transgender male who has undergone sex reassignment surgery, and forbidden to participate athletic competition as a female?
I’m sorry, Gunnar, but we must ignore science and biological facts in order to avoid hurting MAGA’s feelings.

And now, it’s the law.
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