Anyone know of some good movies?

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_Dr. Shades
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Anyone know of some good movies?

Post by _Dr. Shades »

Recently my wife & I bought a portable DVD player. This means I can watch DVDs upstairs in my room anytime instead of having to wait my turn on the DVD player downstairs. Woo-hoo!

Unfortunately, I seem to have rented pretty much everything from my local Hollywood Video. At least, everything that looked interesting.

Of course, there MUST be some pretty cool movies out there that are better than they look. Hidden gems that I've passed up time and again. Perhaps even some classic or B&with movies that are actually good.

So, does anyone know of any good movies I could watch? Any recommendations for the rest of us that we might have missed or that didn't get the publicity they deserved?

For my part, I believe in giving as well as receiving, so I'll start off by giving you all my own suggestions for hidden gems you might've passed up:
  • The Big Lebowski. MAN that show is underrated! It's one of the quirkiest, most original, and downright funny comedies you'll ever see. Remember The Dude's avatar on this board? Well, that's the main character from this movie and a truly unforgettable protagonist in every way.
  • Any movie directed by Yang Zhimou, especially the older ones. My wife & I love Chinese movies since they're so unpredictable: The good guys win only 50% of the time.
So, any recommendations?
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--Louis Midgley
_Polygamy Porter
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Post by _Polygamy Porter »

Something different..

Concert videos?

If you like Metallica, you will love Cunning Stunts. Available at Hollywood Video.
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Post by _gramps »

Scorsese's documentary on dylan is quite good. Highly recommended.

As well as the documentary on the making of Apocalypse Now. Coppola, I believe. Of course, the movie, itself, is an all-time classic. I love that movie.

I'll think up some more I'm sure.
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Adrian Beverland
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Post by _gramps »

If you liked The big Lebowski, then all the other Coen Bros.' films might be to your liking. Try Barton Fink. Of course, FARGO, but you've probably already seen that one.

How about Jim Jarmusch films: Stranger Than Paradise and Down By Law are two of my favorites.

Have you seen Lost in Translation?
I detest my loose style and my libertine sentiments. I thank God, who has removed from my eyes the veil...
Adrian Beverland
_Ray A

Post by _Ray A »

I don't watch many movies, but that last one I saw was pretty good: The Hills Have Eyes. About desert people affected by radiation who grow up deformed and savage. A family who had an accident in the desert on a lonely road encounter them. It starts slowly and seems to drag on a bit, but the last half will have you pretty tense. Don't know if you've already seen it.
_Mister Scratch
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Post by _Mister Scratch »

I would be able to offer more suggestions if you gave me some more clues as to your tastes, but here are some of my fave classic films:

1. Chinatown
2. Vertigo
3. Taxi Driver
4. Sunset Boulevard
5. Casablanca

I suppose that's a good start. Do you like film noir? I am a huge fan of that genre, so let me know if you want more titles. (Chinatown is usually considered a "neo noir," or a faithful resuscitation of this classic American genre.)
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Post by _richardMdBorn »

Laura is a good movie. There are several film noire collections which are worth buying.
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Post by _silentkid »

I just watched this French film called Cache the other night. Unpredictable and interesting. If you like bizarre films, try anything by David Lynch...Mulholland Drive, Wild at Heart, Lost Highway, etc. (these are hard R's). For something lighter, but still quirky, check out any Wes Anderson film...Rushmore, The Royal Tannenbaums, Life Aquatic, Bottle Rocket. Other films I've enjoyed include Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, Adaptation, and The Squid and the Whale.
_Who Knows
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Post by _Who Knows »

silentkid wrote:I just watched this French film called Cache the other night. Unpredictable and interesting. If you like bizarre films, try anything by David Lynch...Mulholland Drive, Wild at Heart, Lost Highway, etc. (these are hard R's). For something lighter, but still quirky, check out any Wes Anderson film...Rushmore, The Royal Tannenbaums, Life Aquatic, Bottle Rocket. Other films I've enjoyed include Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, Adaptation, and The Squid and the Whale.

V for Vendetta. ;)
WK: "Joseph Smith asserted that the Book of Mormon peoples were the original inhabitants of the americas"
Will Schryver: "No, he didn’t." 3/19/08
Still waiting for Will to back this up...

Post by _Yoda »

I just saw the new "Miami Vice" movie.

It's really good! I was surprised since I had heard that it wasn't that great.

"Sabrina" is a great chick flick if you want to get your wife "in the mood". The new version with Julia Ormand and Harrison Ford is awesome!

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